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Healing From The Election

I want to make one thing clear before I go any further with today’s post.  We have a great group of friends in this little blog community of “Atypical60”.  We all don’t agree on everything either. And even though we don’t, we always manage to make our little group respectful and kind.  I know that not everyone here voted for Hillary. Some have voted for Donald Trump. And that is your right as an American and I am proud and happy that you did your civic duty and voted. I do not harbor any ill feelings nor do I harbor any ill will. I am just incredibly saddened that my candidate did not win the election.

But I’m hurting right now.  And I need to get this weight of hurt off my shoulders. I’m keeping the language clean (well, mostly) and I’m attempting to be as pragmatic as possible.  So whether you agree or disagree, know that I am always happy to hear what you have to say and I respect you.

I have been hurting all day..and I’m sure I’ll be hurting for a while and will get over it–but for now. I hurt and that’s ok.

This morning I woke up a different person.  Any trace of hope that I had for the progression of this great and beautiful United States of America was erased from my spirit and mind.

I had high hopes that we would wake up to history making progress as we welcomed our first female President of these United States.

Yes Hillary. I am still with you. You are far more “Presidential”!

Instead, America elected a man who claimed that our beautiful and grand America was not great. And he promised to make our already great country great again.

Only a con man would make the people of these United States think she is not great.  “Liberty Enlightening The World”–I am crying with you.

He said that he would build a wall to keep Mexicans out of our country.  He also said that he would grab a woman by “the pussy.”  He cheated small businessmen out of money when he refused to pay them. There are many things this vile man did and even worse things that he said. Yet the people of this great country felt that Hillary Clinton was evil because of some emails that had no validity at all. Emails are bad. Donald Trump’s treatment of women is good. I can’t even.

People accepted Trump’s treatment of women as acceptable yet crucified emails. I can’t. I can’t even.

So here’s what I’ve been wondering about in between my episodes of crying all day.

Why is it that all the “Christians” who voted for Trump, voted for a man who cheated on two wives, and then married a woman who was in a porno video and posed nude? And these same people ostracized Hillary for standing by her man during his dalliance.

The new First Lay-dee on the far right…

A more “modest” photo of the woman who will turn the White House into the White Trash HouseTo think that women dressed like this who pray and succumb to their men like good little slaves voted for Trump. Trump would call these women unattractive. Or perhaps he would call them pigs just as he has other women.  And these same people approve of Melania naked but disapprove of Michelle Obama baring her arms!

Many people who voted for Trump are “pro-life”. They feel that abortion should be outlawed because it is a sin. (Their Jesus said so. MY Hipster Jesus is all forgiving and welcomes the sinners.) What say you when that little girl down the street—the one who is so nice and kind and babysits for the entire neighborhood, gets pregnant at 16 the first time she had sex because her boyfriend bullied her into it? What happens when she is so scared of her
Christian parents disowning her or beating her to a pulp? She won’t be able to find a doctor because Roe v. Wade will have been overturned. She will find a coat hanger—and TWO lives will be lost.  Is that better?

My hipster Jesus welcomes the sinners because he knows we are real . Hipster Jesus forgives and doesn’t care about the ones who judge.

I also wonder about these same right-to-lifers who are also in favor of the death penalty—because we all know that the majority of them are.

But more important is that not everyone is a Christian. Not everyone has the same beliefs.  There are Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Agnostics and Atheists –even Wiccans who make up this America. It is so arrogant to believe that only Christians can rule our country.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not pro-abortion.  It is just that nobody, NOBODY has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body. Not now. Not ever. Never!

And these self-righteous people who make up the conservative and republican ilk who continue on the quest for the right to life are the same people who condemn the homeless. God forbid if their taxes were raised to build better shelters. We would have to hear them complaining about the entitled poor people again.  Would YOU want to trade places with them? No. I didn’t think so—but you continue to condemn them.

Ewwww.  Who wants to allow POOR people to get jobs–but yet, do you want them to continue to live in squalor?  Trump supporters want them to live in squalor!

