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The Favorite Aunt Comes Up North To Ride Out Irma!

If you are familiar with this blog, you may remember the couple of times I mentioned my favorite aunt. My Aunt Terry.

She was the closest thing to a fashion icon I’ve ever had. She is hands down, the sole reason for my love of art.  Many trips she took me to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan, when I was a young girl, provided delightful and educational lessons—especially on Impressionism from her.

Anyway, Aunt Terry now lives in Florida.

Aunt Terry.  With a fish story of the huge Marlin she caught!!

And was very concerned about Irma destroying her condo.  And a couple of my cousins ensured that Aunt Terry was carried up North via Frontier Airlines.  Just in time for her birthday.

Hell hath no fury like a hurricane named Irma. Heck, if I was named Irma I would be pretty pissed off too!

Now. Due to a lot of stuff that has been going on in my life, I’ve somewhat fell off the family bandwagon.  You know—you lose touch, sometimes things aren’t going so well and you want to shut down, then stuff gets better but you’re too embarrassed to get back in touch.  Life happens.

But—in our family, babies are a big deal. And I was able to reconnect at a cousin’s baby shower a few weeks back.

My cousins Ann Marie, Kate and guess who!

And another generation of cousins are expecting AND expecting at the same time. MORE cousins!

A few days back I received a message from my cousin, Kate.  She explained that Aunt Terry was coming up to ride the hurricane out—she would be staying at Kate’s.  And I was invited to surprise Aunt Terry at a little Birthday celebration.

I was so good. I didn’t eat any cake. That was because I wolfed down about a pound of fresh Mozzarella cheese!

I happily accepted.  Unfortunately, Bonaparte had a client and I would be driving back to New Jersey by myself.  No big deal but he was going to be missed by everyone.

Aunt Terry was mega-surprised when she answered the doorbell and I was standing there!  Kate never let on that I was going.

We had a blast!  Before the rest of the family arrived, we got down to talkin’ politics of which we are on the same page.  This was heavenly to both of us.

My sister and her husband arrived with my niece, and the rest was cousins from the Wynne contingent of the family.

Aunt Terry (middle) the Matriarch of the Wynne’s of the USA.  There’s more of us in Ireland. 

And it is great to be back in the loop.  Family is everything. Family is that group you know you can always trust.  Family knows you and just eye rolls your faults and failures. And family laughs with you.

Everyone is smiling now—but wait till they start to fight over that rainbow cookie cake!

The British Royals may have Queen Elizabeth–but WE have Aunt Terry!

The ride back home was just as pleasurable because I spent the entire ride home gabbing on the phone with my other sister who lives in California!  The ride went very quickly!

I’m not really “feeling” it today to write a long post. I get a bit weird on 9/11.  I worked in the Trade Center when I was younger and today hits home for me due to the loss of many people I knew.  The world as we knew it ended that day and a new, less kinder world emerged.

Never forget.  I reposted this last year and here it is this year.  “Please Don’t Ever Forget”.

The Downtown skyline before our world changed.

And about Saturday night’s dinner—It was divine!

We were in the big stone building…

When we arrived at the restaurant, both buildings were buzzing with activity.   Yes. Spring Mill Café is two buildings.  One, the main structure resembles an old French farm house while the other is a little quaint cottage.

To the back, the little cottage is lit up. We had dinner in that building once–it was very charming!

And to please my husband, I wore a wavy wig. This is Texana by Freetress!

Here’s the dinner!

Tchin Tchin!  We started off with Kir Royales!

Bonaparte started off with a Salade de Tomates

And I started off with a Baby Squid Salad. It was great!!!!

Bonaparte’s filet.  The man loves his beef!

I FINALLY snapped a photo of my Moroccan Hen over Cous Cous—after I chowed most of it down!

We sipped on a beautiful Margaux–smelled and tasted just like dirt–I mean, earth! 

And the server brought out dessert with a celebratory candle!!

We don’t go out to dinner often but when we do, it is for a special occasion and to a great restaurant!

So how was your weekend?  Did you reconnect with family or long-lost friends?  Did you do anything special?

I can’t stop thinking of Sister Sledge right now.  We Are Family! From 1979!

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