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My Imperfect Little Guest. World, Meet Parsnip.

Whoever doesn’t believe in Global Warming can come on over to the Philadelphia suburbs or any of the Mid-Atlantic States to see that Fall just isn’t happening.

Granted, we had two days of nice, crisp weather since the official start of Autumn. Two Days! It’s October, the leaves are barely displaying any of the autumnal coloring, and it remains hot, hazy and humid.

The view outside our home office window. This is NOT what October should look like!

Though it poured rain two nights ago, the humid, sticky haze still surrounds us.  Even Bonaparte, who thrives on heat and humidity—he’s a living greenhouse, has had enough.

I want to get down and dirty in the kitchen.  No. Not like Jessica Lange in “The Postman Always Rings Twice”.

Ugh. I’m not talking THIS kind of dirty in the kitchen!

I’m talking about the act of cooking comfort foods, baking bread, making those nice hearty meals that are inviting upon the cooler fall and colder winter months.

Yeah, that’s right. I’m itching to get back and make my souffles, Brioche, biscotti and the Christmas dessert my family craves–my Buche de Noel!

There is nothing like the scent of vegetables roasting in the oven.  Turnips, squash, carrots, onions, beets—seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper and drizzled with olive oil, roasted till their natural sugars caramelize. It’s heavenly.

Roasted veg with cornbread stuffing is just the comfort needed for the colder months–whenever they may arrive.  Thank you Bon Appetit!

But—the ONE vegetable that I love and look forward to cooking more than any other is the Parsnip!

This unpopular, imperfect little vegetable talks to me. Actually, it whispers!  What did you say little parsnip?

Lots of people don’t even know this little not-so-cutie exists. I’m changing that!

I couldn’t find Parsnip at my local greengrocer so I ended up with this bag from Walmart!

My love and admiration knows no bounds for this root vegetable.  Looking like an anemic carrot. Or rather looking like a pale version of a spray tanned carrot, the parsnip is one of my favorite vegetables.

It isn’t too particularly pretty; in fact, it’s kind of bland looking. But the taste is so incredibly aromatic and subtle. When roasted, her aromatic flavor just explodes but in the most gentle way. In addition, if you are looking for a healthy but filling replacement for starchy potatoes, my I tell you about the parsnips nutritional value?

Parsnips are very body friendly! I should eat these for every meal!

As a child, we never ate parsnips.  I’m thinking it’s because they don’t come canned and Bird’s Eye never had frozen ones available.  Honest. Other than spuds and sweet potatoes, every single vegetable that was placed on the dinner table was prepared by either opening a can or ripping open a box of frozen veg and boiling them for an hour or three!

I think Aunt Bessie is the only company to sell frozen parsnips–but I would still rather use fresh!

Anyway, it wasn’t until later on in my adult years that I discovered parsnips.  A Barefoot Contessa recipe for “Roasted Parsnips and Carrots” that ended up changing my life!

Barefoot Contessa Roasted Parsnips and Carrots Recipe

Parsnips and carrots. Yum! Thanks Ina!

Today is not the day for roasting parsnips or carrots or any vegetable.  It’s just too damn hot. Instead, I am going to cook the parsnips I purchased yesterday atop my stove.

I’m going to boil them until tender—and it won’t take an hour.   I’ll show you what I’m gonna do:

Got my ingredients together. Parsnips, ginger, one garlic clove, salt, pepper and a bit of chicken broth to add to the water…

I’ll also add a bit of dried tarragon–it’s nice and slightly minty!

Because I like to keep things clean, I always peel vegetables on paper towels. This way I can gather the towel up and throw it in the trash with no mess….

Oops! That is, until Chippy jumps up on the counter and grabs the paper towel. Welcome back to my clumsy!

I’ll cut the peeled parsnip into chunks. And yes, that’s my lipstick on that little piece. I have no willpower at all!

Parsnips, minced ginger, mashed garlic clove, water, broth, salt, pepper and tarragon all go into the pot and brought to a boil–then a slow simmer.  Honestly, it really isn’t much to look at!

I’ll use my Cuisinart emersion blender to mash the vegetables.  I’ll also add a bit of the water I boiled them in.  No butter. No cream.  Just flavor!

And that is what I’ll have for dinner this evening. We’ll have leftover roast chicken (Which, BTW, Bonaparte picked up yesterday. You think I’m gonna roast a chicken in this heat?  Even with air conditioning, it’ll be stifling!) And mashed parsnips.  Bonaparte will also have spicy couscous that I make for him.  A nice, simple mid-week dinner.

A simple and healthy dinner of mashed parsnips with a ton of pepper (I’m addicted), and left over, take-away chicken.  Easy peasy!

Oh.  In my attempt to keep cool yesterday, I spent time in a heavily air-conditioned Marshall’s.  I found this dress for a grand total of $7.00. The cashier was upset she didn’t find it first. Anyway, it’s a simple navy crepe dress. I am going to get so much use out of this.  I’m sure when Bonaparte sees this post, he won’t be upset with my spending seven bucks!

My $7.00 dress–and this will get a ton of wear because of the simple cut. It’ll go with everything!

I used a filter for this photo, but look at the detailing. The dress has darts! I love that!

It’s only appropriate that today I have you listen to Frank Zappa’s “Call Any Vegetable”. Parsnips made the video! XOXOXOXO!

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