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Disorganized Crime. Part Two

Thursday, January 07, 2016. Friday, January 8, 2016. (I procrastinated)

I finally wrote and posted Disorganized Crime. Part One yesterday morning! Now for Disorganized Crime–Part Two:

We left off with my timeline at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, January 5.  My intentions were to go to Wegmans to exchange the Phyllo sheets for Puff Pastry.  I swear to god, I had every intention of getting into that car to make the exchange.

But I had to feed Chippy. He likes his meal at precisely 4:30 PM. Every day. What choice did I have?  I was so hungry because Chippy’s kibble looked rather appetizing so I made another cup of tea.  I didn’t write.

It’s hard to resist this face. But I can use Chippy as an excuse for failing to write!

Some time after dinner, I heard Bonaparte laughing. He was watching “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. I hopped into bed and watched with him then fell asleep.

Just one of the many hysterical scenes from “Curb”!

Yesterday, Wednesday, January 6th, I woke up chipper and ready to start writing a draft of my post.

Then I realized I had some errands to run.  I had to run to Barnes & Noble to renew our membership before it expired!  Besides, Barnes & Noble has a Starbucks stand.  I could get a non-fat chai latte and use my membership for a discount.  Bonaparte would love the fact I’m saving him some money.

With my white roots making me look like Pepe Lepew’s  mother older sister, a stop at Sally Beauty to buy hair color was in order.

Yeah–that white stripe down the middle of the hair that I have left on my head could have me passing for a member of the skunk family!

Got dressed, took my sweet time with my makeup and plopped some fake hair atop my real tresses. I’m becoming extremely lazy at wearing fake hair. Forget the wig cap, I just wear it like a hat—besides, with the cold weather, my head is kept nice and toasty!

See? I plopped my “helper” hair atop my own. However, I did manage to pull out a few strands to blend. See the white?   Damn. I just noticed how shitty my skin looks!  Perhaps I should start a “GoFundMe” account for a face lift!

Lastly, I had to stop at Wegmans. I gave up on the idea of exchanging the phyllo—I could save it to use later on.   I would just buy the puff pastry.  With my new “diet” change of eating habits, I also needed ground turkey and lettuce.  We used up the last of the Jasmine rice and I needed to buy more.

After my errands were run, then I could start writing!

Oh wait.  The Gallette des Rois needs to be baked before I can write. I can’t write while something is in the oven. It ruins my  Mental Feng Shui.  (Basically, I’m a bullshit artist but mental fun shui is a great excuse…) then I would write!

I got in the car and turned on the radio. Carly Simon’s “Anticipation” was playing. I started singing but changed the words:

“Dis-org’nization.  Dis-org’niz-a-a-shun.

Is making me late. Is stifling my wri-i-i-i-i-iting”

I also decided to stop back at the Staples that located near the Barnes & Noble in Paoli—perhaps I would find 7-hole paper there.  Not a chance. In desperation, I ended up purchasing an entire year’s worth of refills for the daily planner. I channeled my inner Tom Gunn and would just have to “make it work”.

This is what I ended up with. Perhaps the daily notes would help me be more organized than plain paper. I’ll make it work!

Went to Sally, picked up my hair dye. And conditioner. And a couple of hair nets for my fake hair. And proceeded to have a twenty-minute conversation about life and the upcoming season of “Mob Wives” with the store’s manager. I love her.  Our conversation about the mob wives was so deep.

It’s so much fun to bond with others who love Mob Wives as much as I do. This season will be epic because Carla AND Love will be back–and they’ve gotten rid of the Philadelphia trash! Aren’t these women the quintessence of pulchritude?

It felt so great to renew the Barnes & Noble membership. I have to tell you—in my lifetime, I’ve allowed gym memberships to expire, library cards to expire, driver’s licenses to expire, way too much food to expire, and a passport to expire.  But I’ve never allowed my Barnes & Noble membership to expire. I’ve had this membership since my kids were young. Barnes & Noble is one of my happy places.  Bonaparte gladly paid for this. He really is a giver.

I’m queen of the literary world when I’m at Barnes & Noble. I could and HAVE spent hours here! It’s such a happy place!

Another task checked off and I’m feeling a sense of accomplishment.  Onward and upward to Wegmans.

