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Weekend In New York. Pawt Tew!

Okay. When we last left our weekend, Sam and Oona had gone back downtown  to continue the engagement celebrating and Bonaparte and I walked back to our hotel.  The summer air cooled somewhat and it was still hot but it was comfortable.

Sorry, but I forgot to take photos of the hotel. I’ll just have to return for another weekend!

When we got back to our room, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  And I didn’t wake up until almost eight in the morning!

Here’s basically what our room looked like but bigger.

Bonaparte said that between work and the excitement of Oona’s engagement, I really needed that good nights’ sleep.

The sun was shining for the second weekend day in a row.  This was astounding because it seems that we haven’t had a full weekend of sun since summer began!

Another beautiful day and another bird’s eye view from the room!

Our plan for the day was to head up to the Met Breuer and then over to the Frick.  It would take up a good part of morning into afternoon and give us time to drive home, get Chippy and enjoy dinner on our deck!

And might I add, I wore the wig Bonaparte got me for my birthday–Chloe by Envy in the fabulous Chocolate Cherry shade!  I also wore the dress I wore to dinner the night before. It was too hot to wear pants again. Just too hot!

We started out with strong coffee in the hotel’s lobby while we waited for the car.  And I admit, I was still on cloud nine from last night.  Oona and Sam were meeting friends on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx for a very authentic Italian lunch.  NOTE:  If you are visiting NYC for a long weekend or a few days, head up to Arthur Avenue in the Bronx.  It’s more Italian than Manhattan’s Little Italy section!

I coulda had three of these!!

And then we got our gear, headed to the car and bid goodbye. I’ll tell you, the staff at this Marriott couldn’t be more helpful or greater. It was an absolute pleasure!!!  Marriott should be especially proud of the staff here!

Sunday morning in New York City.  It’s sleepy.  A lot like Paris.  The locals stay in and get a later start on this day of rest.  And when they head out it’s usually to a long brunch.  The avenues and streets are empty of the crippling traffic for a few hours—the calm before the storm.  The morning lighting makes the buildings appear crisp and bright.  A few city dwellers out with their dogs in the mixture of tourists out to begin a day of exploring.

Sunday morning in New York–a pleasure to drive when there’s minimal traffic and you hit all the green lights!!

Most of the inhabitants are still sleeping…

A man and his dog out for a Sunday morning stroll.  I don’t think the dog wants to walk–she wants to people-watch instead!

And it’s easy to find street parking too!

Time to get my feet off the dashboard and hit the pavement!

We parked at the corner of 75th and Madison next to the Breuer—you couldn’t possibly get any closer unless the car drove into the building.  This was the first time at the Met Breuer for both of us so we didn’t really know what to expect.  There is a current exhibition showcasing the talent of Picasso, Gustave Klimt and Schiele.  The exhibit, Obsession:  Nudes by Klimt, Schiele and Picasso, comes with a warning that it’s pretty erotic stuff.   I would say that for its time, the works were pretty risqué, but neither of us thought they were that erotic.  Some of the works are below:

A welcoming sign…

I don’t know about you, but I love Klimt’s paintings and have ever since I found out about him when I was in my early twenties…

His work is very etherial to me…

Schiele is new to me but I love the way he distorts bodies and I enjoy his simple line drawings too..

His line drawings are gorgeous

This mother and daughter drawing was my favorite.

And then there’s Picasso

I find myself liking his work more and more these days..

Maybe because he hung out in Antibes!!!

It didn’t take long to go through the exhibit.  And when we got into the elevator to see what the other floors had in store—there was nothing.  Other floors were closed off.

How would I rate the Breuer?  Well, it’s a modern building but not ugly modern, it’s streamlined with clean lines.  The architecture is nice.  There’s a lot of open space inside the building but there wasn’t much to see.  Surprisingly, the building is 52 years old and in all the time I’ve lived in Manhattan and have spent hours driving and walking up Madison Avenue, I’ve never noticed it.

We were expecting more works of art to be adorned on the walls rather than just one particular exhibit.  In all honesty, we would return to the Breuer if there was a very special exhibit that we were dying to see—other than that, time would be better spent at the Met on Fifth!

