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Calling a Spade a Spade. Let Me Make Myself Clear…

Yesterday’s blog post seemed to cause quite a stir with a few commenters.  They didn’t get the big picture of the post.  Instead, they focused on the minute words about the president—who wasn’t even an integral part of the post.  Hatred and anti-Semitism toward Jews was the subject.  (In case you haven’t read it:  (What Has A Jew Ever Done to


Now—lets get one thing straight here.  This is my blog.  And in the time, I’ve been blogging, I’ve managed to keep it fun for the most part.

Don’t make me go all Daffy Duck on you.  It’s my blog and I write what I want.  

I love and enjoy getting my deeply shallow on.  Writing about makeup makes me happy.  It is a subject so near and dear to me—especially as I age because I realize that cosmetics are enhancing what was once very visible and now disappearing among the wrinkles.

And yes.  You CAN wear highlighter when you are over 60, 50, 70 and older!

And who doesn’t love shiny lips?

And I love sharing new products—and old products and tips of what works and what doesn’t with you.

Come on now!  These interchangeable heel shoes by Mestrae–what a fabulous new product!!!

I also love writing about clothing and style.  Especially since others have this idea that as we grow older and wiser we should dress in elastic-waisted pants and Velcro sneakers.  Not on my watch ladies.  Not on my watch.

Let’s wear fancy pants instead!!!

Travel is another subject that I find to be uplifting and entertaining.  Especially my misadventures in France with my very proper husband—something of which I am not.  I’m not proper.

Three more weeks and we’ll be visiting the namesake street of my husband’s grandfather!

And that’s what it comes down to.

I’ve never pontificated how perfect I am.  I’ve never turned my blog into a showcase of “Shop my style” or turned it into a ton of clothing links without a detailed review.  Even when I shill my Amazon page you know that I’ll be writing about every product and item I’ll shove in your faces!

Amazon has me hooked on Korean Skincare and Makeup:  Shameless Shill

But the other thing I love about this blog is the sense of community that we’ve all become a part of.  I think if it more like a neighborhood.  We get along.  We cry together.  We laugh together.  We share ideas.  We can, for the most part, even disagree with each other.  And that’s a great thing because we do it respectfully.

However, I am no pushover.  If you come here to tell that I “denigrate” our president.  The meaning of denigrate is to disparage or criticize unfairly.  I do believe the man in the white house does that at least a dozen times a day when he Tweets.

Do not come to my personal space that I’ve spent time, and a good amount of time to write a heartfelt post to tell me that I am “out of line” on my own blog.

You can tell me I’m out of line or have gone too far by posting a pic of me in my bra (BTW, I did a YouTube video on this bra)..but don’t tell me I’m out of line by defending women, jews and others when the POTUS debases us and encourages hatred.  No.  Just No!

Here’s the thing—I read quite a few blogs.  Some are blogs that I enjoy and at times don’t like what was written but out of respect for the writer, if I really, really disagree I don’t comment.  That’s it.  I just don’t comment.

If I read your blog and am really offended by what you wrote, I won’t pull a self-righteous Dr. Evil.  I’ll just move on and let it slide…………for now.

There have been many, many comments where people have disagreed with me—and in a respectful way. And that’s because this little community is respectful.  If you cannot be respectful then don’t click “send” button.

Let’s give a cheer for being respectful–even when it hurts!

 And as far as politics go.  For those who label me a “Liberal”—you obviously don’t know me and you obviously did not read my post “Don’t Call Me a Liberal”—Allow me to refresh your memory. Don’t Call Me A Liberal–I’m a Humanist!!

And I will not stop writing about my politics.  I am not a woman who will sit in a corner and nod my cute little wrinkled head up and down and remain silent.  I have voice.  And at times that voice goes beyond the makeup, the clothing, the wigs, the humor, the food, the travel and whatever else enters into the empty space between my ears.

If I think people are being treated unfairly, I will say so.  I will not stand silent while a man and his cronies in Washington try to take my healthcare away or try to raise the cost because I have a pre-existing condition.  I will not shut my yap because I deserve my Social Security when I reach that age.  I will not be silenced because of anti-Semitism, or racial hatred.

America is a Melting pot.  A stew, if you will, that is made up of the following ingredients.  Jews. Irish. Italians. Arabs. Chinese. Japanese. Africans. Creoles. Spaniards. Latin Americans. Brits. Welsh. French. German. And too many ethnic groups to even name.  We have assimilated.  Some more than others.  We all need inclusion.  We all need to be treated equally.

All rolled up into one and you have the American Flag!

A couple of commenters stated that I hurt them with the words I used against the president.  Wait. You’re a woman and your ok with the fact he calls other women “fat”, “horse face” and speaks publicly about his conquests and calling them by the genitalia?  That’ ok to you? It’s acceptable to you to listen to a man speak of how he would date his own daughter?  And you find me offensive?  Your views toward your own womankind are more hurtful than any words I can muster up!

You know, I could never quite wrap my head around the thought that there are women who do not support women and the proof of women who support a man and a party who think women are second-class citizens is unacceptable for me.  There is no difference between these men and those in third world countries—their views on women are the same.

So that’s about it.

I have some new makeup I’ll be writing about and am waiting for new hair.

I’m awaiting for another Justine.  She’s such a great head o’ hair and I’ll tell you all about her.  Again!

I’m back on a diet for the fifteenth time since August and stressed out as ever.  The Fall/Winter wardrobe is in full swing.  I forgot to get Halloween candy and ended up going this morning to just about nothing left of which I have already eaten 8 Kit Kat bars and one Peanut Butter Cup.  The diet is going very well!

I’m so moved.  A few Trick-or-Treaters told me I had GREAT candy!  Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!!!

So, have a great Halloween evening and that’s about it.

I just wanted to call a Spade a Spade.

And I wanted to thank all of you who enjoy everything I write about—even my political rants because I ain’t stopping!

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