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Dear President Obama. May I Offer A Critique?

NOTE:  I try to keep politics out of my posts. However, after observing many issues, I felt compelled to put my thoughts in a letter to our great President. I have always supported him and continue to do so.  He has had struggles as our POTUS and overall he has done many great things–there are just a few critiques that I have. Read on and you may agree or disagree but I welcome your thoughts because I truly desire a country united of her people!  Thanks and I hope to have given you food for thought! XOXOXOXO!

Our President looks so much more relaxed when he is smiling! 

Dear President Obama,

I am writing this letter to you to give you my honest opinion on the last eight years that you have been the leader of our United States of America.  You will be delighted at some of what I have to say and you may not be delighted at other things I have to say, but what I have to say will give you food for thought.

Since I voted for you twice, I feel that as a citizen of our country, I’m validated in my opinion.

First of all, I realize how difficult it must have been for you to enter into a presidency to clean up the mess that was left to you. That cleanup is still going to take years to finish.  And I applaud you for saving the automobile industry.  You saved many jobs and an important industry in our country.  You also allowed parents to keep adult children up to the age of 26 on their medical insurance.   Doing away with the “pre-existing” medical issues was another great act toward helping all fellow Americans.

In theory, “Obamacare” was great—but the execution missed points.  I don’t blame you. I blame the republican congress and the fact that these people were and continue to sleep with medical insurance companies and the lobbyists who work for them.

I can attest that you definitely created jobs because I’ve been on a ton of job interviews and didn’t get any.  Um—we need to talk. About “Ageism”. Call or email me.

You represented hope on so many levels.

I remember being in Paris just one month after you were sworn in for your first term. The French were incredibly happy that you were elected.  They loved you.  They, too, had hopes that you would bring people together.

So why did you fall short?  I have a theory. I may be wrong, I may be right; I may be in the middle.

You were stymied by the Republicans.  I realize that. But why didn’t you have the balls to fight them more aggressively?   *Sigh* I know it isn’t your nature—you’re a laid back kinda guy—but you are the POTUS!! Man—you are supposed to be a LEADER!  Threats of government walkouts.  Spewing hate.  You needed to rein these bozos in and call them out for what they are—hate filled individuals who care nothing about “we the people”—and you remained silent for the most part.

Your people skills—I have to tell you—they could be a little better.  You made a huge mistake by not participating in the solidarity march in France after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. The Prime Minister of Britain, David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy all joined François Hollande. Damn—even  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined together to show their solidarity. Where were you? The French loved you and rooted for you from afar.  You couldn’t fly over there for a day? Come on. You have your own plane for crissakes!

But here’s the big one.  I delusionally thought and believed that you were finally the link to bring the races together.  I know. Stop laughing.  I’m too delusional and idealistic!

You may be the first President to be a person of color and it’s a wonderful, wonderful thing. You are bi-racial. You represent the best of two races!   You could have brought an end to racial tension. Seriously. I really believe that. I do.

The way things stand now. Black people don’t trust white people. White people don’t trust black people.  We have groups that hate the police and groups that support the police.  We now have separate “Lives Matter” groups.  Let me tell you this.  ALL lives matter. Nobody should be turned away from getting medical help or an education. Respect for everyone. I’m rambling….

Look, I’m not asking you to “embrace” your white side by any means.  All you needed to do was recognize it. Just recognize the grandparents who raised you.  You could have spoken more about your mom.  (Although, it’s just like a son to ignore his mom when he gets older and independent—you are just like all the sons out there—black, white, bi-racial, yellow, polka dotted—don’t get me, a mom, started!)

I feel you did an injustice to bi-racial people by not recognizing your entire roots.  Look. Personal roots are important. It’s what our country is based on. We’re a melting pot.  I’m second generation American. My “roots” are Irish and I identify with the Irish traditions my grandparents brought to this country.  You have it even better because you have a great heritage.  You have your African roots and European roots. How cool is that?

You are the melting pot of Presidents!!! You are every person!

And it’s cool that you identify more with your African roots than your European roots. That isn’t the issue.

The issue remains, for me, that you could have picked up where Dr. King left off.

Maybe it’s because I’m almost 61 years old and I see that life is short. In our lifetime, we need more kindness toward each other.  We need to get along as a people.  All races need to understand and respect each other. We need to learn more about each other.

We cannot hate. We cannot mistrust.  We cannot bully nor can we hurt or murder or make anyone feel like less of a person because of who they are.

My heart and my spirit both hurt right now. I see the hatred and the racial maelstrom that has been created over the past few years.  The situation looks dire.  Wait a second. I have to get a tissue because I started to cry.  (I’m very emotional)

Basically, I wanted to see race relations as one of those delicious Black & White cookies.  The two races on the same dessert dish with each other.  I thought that your two terms would bring visions of black and white people walking on the same side of the street, greeting each other with “Good Mornings” and “Good Afternoons” as they smile. And as they pass by give that hand motion of “I’ll call you”. You know, that motion where you mouth the words and point to yourself then pretend you have your phone to your ear and then point to the other person? I wanted that between races!

I wanted to see beauty products that both African American women and White women can use together! I wanted women of color and women devoid of color to get their hair done at the same salons! No segregation of beauty! (Hey. I am deeply shallow)

I just want a country racially united. Not divided.

You had the power to do this—and you failed.  Why??????

Look at what’s going on now.  Look at the hate spewed by the likes of Trump and Cruz and the rest of the circus.  If any of these men become our next President, we will be a people divided.  And it will be a situation so much worse than it is now.

How did our political system become hate based?  Whatever happened to wanting the best for American people?  What is going to happen to our country?

President Obama. It isn’t too late for you to go out and try to bring the two races together. Time may be of the essence but I still have hope.

You can never run out of hope and I am counting on you to step up to the plate as your one last task. (Well, that and finding someone to fill that empty seat in the Supreme Court).  You have to try to bring everyone together.

You are our last chance.



PS–How does Michelle manage to make the best of J. Crew clothing? Jenna Lyons vision sucks and our First Lady wears J. Crew so much better! Michelle needs to write a style book. She rocks the clothing!

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