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Pedigreed Junk—Let’s Discuss Costume Jewelry

Pedigreed Junk.  I love that term.  And actually, Pedigreed Junk was the name of an odd little antiques shop on East 85th Street between Second and Third Avenues.  And after quite a few Kamikazes’ and Stingers at a local hangout, Pedro’s, up the street from this shop, the shop became all the more intriguing.

It took me hours to find a photo of the store –thanks to the Museum of the City of New York.  This is from the 1940’s so Pedigreed Junk was around for a while!

But I’ve always thought that was the greatest name for a shop—because that’s what was sold there. High-end junk.  And every since then, I’ve referred to costume jewelry as pedigreed junk.

And I use that as a term of endearment.

I’m not a big jewelry person per se.  I’ve got my engagement ring and my diamond encrusted wedding band in the “good” jewelry category.  In addition, I’ve got a beautiful pearl ring and pearl drop earrings—all gifts from my husband.

My “good” stuff!!

On my right pinkie I wear a gold initial ring—a gift from an old boyfriend and a throwback to my extreme preppy days.

After 40 years, my initial faded. I’m too cheap to get the initial re-engraved! My throwback to the preppy years!

That’s it.  Every other piece of jewelry is purely costume.

The beauty of costume jewelry is that it’s fun!  You don’t have to worry about it.

You’re wearing the cheap stuff–it’s OK!!!!!

You don’t have to be ridden with anxiety over losing it or if it gets left behind on a vacation because it isn’t worth much!

Remember the fun stuff from the 1960’s?  It’ll probably cost a fortune these days! But look at all this fun!!!!!

As a young girl I loved playing with my mother’s cheap jewelry. She stored it in a deep purple velvet jewelry box—I can still smell the scent of the satin lining!

I think the one piece of costume jewelry that has always eluded me has been the charm bracelet. I’m not talking about the Pandora bracelets or any of the Alex and Ani skimpy “charm” bracelets either. What I’m talkin’ about is the clunky, gold link bracelet overstuffed and crammed with tons of charms—from life events to travels and just about anything else.

There was something so beautiful and mesmerizing about a woman’s slender wrist and listening to the clanking sound of the charms as they hit each other. It was a better sound than the popping of gum!

Just take a look at all those charms!!!  I can picture this on me and the sound of clanking charms.  Ohhhh this is beautiful!

And I never did get one of those coveted bracelets.  Now if you head to e-bay or go into a vintage jewelry shop, these bracelets are akin to the Hope Diamond in price!

Costume jewelry shouldn’t be expensive or overpriced.  It’s not real gold.  There’s many types with enamel—and that should not bring the price up sky high.

That’s why I love the cheap, cheap stuff.

My hoops—I’m a very loyal Walmart customer when it comes to my beloved hoops.  I can get an entire card of them ranging in size from small to larger.  But my favorite ones are huge!!

Walmart specials.  Best hoops ever!  And it doesn’t matter if I lose one, I’ll just run back to Walmart and spend another two bucks!

Bracelets—I’ll come across them on final clearance at J. Crew or other shops.

This little number is either from J. Crew or J. Crew Factory–but I’ve had it for quite some time and it still looks great!

Look what came in the mail the other day.  I paid less than ten dollars apiece for these “replica” bracelets of a “luxury” brand and you cannot tell the difference!  These bracelets are so well-made that I had to head back to Amazon to ask how you open the bracelet up.  (Shameless blogger plug. Go to my Amazon page if you are interested in purchasing these adorable faux luxury bangles:    ( )

“H”!  The most exclusive letter in the alphabet–it comes before “F” for fake!

After a squeeze and a swipe of the “H”, the bangle slides on and stays there securely until you take it off!

It’s so pretty and from far away it could almost pass for the real thing!

I got it in black too!

Here’s a few of my other favorite pedigreed junk pieces.

Although not the charm bracelets I’ve dreamed about, these Alex and Ani bracelets are always worn on my right wrist!

Two-dollar faux pearls from Forever 21! And I’ve had them “Forever”!

I think I paid around $15 for this bundle of adorableness at an old Lilly Pulitzer Warehouse sale some years back.  I have the matching frog earrings to match but I was too lazy to dig them out!

A J. Crew Factory final sale. I’ve been wearing this pineapple necklace quite a bit lately!

A J. Crew necklace I forgot I had. I should wear this soon!

Seriously though.  I oftentimes wonder if I was wealthy, would I splurge on expensive jewelry?  Nah.  I would rather buy wigs and travel!

How about you?  Are you an admirer of costume jewelry or the real deal?  I need to know!

Here’s a gem we all love!  Marilyn Monroe–and she sings!  About Diamonds!!!!  Her ensemble is to die for!


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