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Just Because I Disagree With You Doesn’t Mean I’m a “Hater”! Use a Different Word for Crissakes!

We need to have a little lesson today about vocabulary.   Vocabulary is a body of words that we use.

Yes. I am afraid we need to take MANY steps back to learn and to use and to appreciate basic vocabulary!

As a young student “Vocabulary” was a little branch of the subject of “English”.  We would receive weekly lists of vocabulary words to memorize.  We would also have to put these words into sentences.  To this day, my all-time favorite word is “sanguine”.


I don’t know why–but “sanguine” remains one of my favorite words of all time.

 Usage in a sentence:  She looked down at the  wet, sanguine stream flowing down from her neck after the sanguine child vampire bit her and thought, in her most sanguine way, that she wouldn’t have to worry about aging anymore!

Note the sanguine tie and ribbon on the vampire cape I made for my little sanguine vampire. Check out that sanguine expression on Roman’s face!

Another favorite vocabulary word  was “pithy”.

“Pithy”–not pity, is another fun word!

This word presently brings to mind an incredibly vulgar and unprofessional woman with whom I worked with in healthcare.  She was a bully and highly impressed with herself.  Trust me, there was a large amount of her body to be impressed with.  With her overly bleached locks, poorly applied cosmetics and ample size making way throughout the office, she resembled Miss Piggy.   THAT assessment is a “pithy” one.

My apologies to you Miss Piggy, but an ex-coworker truly DOES resemble you. Don’t worry, YOU are the good-looking version Piggy!

Words can be used in a most creative way—as long as they are the proper words to use.

Lately, I’m extremely confused about modern-day vocabulary.  There is one word in particular that is driving me up the wall. That word is “Hater”!

Not only is it a ridiculous word, but it is misused and it is overused in the wrong ways.

Here’s an example—I love Bernie Sanders. Honestly, Bernie and Hil—I adore them both.  However, I don’t agree with Sanders on gun control. His views aren’t strict enough. Because I simply did not agree with this view, I was called a “hater” by someone.

Are you fucking kidding me? (And yes, curse words can be wonderful expressions—they are a part of my vocabulary and are used very well).   Disagreeing with someone does NOT a hater make.

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Bernie. I love you. I want either you or Ms. Clinton to be our next President of these United States. However, I don’t think your views on gun control are strong enough. That does NOT make me a hater! It makes me a “liker” of you but a “disagreer” of gun laws.

If you have a Facebook account, you will know what I’m talking about.  Lots of newspapers, TV stations, magazines all have FB pages. They publish articles about politics, religion, guns, entertainment—and the comment sections are  always a better  and more entertaining read.  The most popular and overused word is “hater”.

Someone doesn’t like a pair of shoes. They are labeled a “hater”.

Yo. Don’t you be hatin’ on my pointy, toe-cleavage bearing Via Spiga flats.  You a hater???

You don’t like jellybeans.  Oh. You hater, you!

Let it be known.  I despise jellybeans because I don’t like the gummy texture or the flavors–but that doesn’t make me a hater! How could I hate  on a candy that is so colorful?

What’s that?  You would rather have a burger than a hot dog? OMG. You frankhatur!!!

How miserable can one be to actually hate an innocent hot dog? I may dislike them if they aren’t dirty water dogs but I would never hate on a food item!

Did Taylor Swift start this hater trend with that hater song of hers?

My daughter warned me not to bring Tay-tay into this. Oh dammit–is Oona now a mom hater?

Hey. I don’t care for Tater Tots–does that make me a “tater hater”?

Words like hater are lazy vocabulary choices.  Can’t you just use your brain to think for a moment of a different and more creative word?  How about “misanthrope” or “skeptic” or “doubter”.  “Egoist” is a good word. It’s negative but not in such a harsh way. It’s kinder. How about just saying someone is a miserable or angry person instead?

Really. “Hate” is an incredibly serious word.  I hate Hitler, but that doesn’t make me a hater of the human race.  You could say that old Adolf was a true hater, but that is such a basic word to describe him.  He was demented, evil, masochistic, twisted and a truly sick bastard.  Don’t those words give a better visual of the kind of person he was rather than use “hater”?

“Hater” is too subtle of a word for this demented sadistic  and truly evil bastard.  He deserves the strongest words possible to describe his heinous crimes and actions against humanity!

Look at Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. They spew hatred from every bone in their fake Christian bodies.  If you go on one of their fan-based Facebook pages, you will note that anyone who doesn’t agree with the conservative Gothard cult ideology they live by is labeled “hater”.  That alone proves to me that the Duggar fan base is uneducated, dumb as all get-out, pea-brained and lacks any form of intelligence.  Their vocabulary range is limited.

Here’s another group that needs words stronger than “hater” to describe what they are truly like.   Their smiles hide vengeance and hatred against anyone who does not share their ideologies.  I would use uneducated, miserable, dishonest, phoney, exploitative, narrow-minded, and angry morons to describe them. It’s more creative and more fun to come up with different ways to say how disgusting these people are!  And look at their idiot political hog friend!  What a crew!

I despise the Duggars. I truly hate their beliefs and I absolutely hate the way they hide behind my good friend, Hipster Jesus.  My other good friend, Satan, also hates the way the Duggars hide behind Hipster Jesus.   But that doesn’t make Satan and me haters—that’s so common!   I like to think of us a cynics!

Hipster Jesus is so nice he would never hate anyone or anything–but that doesn’t mean he won’t turn you away and send you to that little devil!  And just look at that smile on Satan–how could anyone call him a hater? He LOVES badass souls!  Look at me–stuck in the middle.   Do I have the face of a hater? I think not!

You know, language is a beautiful thing and so is using vocabulary in a creative way just as beautiful. Words are little gifts. They are gifts that we should use wisely.  We need to save the strong words for those emotional and passionate moments.  We need to be concise in using words.  We need to have fun with words.

And if you don’t agree with me then…you….are….a…hater!!!!!!  Fooled ya! You are just contrarian, confrontational, quarrelsome, snippy, volatile, combative, argumentative!

I want to change the verbiage of this to “Keep Calm and Forget The WORD Haters”!

Think. Think of that overused word that you hear all the time. The one that drives you nuts. Let me know about it!  Let’s start thinking about better words to use—it’ll be a fun thing to do!  Word up!

Here’s an old Bee Gee’s song “Words”. It’s really pretty, beautiful, enchanting, melodic and sweet! XOXOXOXO!!!!

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