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Manic Organization Is Searching My Soul!

Manic Organization is searching my soul
I know what I want
But I just don’t know, honey 
How to go about getting it

Feeling sweet feeling
Drops from my fingers fingers
Manic Organization hasn’t captured my soul. YET!

If you love Jimi Hendrix as much as I do then you will know why I changed the lyrics of his song I need them to match my current mood.

It hit me while at the office this morning. At work, I’m incredibly organized. Organization is 90% of getting the job done.  Organization helps you to perform more efficiently.  Even when working on more than one task at a time, I need to have everything in its place.

This is one area of my desk at work. I keep the phone message book next to the phone, and always have a highlighter and pen close by.  Current work is always to the left…

And work that comes after the current gets placed in a neat pile to the right of me. I keep certified mail receipts on top of those little file boxes and when the return receipt comes back to me, the receipts are matched up and placed in their proper box.

And EVERYTHING has a file.  I can’t print on them either. I NEED and HAVE to make little labels or I can’t function correctly. It is a little OCD! My calculator never leaves that spot unless it is in my hands and my hand sanitizer is close by. So why am I such a slob then?

But home—well, that’s another thing.  I love my home to be neat and tidy.  And I take pride in the fact that Chateau Bonaparte is a comfortable and welcome abode.

Why is it so hard for me to keep organized at home?

But I got a slight, small, mediumsized, big major problem. I cannot keep a closet organized.  I cannot keep my bathroom organized. Hold on there. I did say my. I use the guest bathroom upstairs when I get ready in the morning. I use that same bathroom when I do my hair.  I think having separate bathrooms keeps a couple happy!

Now understand, the linen closet in this tiny bathroom is well organized.  The good towels are in the master bathroom’s closet.

All the old towels are folded neatly.  That’s because the old towels are never used! Why would I allow my guests to use old towels? In fact, I don’t even know WHY I have these towels–they don’t match the decor and they are old and raggy. Time for a purge! At some point. Maybe before Christmas–actually maybe AFTER the holidays!

This is basically what my bathroom looks like when I finish getting ready in the morning.

Random hair roller that I snagged from Chippy’s mouth–and I’ll still put it in my hair.  Bonaparte will be so mortified when he sees that I’ve posted this and other photos of the mess I make!

My morning routine continues in the upstairs guest bedroom.  In this room is a small closet.  I keep sweaters, and blazers, and lots of my hair in here.  I also keep costume jewelry and makeup and anything that doesn’t fit into the large closet in our bedroom.  Are you following me?

And this closet usually looks like this.

Yeah. This tiny closet, which has been professionally fitted with shelving and rods, did NOT help me in any way to be more organized!

The desk which turned into a makeshift vanity is another bone of messy contention.

And this. THIS is the absolute worst.  Half the time I have to place whatever makeup I’m using on my LAP because the mess I made ON the desk is so bad!

And no matter how much I try to keep organized, within 48 hours of neatness, the mess comes back.

The really sad thing is that I’m not even ashamed of myself for this tremendous lack of respect for my stuff.  I should be ashamed.

I am the one who loves to iron.  I am the one who, when the kids were younger, was down on my hands and knees three times a day scrubbing the kitchen floor. I vacuumed twice a day.  I was a bit obsessive.

And now—the kids are gone. We are empty nesters. I have become the female version of Oscar Madison of sorts while Bonaparte has become the French Felix Unger. He is constantly picking up after me and mumbling naughty words in French.

Yes. Bonaparte is Felix compared to my Oscar…the awful thing is that while I type this, I’m wearing a sweatshirt that is filthier than Oscar Madison’s!

But I will say that it really doesn’t take much time to tidy of the little messes I make.  I did have a surge of Manic Organization when I arrived home from work today. I think it was because I couldn’t find a sweater that I was searching for. Organizing will allow you to find anything!

While Bonaparte went out to fill my car with gas, (Don’t judge! I have a bizarre fear of pumping gas and Bonaparte kindly does this task for me). I tackled the mess in the  bathroom…

Mr. Clean couldn’t have done a quicker job!  

I went to the little closet, tidied it out in no time and found two sweaters I thought I lost!

Neat and orderly–for about two more days!

My blazers are always hanging up neatly though…

And my cosmetics are ALWAYS neatly organized in these little pocket hangers that I got at Five Below! They hang over the door!

And this is as good as it’ll ever get with my makeup desk. I’m telling you by tomorrow morning it’ll be a mess again…

And I need to have shelving installed for some of my hair!

…for now.  I’ll just seize the moment!

Tell me, am I the only one who is organizationally challenged? Do you have a little bit of an organizational issue—or is it really just me?

I won’t count sheep tonight. I’ll just count hangers and shelving!

And why I count hangers to help me go to sleep later, you just know I could not pass up posting “Manic Depression” by my Jimi.  There must be some copyright issues on YouTube with Hendrix, so I’m posting this version with Seal and Jeff Beck instead—but it still sounds amazing!!! XOXOXOXO!!!!



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