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It’s Election Day! Voting and Hanging With The Locals!

Today is November 7th!  Election Day!

If you are not a slithery, slimy, cowardly draft-dodging snake!

OK. So, it isn’t a major election. It isn’t the Mid-Term election nor is it a Presidential election (I can’t even with last year’s results…).  But, locally, it is an important election.  And I put my American Patriot on this morning, Americannot Russian,  got dressed, and headed to my local polling place—our Fire Department to vote.

Now—I have a funny story to tell you before I go on.

Saturday afternoon, I was in the kitchen, wildly attending to the cooking for the little feast Bonaparte and I shared.  My orange sauce was simmering, I took the choux pastry for the Paris-Brest out of the oven, and was ready to move on to par-boiling the potatoes when the doorbell rang.

Believe me, if the sauce wasn’t simmering, I would never have answered the door!

In our home, I’m the designated door answerer.  My Frenchman refuses to answer the door if it is an unexpected ringer.  He treasures his privacy.

My hair (real and fake) was up in a huge topknot.  Because I had been peeling and cutting shallots, my eye makeup was all but teared off. I was wearing my cooking clothes—old denim cutoff shorts and a stained sweatshirt. My legs were in need of some serious fake tanning. Let’s just say I wasn’t looking my best.

Because Chippy go crazy when the doorbell rings, I scurried downstairs, opened the door and escaped to the steps outside our home.

The person ringing the doorbell was Lisa Mossie. She’s up for reelection of her position as Township Supervisor.  She is a Republican.  Guess where this animated conversation went?

I’m sure Lisa Mossie will be victorious this evening because I live in a red area–but she’s wearing blue–so maybe there is a chance she will come over to the other side!

Anyway, I have to say, Mossie was a pretty good egg in light of the rant that I displayed.  The good thing is that she’s not crazy about Trump—and she wanted a different Republican to become President. The bad thing is she’s a Republican and is in the same political group as those vile members of Congress who want to take medical care, social security benefits, women’s rights and whatever else they can take from people.

Just like I voted for Hillary because I wanted my Bernie to become President. we did share a bipartisanship on our Presidential choices–even though they weren’t the same.   And I did tell her that I had a tremendous amount of respect for her but that I would not vote for anyone who is in the same Party as those who collude with the Russians and who are too afraid to stand up to that one who is president.

Truth be told, I’m not crazy about the Democratic Party either. Both parties have lost their roots and have become too extreme. I remain a true Independent—but I just cannot, morally and ethically, bring myself to vote for any member of the Republican party at this time.

And when all was over with our conversation, I went back into my home with a sigh of relief that because I looked like a total slob with my messy bun, washed-off makeup, stained sweatshirt, cutoff shorts and pasty, fish belly white legs, she would never recognize the properly dressed and fully made up me!

Guess again!

How Lisa Mossie recognized dressed and made up me from messy slob me, I’ll never understand!

You will never believe who I ran into at the voting poll.  I was on the line to get my little voting number (165) and to sign in when she saw me.  And came over to me.  She asked me if I had a change of mind.  And, in front of all the people who were working the polls and those on the line I said …

“No” “I’m not voting for you!”  “But I like you as a person!”

After Lisa left the room, the man who was standing behind me thanked me for speaking my mind.

It’s true though. I did not vote for her, but I think she’s a good egg.  She needs to become an Independent.

Thus, is the story of my local voting experience.

And so, I decided to embark upon a local morning!

With Chippy along to keep me company, my next stop was the local dry cleaner.  I had two kilt skirts to be pressed.  Yeah. I could have ironed them myself but when it comes to pleats, I’ll let the pros handle it.

Next stop was a small challenge.

It’s a challenge.  Will I be able to find goods at the Goodwill?

One of the blogs and IG accounts I follow is Jodie’s Touch of Style.  Jodie is on a thrifting challenge and I decided to stop by our local Goodwill boutique (I don’t call it a store.  I’m too sophisticated a blogger!)

This is my local Goodwill “Boutique”. I’m pretty sure it is within the township boundaries of Phoenixville!

So, I go into the boutique, grab a cart and start wheeling around. It was a bit disappointing because this shop is nothing like my beloved Red, White, and Blue Salvation Army Thrift Store in Trenton/Mercerville, NJ. That store is the top of bar for all thrift stores.

All this China–I got from the Red White and Blue Store years ago.  I love that it all has a history.  I use the little holly and ivy cups with their matching saucers for Christmas eggnog.  I love these treasures so much!

Anyway, I’m heading over to the bags, when I passed by the shoes. Now—even when I visited the Red, White, and Blue store, I couldn’t bring myself to try others’ shoes. I have a thing about getting Athlete’s foot.  That was, until today when I spotted this pair of pointy-toed, suede flats.  In my size.  From J. Crew. J.-Freakin’-Crew!  $4.00.

I tried them on. I figured anyone who would spend their money on J. Crew, made-in-Italy, suede flats, is not the person with Athlete’s foot fungus.

I need to clean these babies with a suede brush. I don’t even care that the tips are worn. I would have done worse in wear–I can be pretty rough on shoes.  I love these.  I. Love. These!  

In the cart they went!

Satisfied with my shoes, I decided to not press my luck with anything else that could be a carrier of a potential fungal infection and went over to housewares. After all, someone else’s donations are another’s treasure!

I found a cute red ceramic catch-all that could be used as a vase and a wall hanging.  Both were $1.95 each.

I may vote blue, but red will always be my favorite color!!  Isn’t this little catch-all adorable?

More red!  This time in a wall hanging with a clown and pasta!

Since Chippy was waiting in the car it was a good idea to get back to him.  Again, off we went to discover local!

Our next and last stop was Produce Junction.  This store has always intrigued me because I’ve often heard that the pricing on all things produce and flowers and plants are the best.  They weren’t kidding.  I ended up purchasing flowers, fennel and arugula for next to nothing.

Produce Junction.  I’ll have to get up very early within the next few weeks due to the Holiday rush!  Lots of great veg and flowers!

Two fennel bulbs for a buck.  It’s funny–I don’t like licorice but I LOVE fennel!

$2.50 for these lovely flowers…

Oh. Wait!!

Here’s a better pic of the flowers. I moved them into the living room.

Speaking of living room, remember the cushions that we dropped off at the reupholstery place?  We got them back yesterday!

Top pic. Before.  Bottom pic. After. And let me tell you, it is now a pleasure and easier on the back to sit on this sofa again! Pays to go local!

A busy morning and Chippy was itching to get back home to do his business.

And he was also eager to get back to his comfortable places–the bed in the upstairs guest room and…

His other spot on the loveseat in the sunroom.  He is watching over the 2017 Annual Rosemary bush that I purchased yesterday–at our local Wegmans!  I have to tell you,  this bush will be used for a ton of holiday cooking and will last well through the winter. When it dries out, I’ll take the dried leaves and turn them into a powder.  If you spot one of these at your local store, do yourself a favor and get one!  The scent is lovely!!

The little pasta clown is now hanging on the wall in the sunroom!

So yeah.  On this November 7th, it is still not too late to get out and vote.  Every single vote does count—and while we have our freedom, it is still important to make sure we keep having our freedom. It’s a privilege that others don’t have.  Please vote!

I wore my “I Voted” sticker proudly today!  It is my civic duty as well as my right to complain!

Oh…a few friends of the blog have requested that I demonstrate how to tie a scarf. And when I arrived home, I made a little video.  Here you go!


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