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Ummmm… 2018 Isn’t Starting Out As Planned

Happy 2018.  As usual, I’m late to the party.  There’s a reason.

Kinda not starting the way I planned but it’s all good!

Last night, after finishing my last blog post of the year, about my wigs, Bonaparte and I sat down to a couple of Kir Royals to toast the last evening of 2017 and to enjoy a nice dinner.

2017. The year I “Got Wiggy” with it!

After dinner, a quiet evening of watching TV to ring in 2018. Let me start off by saying that New Year’s Eve is not my favorite holiday.  I find it a bit sad and melancholy and there always seems to be a sense of forced celebration–you know, everyone has to be at a party or gathering.  I just wanna be home in my pajamas!!

Tchin Tchin!  A quiet way to celebrate the end of 2017 and the beginning of a new year!

Oh…and I made escargot.  Those snails–they are so delicious!

Besides that, the song “Auld Lang Syne” makes me cry.  Between Judy Garland singing “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” in Meet Me in St. Louis and anyone who belts out Auld Lang Syne, I’m a human cannon spewing out tears and sobbing hysterically.

Happy New Year, from Bonaparte and I to you!!!!

Bonaparte suggested watching a new French series on Netflix.  The series, “La Mante” is a thriller starring Carole Bouquet as an imprisoned serial killer who has been asked to assist in a series of murders. This show is creepy AF!  It was so creepy that I woke up in the middle of the night after having a bad dream.  And that is how I welcomed the New Year!

Got Netflix?  Might I recommend La Mante if you aren’t the faint of heart!  Carole Bouquet is so creepy–the entire series is creepy.  I’m scared!

Moving on, my plan was to wake up early this morning and write a blog post to welcome the New Year. It was also my plan to work on organizing my planner and start to track my eating habits in my food journal.  And as I took the first sip of the first cup of coffee for this new year, Bonaparte gave me some news.

This is how far I got this morning..


My stepdaughter lost her car key.  That’s not so bad.  The bad thing is that she lost her key somewhere on the beach.  She and her husband and daughter welcomed the New Year at their new place down the shore. (Note—this is why I have always carried a spare key to my car in my wallet or purse at all times).

My blog post was delayed.  However, I did manage to take my diet journal and my planner with me so that I could do some journaling and planning in the car.

This is how far I got with the planner.  Maybe later this evening I’ll work on it some more!

Did I ever mention that when my husband drives he envisions himself as racing in the Grand Prix in Monaco?

Did Grandpere Jacques-Henri Lartigue have a premonition about his grandson’s driving prowess?  For the record, that is not Bonaparte and me–it’s some Lartigue French relative and friends.

I couldn’t write.  But I did nag.  I nagged him because he was driving way too fast.  Now, understand, I am a very compliant driver.  I follow the rules of the road. Driving is a privilege that I take seriously and I only go over the speed limit when I am fully aware that there are no cops on the road.

And about an hour-and-a-half into our drive down the shore, it seemed as though my car (Yes. He was driving my car) lifted off the road and was airborne.  The result of a super-sonic speed.

Then it happened.  A State Trooper was sitting off the road in his car and Bonaparte couldn’t slow down fast enough.  The lights went on, I started yelling and getting all drama-queen and Chippy rolled his eyes in the back seat. There is a good chance that the State Trooper heard my hysterics.  I was beside myself because I’ve never gotten a ticket in this car.  My car has a clean record and I actually forgot that it is the driver, not the car that gets the ticket.

I must admit, this State Trooper didn’t even look old enough to drive.  But it didn’t stop me from acting like a crazed lunatic.  On the verge of tears, I explained that my car had a clean record and my French husband had a memory lapse and thought he was back in France, actually, Monaco in the Grand Prix.

The Trooper was very kind and smiled as he told me to calm down and everything was ok.  Then he asked Bonaparte if her realized he was going over 90 MPH in a 65 MPH zone.  I interrupted, because I do that so well, and explained our situation.  Then I went on to say how much I respect officers because my own father was a NYC Police Officer and I whipped out my dad’s old PBA card.

This was one of the last things my dad gave to me before he died.  I think he knew I would need it. And it’s come in handy ever since 1992!

The conversation took a rather pleasant turn as Bonaparte did not receive a ticket. But that didn’t stop me from reminding my Frenchman that he needed to slow down—and I reminded him the remainder of the drive.

And as we drove off, I blessed myself and said a prayer of thanks to my father, I swear he was watching out for us.

My dad–and yes, I changed the words of  the “Our Father” prayer to “My Father”…hallowed be his name for getting us out of a ticket!

We arrived at the house, handed over the keys and didn’t stay long as Bonaparte wanted to get home. He’s not fond of the cold weather you know. I would have stayed all day…and overnight…perhaps until the weather warmed up!

The house is absolutely adorable….

But I just couldn’t understand why my step daughter insisted on showing ME the outdoor shower?  I think she’s afraid that I’ll spend hours in the bathroom getting ready!

The thing is, I’m glad we took the drive. I find the beach/shore very tranquil during the winter months when nobody is there.  I like the solitude.

A lonely wooden sailor stands alone outside a restaurant that is empty now but will be thriving come May..

The bay is like the frozen Tundra..

No signs of life…

..except for the person manning this toll booth and he didn’t seem to happy to be working today!

All is quiet and dormant.

Closer to home as the Philly skyline comes into view on this New Year’s Day!

So that’s why I’m late to the party.  It’s late afternoon on this New Year’s Day.  Tomorrow I’ll start taking the decorations down and once again, things will return to normal.

Ain’t gonna lie.  I miss the kids. I miss the activity but I’ve got lots to look forward to for this coming year.

And here’s what I wanted to say earlier:


I’m late to the party but I wish everyone the best for 2018!

 There will be no resolutions because I always manage to break them.  There will be no goals because I never manage to reach them.  There will be no expectations because—well, just because!

But—I will tryBecause to try is the best I can strive for.  I will try to be a kinder person. I will try to focus. I will try my best to write. I will try, for my daughter, not to get all politically upset! I will try to be a better person because that’s all I can do for this new year.

And I thank each and every one of my Atypical60 friends for reading about my misadventures and my failures and successes.  Thank you for making me feel better when I’m not doing well. Thank you for your support and engagement.  Thank you for laughing with me and thank you for “listening” to my rants.  Also—thank you for enjoying my reviews and I will try to keep you entertained during 2018!

Best to all of you for a healthy, happy, and successful new year!

Here’s a nice song for you.  John Mayer’s 83.  It’s the year I became a mom and when I listen to it, I think of my oldest son!

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