These are the very people who complain that the homeless and less fortunate should go out and get jobs.  This is a slippery slope because if a president created jobs for these people, an uproar of the white entitled would ensue.  But—your new President may be creating more jobs for the citizens of China, as he already has.  Or perhaps he’ll find jobs for the people who live under his buddy Putin’s rule! Just a little snack food for thought!

My guess is that more people will end up using shopping carts as mobile homes if your President Trump has his way. Better get ready for the homes on wheels!

This is also a man who put the thought into people’s heads that Obama and the Democrats ruined healthcare. No. Obama did NOT ruin healthcare. The Republicans like Mitch McConnell and the rest of his crew made sure to stymie any notion of great healthcare that Obama had.  That is because McConnell and all those Republicans are sleeping with the health insurance companies.  It is also because McConnell along with McCain said that they would put a stop to anything Obama wanted to pass. They simply hated Obama because he is black.

And Trump’s supporters never realized that we have a Republican congress that has already screwed the people of this country over in the past and now they will do it in a bigger and better way.

And this is also a man who claimed that he would date his daughter.  I guess Trump likes to keep everything in the family.  And people voted for a man who admitted to potential incest!

Oh I KNOW these incestuous men who claim to “love” their daughters through Purity Balls definitely voted for Donald Trump!

Trump made fun of the mentally and physically disabled. Did you know that I had a sister, Beth Ann, who was born both mentally and physically disabled? She died. And if she had lived to be an adult, she was targeted by Trump.  I don’t know what is sadder. The fact that Trump publically ridiculed the disabled or that my very own siblings, all four of them and their spouses, voted for this same man who ridiculed the sister they never got to know. I will never, ever forget that.

Take a good look at this visual of your new President. THIS is what he thinks of the disabled. And to think my siblings–with a sister who was severely disabled support and voted for this human venom.

I equate Donald Trump’s actions with that of my ex-husband. He was an alcoholic. He bullied me a couple of times physically, but for the most part, he bullied me emotionally.  I still have issues and deep emotional scars.  I’m not ready to open up about that yet.

Donald Trump is every bullying man—he is the dry-drunk of politicians. He will wreak havoc on people’s emotions.  And people will continue to worship him.

I will not worship him. I will not respect him. I will not admire him.  I will not respect his wife as she is no first lady.  Donald Trump is not my President.

But—in my attempts to be bipartisan, I will continue to wear my killer Ivanka Trump heels—it’s the least I can do as an American citizen.

The Ivanka Trump heels were grandfathered into my use. I have a shoe clause.  Nobody can say I’m not being bipartisan! 

My heart goes out to all my gay friends—and those in the gay community I don’t know. You matter to me.  My heart goes out to the transgender community and goes out to those I know and don’t know who are of all races and creeds. I am ashamed because our society that should have been progressing is now regressing. You matter to me.

To all my friends in other countries.  Remember. Not all of us voted for this vile excuse of a man.  There are a great many of us who are compassionate, empathetic, and kind-hearted toward our less fortunate.

There isn’t much more that I can say except we need to heal and we need to move forward. Those of us who care need to support each other.  We truly need love and kindness right now—because we will not be receiving it from our new President nor will we receive it from the conservative congress.

For a perfect example of love and kindness look no further than Joshua Coombes. He travels around Britain with scissor in hand to give the homeless a hair makeover and confidence. THIS is a real man!

For me, I’m happy I have the friends who continue to read my blog—whether they agree with me or not, they matter to me.  I have my three children. I have Bonaparte. It’s all good.

And I’m still with her.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton takes part in a Center for American Progress roundtable discussion on “Expanding Opportunities in America’s Urban Areas” in Washington.

I’m still with ya Hillary!

…and her…

And you Elizabeth Warren–you are better than any man in Congress!!

And her….

WASHINGTON, DC – NOVEMBER 12: First lady Michelle Obama speaks to students about higher education during an event at the Bell Multicultural High School, November 12, 2013 in Washington, DC. The first lady told students to commit to their education so that they can create a better future for themselves and their country. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

And Michelle–can I interest you in running for President of the USA in 2020? I have a plan….

Here’s a song I’ve been thinking about all day. R.E.M. “The End of the World”. But now that I’ve thought about it–it ISN’T the end of the world.  But it is very relatable!

Thanks for letting me vent! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO



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