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My Hair Lady–The Bald and the Beautiful!

Hi Everybody! This is a very  difficult subject for me to post about. Today’s post is about an issue that affects not only  older women, but I really think it can have an effect on women of all age groups. The topic is “Female Hair Loss”. I want to share my personal story and how I’m handling it.

 When I was a young girl, my mother took me to the “beauty parlor” to get my hair “thinned out” on a regular basis because my hair was incredibly thick and unmanageable. I was the girl whose hair broke combs—it was that thick. My mother couldn’t even get a normal sized barrette into my hair. She would tell me that she could turn me upside down and mop the floor with my hair.  I put the “big” in hair!

Shortly after the birth of my oldest son, one of my girlfriends brought to my attention a little bald spot on the back of my head. I didn’t really think much of that little nickle-sized  spot at the time because there were other fish to fry—like being a new mom and enjoying my time with my baby. However, that spot did cross my mind from time to time, and every now and then I would check to see if that became larger. My hair grew to a longer length..and with the birth of two more kids, I let my hair go back to it’s natural state. i.e. curly. My curls were wild—and my full head of hair would disguise any hair loss that was thrown my way. I did notice that with the birth of each child, I lost more hair, but that was to be expected. Am I right??

Years passed but I still had a decent head of hair. Menopause hit and suddenly I realized it wasn’t taking me 2 hours to blow dry my hair. Then I remembered that little “bald spot”. I grabbed a mirror and took a look at the back of my head. “Holy S*it”!! Not only did that little spot grow—but why didn’t anyone let me know about it????? I started searching the internet (ummmm…about 10 years ago not much information could be found) on women’s hair loss.

I made an appointment with a dermatologist. Her advice was to not worry about it, it happens during menopause. She told me that her hair was thinning as well. Seriously–this is what I paid to hear??? Next I went to my gynecologist and had bloodwork done. My hormone levels were definitely screwy—I knew that —but what about the hair?????????? He gave me one of those looks that basically said “look, you’re not sick so deal with it—ok?” I then became convinced that there was some sort of issue with my thyroid. Three different doctors and three different blood tests later—my thyroid levels were normal. Frustration AND obsession set it. My only solutions were to A. wear my hair up and B. Keep it in a short bob so I could do a decent comb back and hide whatever loss I had.

It was on a flight that I found a solution to my hair loss problem. I saw an ad for “Toppik” in one of those “in flight” magazines. The ad looked promising so I ripped the page out and put it in my purse. I found Toppik at Sally Beauty Supply. As soon as I arrived home, I ran into the bathroom, read the directions, and sprinkled these little fibers on my “spot”.   I immediately knelt down and thanked God and the Saints for this miracle. My spot was completely covered and my confidence was renewed. Yup! Confidence.   The Toppik did a great job for about three years….until the spot actually turned into head baldness. My loss was no longer a “spot”. See that picture?  That’s the back of my head–in all it’s bald glory and I actually put it out there for all to see!  I purchased many products that promised to grow hair. You know what? NONE of them worked. None!!! Once that hair follicle is gone. It’s gone. Now I’m no pro—and I can only give you my personal experiences, I realize that many people have luck with Rogaine and Monoxodil, but I didn’t. I went back to the internet. I found two more products. “Miracle Hair“, another hair building fiber product, and “DermMatch“, a product in “cake” form that is applied with a dampened sponge tipped applicator. I purchased both and had great results.

After I wash my hair, I apply the derm match to my bald scalp, as you can see from the pictures of before the Derm Match application and after the DermMatch application.

Hair rolled up and waiting to dry. OK. So after the hair is dried, I check to see if I missed any spots on my scalp and fill them in with a  an additional bit of Derm Match. Next step is to take the “Hair Miracle” fibers and sprinkle them over the back of my scalp after my hair has been combed.  *NOTE–my apologies for a bad pic but I couldn’t hold the camera to the back of my head while sprinkling. This was the best I could do*  Back view after “Hair Miracle” sprinkled is much better!

I like the Hair Miracle fibers on the back of my head because the fibers are thicker —which is good for filling in a larger spot. Next, I get my thrusty Toppik and sprinkle the Toppik fibers on the top of my scalp where the hair is thinning. 

“Fill-In” Application

I also use a little compact product called “Fill-In”. This comes with an orange brush and is great for covering any gray roots in between coloring your hair.   Last step. I spray my hair with a bit of hair spray—any brand will do. I know this seems like an awful lot of work—but trust me, it really isn’t.  Listen to me—my hair is super dry and coarse and porous, so I only wash it once a week. My hair “cocktail” of these products lasts all week!!!! After a couple of days, I may have to touch up a bit, but it’s just a sprinkle. Even Adam, the guy who does my hair, is impressed with my products! I can leave my house on a rainy day—or a windy day and not worry about my hair loss being on display. I cannot tell you how it works while swimming though because I’m one of those women who swim with my head above water—I don’t get the hair wet—never have and never will!  The pic below is me after using the products. Not too shabby-I mean, it isn’t perfect, but it works!  Do you like the roller set?

I’m no pro–but I believe for an average, middle-aged woman, my hair products work well to disguise my loss!..Right????

My girlfriend, Angela Ambrose, is a cosmetologist and hair stylist who’s been in the business for 40 years. Isn’t she gorgeous? Look at her hair—any Atypical60  reader should be jealz—I know I am!  Anyway, Angela has given us some tips on how to get a healthier, more luxe head of hair. 1. Eat carrots and nuts–especially walnuts, these are essentials for healthier hair–also eat eggs for protein! 2. Use Coconut oil as a conditioner. Leave it on for a while, then rinse. 3. Use sage oil for hair growth.  Angela is also a proponent of Biotin and B complex.  I’ll tell ya, I’m going to start taking Angela’s  “sage” advice (Yes. Another pun intended) for my hair!  She’s the best “tressed” grandmother I’ve ever seen in my life!!

Oh, before I forget– I want to tell you where I purchase the  products for hair loss coverage and the prices:

Well, my dear friends that if you suffer any sort of hair loss, that I was able to help in some small way.  You ain’t alone.  This is a subject that hits home for many, but isn’t often brought up.  Atypical60 wants to address issues like this.

Smile and have a happy rest of the day! XOXOXO!

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