Site icon Atypical 60

Happy “Blogiversary” To Me!

It’s hard to believe that one year ago “Atypical60” was born!  So, is it really a Blogiversary?  Or is it more of a Blirthday?  You know what? It doesn’t matter.

I offer all readers a piece of this cake. I’m off carbs and sugar for now so I’ll selflessly not partake. I’m a giver!

All I know is this–my blog evolved.  At first, I was going to concentrate solely on a blog geared to women over 50. But I ended up having so much to complain and vent and rant and rage and advise and boast and reflect and –well just say about nothing, anything, and everything (as well as being unemployed) that this blog is now more of a mixed bag.

However, I still continue to write about ageism, and being an old lady and all that other stuff with a sense of humor.

For many years, I thought about blogging, but finally came to fruition with it when I lost my job and needed an outlet to keep me busy.

Over the last year, I’ve made an incredible amount of friends who read my blog. Hipchick, the first follower, is still following–and I’m so grateful and happy!  I’ve met fellow bloggers who share my same thoughts. I’ve met friends on other continents–and it gives me quite a thrill that this little blog has reached across oceans and seas to give others a laugh.

I try to keep the humor no matter what–because humor is what we all need.

My blog isn’t very deep. It really isn’t intellectual.  It is full of errors that I’m too lazy to correct–but that’s part of my personality.  My “fashion” photos basically suck because I take them myself of me and they are a bit fuzzy, but that’s the realness of it. I’m no “professional” fashion blogger.  My travels are written from the POV of a non-jetsetter.  I save and research before going away. (Ok. I lied. Bonaparte does the saving and research. I just research the sales- I know. I know. I am full of shit. Don’t judge!) I write about food-and my fails and successes.

I’m just a 60 year old lady trying to spread the joy and humor of my life with a Frenchman–kind of like a Franco-American version of  “I Love Lucy”–only it’s “I Love Bonaparte”!

Much to the embarrassment of my kids, I also like writing about them too!

Me with Oona, Jake and Roman. Taken at the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn. The weekend that started my blog!

Anyway, I just want to give a big “Thank You” to all my friends who read my blog–regularly and sometimey.  Thank you-you push me to continue….

..and for your entertainment, here’s the blog post that basically started it all. (It’s my second-ever post, the first post was just an introduction). OH..and some of the pictures are not showing up anymore because I mistakenly deleted the photos–hey, the blog was brand new. Ya live. Ya blog. Ya learn!

The Blog Post that Started It. My Weekend In Brooklyn!

What song could be more appropriate than Paul Tripp from “Birthday House” singing to me!

Paul Tripp’s Birthday House!





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