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My Blog, My New Job And Other Ramblings……

Happy Sunday!

Tomorrow I start my new job. I have lots of emotions running around my little spirit right now.  First, it’s like Divine Intervention that just in the nick of time, before my unemployment runs out, I became re-employed. Secondly, although I’m thrilled to be back in the workforce, it stings a bit to take a large pay cut and have no medical coverage provided.

The flip side of that is I already have coverage through Obamacare AND I will still be receiving a salary that is better than the funds I was receiving from unemployment.

Thanks to Obamacare, I AM covered for healthcare.

It’ll be great  to have a paycheck again!

  In addition, I’m so happy to finally, finally be working with a small group of people that are a true team and work together like a family!

It’s been a long time since  I felt that true “team” vibe. My last job was not a team environment at all. It was locked office doors, avoidance and confusion.  The small group of people I keep in touch with were the saving grace from that job–my finance peeps and some of the nurses. And they have been extremely supportive and I consider them friends for life!

I’m looking forward to being a part of a team again. It’s been a long time coming!

Tomorrow will be fun and exciting and will be a brand new journey that I am pretty sure I will enjoy to the fullest–it’s sometimes not all about the Benjamin’s.

Sometimes its not all about the money!

It’s about the contributions I can make as part of a team and having  fun!!!!!! So–I’m happy!

I also want to thank the group of people who enjoy my blog.   You’ve kept me sane for the time I was without a job.  You’ve enjoyed my rants, and my musings and my silly stories and less-than-stellar beauty advice!  Being without a job made me feel that I’ve lost my purpose in life. Seriously. As an empty nester, it’s bad enough when the kids leave home–then to be without a job–well, it destroys the self-esteem, the ego and at times, your hope.

Thanks everyone. You have no idea how much you’ve helped my sanity during these trying times!

My kids and Bonaparte are my circle of life–and in that circle I’ve welcomed followers and readers of this blog.  You make me happy!

You make me happy and I want to do the same and make you happy and keep you entertained, smiling and laughing with and at me!

And because you make me happy, I hope to continue to make you happy in the future!

So–today, I’m taking it easy. I just finished ironing a ton of clothes. What better way to relax before starting a new job than to iron out the wrinkles and smooth shirts, dresses, and pants?? Beats me!

I am going to take my new books of stories, food and recipes out to the deck and study and read them voraciously.   Oh..I didn’t tell you!!!  Early Friday evening the doorbell rang. The UPS  man left a heavy box outside our front door.  It was a nice gift from my chef buddy John Folse!  He sent me a copy of “The Encyclopedia of Cajun & Creole Cuisine”  and a copy of  his book “Hooks, Lies and Alibis”.

Filled with history, stories and great recipes. This book is amazing and I’ll be referencing it for years!

Another wonderful book chock-full of more great stories and history. In addition, this has great game and seafood recipes. I’m so excited! I’m also thankful to Chef John Folse!

My love for Louisiana cooking goes back years-and the French influence is great because I know Bonaparte will love the recipes in both books.  I’m taking the encyclopedia with me to France because I’ll be doing some cooking and I would love to introduce Bonaparte’s family to some great regional American cooking done with a French touches–among others. Creole/Cajun cuisines are true melting pots of delights!   Thanks to John Folse for his generosity once again!

Yesterday  I had a pleasant surprise.  Bonaparte was out seeing clients so I decided to go to the movies.  Oona was visiting a friend and couldn’t make it down for a visit so I went to see Pitch Perfect 2 by myself! Trust me, this was NOT a movie for Bonaparte!

I actually enjoyed PP2 better than the original!

Anyway, I saw a little sign at the box office. Senior discount was 60 years and older. My first -ever “Senior Discount”!  I felt like a high school student with senior priveliges! I saved $3.75!!!!

My first-ever Senior discount ticket. And yes. I saved it!

Pitch Perfect 2 did not disappoint. It was a fun movie and Fat Amy still remains one of my favorite characters! Rebel Wilson is great! And Katie Segal, aka Peg Bundy has a small role.  I’m not gonna spoil. Just go see it! I came out of the movie and into my car singing. In fact, I think Bonaparte was becoming annoyed with me because during dinner I kept speaking to him in acapella singing!

Hmmmm….perhaps I can find a Senior Acapella group that needs me! Bonaparte said I would be the loudest!

Wrinkles and lines have been earned–I’ve achieved Senior status!

So today, I leave you with some acapella from the original Pitch Perfect because I don’t want to have any spoilers from the second movie! XOXOXOXOXOXO!

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