Wegmans is continuing to climb higher and higher in position on my shit list.  They were out of stock on the Jasmine Rice.  There was no ground turkey anywhere to be found.  Tell me. What major grocery chain does NOT have any lettuce?  If you guessed Wegmans, you are correct! Ground beef was a substitution for the turkey and gluten-free spring roll wrappers would have to be a substitute for lettuce.  Wegmans used to be greatness—don’t get me started!

Home again, home again, jiggity jig! And before I start the gallette, I try my hand at making spring rolls.  Visually, it was a complete fail.  But tastefully, they were great!

Proof that decent cooks can fail at presentation. Looks awful but tasted really really good!

Next was making the Gallette des Rois.   I should have doubled up on the filling but I would have been tempted to eat it.

This year I used the Epicurious recipe.  I would NOT use it again because the recipe was too skimpy on the filling.  I am also not adding the link to the recipe because it froze my computer. 

After a quick check at my emails I saw that Sloan Toyota sent me a “reminder” that my car was due for a checkup on January 7th at 8AM.  Was I that dumb to make an appointment so early in the morning?  I called the dealer and rescheduled the appointment for later in the day. My stinking car has better “medical” coverage than I do! If I gain any more weight, I’ll be the size of an SUV. Hmmm. Maybe I can go to the car dealer for a checkup on my body!!

Look at that.  “Service Reception” for cars. I swear my car is better serviced than I am!

Ohhhh. I could organize my daily planner at the car dealer while I’m waiting for the car to be serviced!  I’m a wiz at multi-tasking!

It was almost time to start dinner and I promised myself that I would start to write after dinner.

I did it. I finally started a draft for my disorganized crime.  Photos were uploaded and it was getting late. So I went to bed and getting under all those covers was just so comfy.

I may be disorganized but at the end of the day, being sandwiched in between Bonaparte and Chippy reminds me that life is good, great!

Winding things up:  It is now 8:03 AM.  I am happy to say that my two binders are now organized and I’m feeling so much better and am actually listening to the sound of ideas rattling in my head.  It’s writing time again!


The weather outside is delightfully shitty—which makes me happy to sit at the computer and bang on the keyboard all day. I’m eagerly and gleefully anxious to read others’ blog posts. Yes. It’s gonna be a good day.

But before I go on. I’ll give you a tiny synopsis of how my disorganization went yesterday:

I changed my car’s appointment for 11 AM. Before I got dressed, I published my post and felt tremendously accomplished.

I was able to organize my binders at the auto dealer.  (Then got bored and played “Candy Crush” on my phone)  Sloan Toyota has a remarkable waiting area equipped with never-ending cups of coffee, a large screen TV, and little desks so that you can work on your laptop or whatever else you are working on.

Sloan Toyota has the cutest cubicles for personal space.  Maybe I should visit on a regular basis!

On the way home, I stopped at “Giant” supermarket in search of the ground turkey and rice that Wegmans failed to stock.

..and might I add, the rice and ground turkey were less expensive at Giant than at Wegmans.  I need to revisit Giant more often!

Then, I couldn’t help myself.  I ran into “Family Dollar” store and picked up a few items.

These items are why I love rummaging through dollar stores.  Why spend money on holiday decorations anywhere else?  I tell you, I was so tempted to purchase this bowl. It would be great for sipping that last bit of soup you just cannot get with a spoon. Bonaparte would have had a stroke if he saw me using this though–so I put it back.  And the Turtles.  My boys loved them so much!!

I ended up buying (From leftish to rightish). A stylus for my phone, a blue pouch for my pens and sticky notes to further organize my writing, a can of mandarin oranges as they are great in salads to sweeten the tartness of onions, +325 reader glasses–a BUCK–I no longer have a vision insurance plan so at some point I’ll need these dollar eye glasses. I put them away for future use, the case to place my dollar eye glasses in, MORE sticky notes, a large print crossword puzzle book and new oven mitts.  $9.00 of Bonaparte’s hard-earned money well-spent!

When I arrived home, I completed the process of organizing both binders!  What should have taken a day at most, took three days due to my lollygagging and procrastinating and lack of organization.  But, for now—my “Disorganized Crime” has been arrested imprisoned!

Two binders. Completely organized.  I keep a photo booth pic of me and Oona for happiness. I also labeled the tabs!

Carly Simon’s “Anticipation” has been on my mind all day.  Here it is—what a great song! XOXOXOXOXO!!

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