After leaving the Breuer, we headed up toward the Frick.  The location, on 70th and Fifth, is a stone’s throw and a short walk away from where we were parked.  I’ll tell you, if felt so good to finally walk again!

The Frick.  I’ve been here before but there’s just so much stuff that it takes a few visits to absorb it all. It kind of reminds me of a more refined Barnes Collection

We arrived shortly before opening so we found a bench across the street and did some serious people watching.  People watching was much better thirty and forty years ago before big developers chased the middle class and starving artists and entertainers out of the City.  The vibe was a bit crazy and more colorful.  Now it’s just a continuous parade of active wear.  But still, it’s fun!

We had time for a smooch on a bench–and my husband’s French nose smushed my little American nose…

But my nose bounced back!!!  And we continued our fun!

If you’ve never been to the Frick—get there.  Make sure on your next trip to NYC you head up to this mansion turned museum.  Henry Clay Frick was a very wealthy man who had both the “eye” for great art, furniture and everything else—and the money to pay for it.

Unfortunately, taking photographs is forbidden and it’s too bad because the Fragonard Wall Panels that Frick acquired are swoon worthy. I did manage to get a few photos of the garden.

The entrance to the museum, which used to be the Frick home.  I can’t even—it’s that spectacular!

Another outside view…

And another–what a piece of real estate!

One of the Fragonard’s.  I love Honore Fragonard paintings because they are just so romantic and pretty–yes they are just plain ol’ pretty!

A view of the Fragonard Room. Can you believe that someone LIVED here?

Not part of the original home, this courtyard garden was actually a passageway for carriages going between 70th and 71st street!

But it blends in so well with the rest of the museum/mansion!

On our way back to the car, we decided to stop at a small Eli Zabar bakery for a baguette.  Bonaparte was intrigued by the beauty of the loaf in the window.  And here’s where our trip was almost ruined.  Upon entering the establishment, I asked the young woman (most likely between high-school and college age) if we help ourselves to the bread.  She explained yes and pointed to the paper to grab the baguette with and the bag in which to put it.  And when Bonaparte reached for the baguette, a muffin fell to the floor.

Do not go here.  There are tons of other places throughout Manhattan with friendlier and more cordial staff!

Now, I kindly mentioned to the girl that the muffin fell from the shelf but needed to be thrown away and due to protocol, I was unsure if I should pick it up or what?  This set the girl up for a nasty attitude. And she came stomping over, picked up the muffin, noisily threw it into the trash, gave me a scowl and stomped back to the register.  We paid for the baguette, she kept scowling and we left.

Ima tell you somethin’. If Bonaparte was not with me, my native New Yawka would have surfaced and I would have gone on a four-letter word tirade with that little snot. Eli Zabar must be the worst employer in Manhattan to have bratty, miserable workers who are the rudest people I’ve ever come across in a long time.  Suffice it to say, I do not recommend purchasing baguettes, bagels or any other baked goods at Eli Zabar’s.  Perhaps if he hires friendlier workers, it could be worth the trouble but not any time soon.

With Bonaparte there to calm me down, we resumed our walk back to the car and I was once again a happy woman!

Wouldn’t it be lover-ly if I could afford the rent here. I couldn’t afford rent in a janitor’s closet in NYC!!!

We can safely say that from this moment on, I will be window-shopping and searching for Mother-of-the-Bride outfits.  I love the pantsuit. The gown–no!

We made our way to the Holland Tunnel, which by this time, traffic had built up to its regular weekend mess.  But it didn’t matter because it gave us a bit more time to enjoy the City before heading home!

And we drove through Times Square which depresses the hell out of me.  Times Square was better when it was dirty and grimey and full of undesireables.  Now it’s Disneyworld for adults.  It’s got no character anymore..

And does anyone even dress nicely to come into The City anymore?

A quieter street down by the Tunnel.  One of the few cobblestone streets remaining!

Goodbye NYC–till next time!! I love ya!

Those weekend trips.  They are, at times, more meaningful than a full-on vacation. They are little respites from the workweek.  They make for special times. And you just never know what surprises await!

Here’s my favorite song about NYC–its so true and it’s very beautiful! Written by a true New Yorker–Billy Joel–NY State of Mind! Never Forget the WTC.

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