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Rhythm And Sounds Good To Me!

Rain. Rain.  More rain.  After the frustration of having my hair colored and blown out yesterday, which was an incredibly monsoonesque day, Bonaparte insisted we go food shopping…together!

There was no way I was going to ruin this color and blow out that Bonaparte paid for!  Hooded jacket and an umbrella for extra protection we ventured out.

My apologies for no makeup but this is how I woke up. I am NOT ruining this blow out –not even today. It is STILL raining!

But you know how one thing leads to another….

While in the car, I was mesmerized.  Almost hypnotized by the rhythmic sound of the wipers flushing the rain away from the car’s windshield.  I love that sound. It gives me a certain comfort and brings me back to those days of being able to ride in the front passenger seat with my dad.  Rainy days have that effect on me.

Thank God I wasn’t driving. I would have fallen asleep from the soothing sounds of the windshield wipers swishing the rain away! I’m not kidding. That sound puts me to sleep. Note to anyone reading this. Stay off the road when I’m driving in the rain!

Then I started thinking about the other sounds that I love. For instance,

I love the sound of plastic jewelry clicking against each other.

Huffington Post has this great pics of Apfel and her clickety-clackity costume jewelry.   I wouldn’t wear these myself, but I love the way they look on her and I love the sound!!

Did you see the documentary about Iris Apfel, the cool  94-year old fashion stylist?   It’s on Netflix—and entitled “Iris”. I kept repeating the very beginning of the movie because I could not get enough of the sound of her jewelry clicking together!

At the very beginning of the trailer, you can hear a mega-second of clacking jewelry!

I am extremely comforted by the sounds of the sirens when I’m in France—they have a better rhythm and cadence than the sound of the sirens here in the States:

My friend Becky and I always replicate this sound whenever we talk about Paris! People stop and stare at us–and not in a good way!

Yes. I love the sound of the little sirens from these cars!

Oh…and I’m one of those people who are incredibly fond of the sound of cracking and popping gum.

Oops! I AM that person who chews gum like a cow. Just ask Oona–she HATES being near me when I chew gum!

Weird—but so very true. I’m so jealous of the women who can crack gum. Lord knows I’ve tried, but I’m an epic fail at it. I’m lucky I can blow and pop bubbles with my Bazooka!

Best. Gum. Ever!

The sound of the rhythm of the water gently hitting the shore is another sound I find incredibly calming.

L’Aiguille beach in Theoule. When it’s early morning and nobody has arrived yet, the only sound you can hear are the sounds of the tiny little waves hitting the shore and the rocking of the boats. It’s a great  rhythmic sound!

The sounds of long fingernails against a keyboard are also nice to me. I think that’s because growing up, one of my BFF’s, Pam, played piano. And she had long nails and the sound they made against the piano keys was very pleasant to me.

Well, it may not be a piano, but the sound of fingernails against ANY key board is pleasant!

I miss the rhythmic sounds of Oona’s hard shoes hitting the floor whenever she did a heavy jig, hornpipe or one of her sets.

I still have Oona’s hard shoes–and looking at the shape of these worn-in hard shoes are an indication of  how much she used these!

I could listen to her perfect timing all day—and sometimes I did when we were at competitions!

I don’t have any videos of Oona, but here’s a really, really old (you can tell by the dress) video of Riverdance’s Bernadette Flynn with Tony Lunden doing a treble reel. I cannot get enough of that heavy shoe sound. You can close your eyes and still hear the rhythm!

I could go on and on about sounds and rhythm—but I’ll spare you.

That’s maybe why I like cooking so much.  The sounds of food cooking is such a sensual thing.  Last night I threw together what I deemed an Alsatian dish for Bonaparte.  Raining. Damp.  He wanted something comforting. So I took red onions, peeled and caramelized them.  I love the sound of the onions hitting the heat.

I love the sound of the onions hitting that heat!

Then I cooked up a few slices of bacon. The sound of bacon sizzling is music to my ears—and that smokey scent is just wonderful.

Can you just hear that sizzle? Oh..and I used the bacon grease to cook up the rest of the mix! Bacon grease rules!

I peeled and cut apples to add to the mix. And I love the sound of crunchy apples!

Cutting into the apples produces that great first crunch! 

Listened to the symphony they played as they blended together.

Added sauerkraut and some store bought kielbasa.  Bonaparte was happy!  Plenty left over for him to enjoy during the week.

It isn’t the prettiest dish, but the flavors of the sausage, the tartness of the sauerkraut and the sweetness of the apples and caramelized onions, along with the smokey bacon gives off a great and flavorful meal!

Sounds good to me!  How about you?

Since I’m talking sounds and rhythm.  Here are some great, great rhythmic sounds. Stomp Out Loud!!!!

I’m going to make a feeble attempt to classify some travel pics today. While it’s raining, I can be productive!  Enjoy the weekend!


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