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The Dreaded Summer Cold–I Ain’t Feelin’ So Hot!

I know. I know.  On this Monday, I really AM a hot mess!

I have the dreaded “Summer Cold”! A fever came to visit as well.


Doctor Bonaparte woke me up with Tylenol this morning. He said I was burning up–and not in the GOOD way!


To tell you the truth, I’m not even thirsty enough to drink a lot of this. Thank goodness I have the smaller bottles!

Fluffy pillows. A comfortable bed.

Yes. Fluffy pillows are a must. But THE most important pillow is the one covered with satin! The hair still needs to look good! The satin pillow keeps my do looking good!

The remote control to the TV are my much-needed supplies today.

The remote is essential–even though I’ll probably hit the wrong buttons and starting cursing at the TV.  Even through a miserable cold, I can still curse with the best of ’em!

Actually. My eyes are so watery and closed so tightly that I don’t think I’ll be using the remote. I think after I write this, I’ll be entering into an on-again, off-again daytime slumber.

I cannot even THINK of putting even the most minimal of eye makeup on today!

One side of my nose feels as though I have a bag of cotton stuffed to high into my nostril that I can feel it in my brain. The other side of my nose is running like a tap.

Ugh. Don’t you HATE having that half-stuffed, half-runny nose? It’s so annoying!!!!

The tissue supply is going quickly.

Don’t be disgusted. This is just a clean tissue all crumbled up.  Poor Bonaparte will be picking up my trail of used tissues the rest of the day–and he will be saying words in French that I will not understand. I know they will not be words of love!

It sucks because the Summer cold is just so much worse than the Winter Cold.

The Winter Cold seems to welcome the many comfy blankets and soft-as-a-cloud comforter. You know that no matter how low the outside temperature drops you will still be snuggled and toasty in your womb of a bed.

The Summer Cold knows no comfort. You are warm. The outside temperature is warmer.

You fight the blankets and sheets because your body is indecisive in the quest for a comfortable body temperature.

There is no biting cold to slaughter those germs. Um. Yes. I am one of those people who grew up with her mother saying that the cold kills any germs. To this day I believe that.

I am a firm believer that the cold kills germs!!!

The heat just festers those little germs and gives them nowhere to go. Those little pesky germies are in a stage of suspended animation.

It pisses me off, too, because I had a long posting going on in my head.

Unfortunately (or—actually maybe fortunately because nobody will have to deal with my ramblings), today, I’ll be condensing my weekend report!

Friday  I was feeling great! So much of the meal for Saturday evening had been prepared so I started the day off with coffee and a movie.

I watched “Marriage Italian Style”—the early 1960’s film starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Subtitles don’t bother me so this Italian language comedy by Carlo Ponti was fun to watch. It was hard to get past Loren’s beautiful eye makeup. OMG—she’s so pretty AND Mastroianni is just so handsome.

Look at her makeup!  It’s sooooo perfect and timeless!

….and that Marcello. Catherine Deneuve was one lucky woman. She had him OFF set!

Loren plays a young prostitute who becomes the mistress of the wealthy bakery owner Mastroianni. He turns her legit by having her work for him.

Mastroianni, ever the momma’s boy, brings Loren home–under false “employment” pretenses. Sort of!

She “tricks” him into marriage. I won’t give anything else away because I do NOT believe in spoilers. But the movie is incredibly funny and kept up well over the ages.

Last Rites–or Matrimony?  SOME may argue they are one and the same!

It isn’t an Italian film without a priest!!

That’s all you’re getting out of me. No spoilers. But–this is one funny and touching film! If you get the chance–give it a look-see!

Roman arrived Friday afternoon and it was great to have him over. The kids like spending suburban weekends with us because it really is their chance to just relax and get away from the hyperactivity of the City.

Saturday was when I started to feel a bit—well, “funny”. We were at the pool and my throat started to feel “scratchy”.

You know that feeling, back where your nasal passages meet your throat and it feels a bit like you swallowed sandpaper? Then you get this funny taste in the back of your mouth?

Then right under your lower lip, it feels sweaty?

I always know I’m about to come down “with something” when I start to feel like this!

Yeah. I felt like that.

Still, dinner was fun and went off with no glitches. Bonaparte’s daughter and her family enjoyed the evening. I had a blast with Bonaparte’s granddaughter and after everyone left, Roman and I started a binge of the Netflix show “Wet Hot American Summer”.   The binge ended as I started to fall asleep.

The kale salad with the peanut dressing was a tremendous success for a summer evening!

Sunday arrived and I felt like garbage. But luckily Roman came here to relax. We continued our binge.

Does anyone look familiar to you?  If you have Netflix–this show, based on the movie will have you in stitches. Better empty your bladder before viewing!

Bonaparte, Roman and I enjoyed a lovely dinner at a local restaurant before dropping him off at the train station for his return back to New York.

We started off with a beautiful Charcuterie platter–in all honesty, I could barely taste this!

Bonaparte had strong suspicions that I wasn’t feeling well when he suggested a nightcap and I refused. Ten minutes later I was sound asleep clutching a supply of tissues for my running nose and didn’t wake up till earlier this morning.

I’m going back to bed now. I feel like hell.

Enjoy the Monday! I’m sooooo sorry that I’m not myself—but it’s that “Blah”. “Meh”. “Ugh” feeling of the dreaded Summer Cold!

XOXOXOXOXOXO–with tissues!

Enjoy today’s song. “Hot Blooded” by Foreigner. I DO have a fever of ..”a hundred and three”!!

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