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A Disappointment. My Thanks to You. And I Shan’t Give Up!

Remember I applied to be on the Sephora Squad?  On the surface, I had no expectations.  But—deep down inside, I wanted this so freaking badly!  The reason being that it’s just so important to me—and it’s my mission to get the “Over 60” demographic noticed.

Sent in my application.  Got 200 plus testimonials.  For that alone, I’m grateful and over-the-moon happy!

I didn’t make the semi-finals.  Here’s the wonderfully personal and generic email I received from Sephora.

This generic response is such a passive-agressive one.  I’m shaking my head over the lack of creative writing!

And despite the amounts of testimonials I received…. the “Over 60” demographic was not included.  It was not part of the not-so-diverse mix!

I’m a basic….

And like Frenchy, the Beauty School Dropout, I’m a Sephora reject!  

I perused the listing of semifinalists and despite what Sephora stated about diversity and numbers not mattering—overall, it was the same old same old.  Over filtered, over highlighted makeup people who, if they went out of their homes with the amount of makeup they showcased, they wouldn’t look like the average, normal woman or man.

One of the two over 50 semifinalists has over 43K followers.  I can’t compete with those numbers.   Many have more numbers but only a few of the 93 semi-finalists have low numbers.  It is about the numbers.

Ladies.  Our demographic didn’t even make the Sephora chart.  Does it mean we don’t buy makeup?  NO–it only means we buy cosmetics elsewhere–like at department stores, other specialty stores and online.  My guess is that Sephora doesn’t want to branch out to welcome the over 60 woman as a customer.  But–I wonder how many of those 93 semi-finalists DO shop regularly at Sephora.  I’m handing in  my Sephora VIP card!

And if I sound like “sour grapes”—it’s because I am.  Not for me though.  I’m sour graping over the fact the over 60 woman continues to be ignored—regardless of the amount of money she spends on skincare and beauty.  The Beauty industry will continue to pontificate “anti-aging” and youth but as daunting as it is, I’m putting my big-girl hair on and moving forward!

Wait!  Let me make myself clear. I’m putting my FAKE Big girl hair on…

Oh yes!  That’s much better!  Do you like my hair?  It’s Avery by TressAllure and the shade is Mocha Gold!

But before I move forward, please let me take a moment to thank each and every one of you who sent a testimonial for me and thank you to each and every one of you who continue to follow this blog and Instagram account and YouTube channel.  Atypical60 will never give up and neither will I!


THANK YOU SO MUCH!  Here’s a virtual Basket of thanks for you!

Now to the good stuff!

I was watching a video review that Tati Westbrook had on her YouTube channel.  She reviewed an eyeshadow palette that I’ve been wanting.  It’s the new Riviera palette by Anastasia Beverly Hills.  It’s out of my comfort zone because of the bright colors.  And being a neutral gal, I still wished for it.  But at the price of $45—I’m not sure I want to make that monetary commitment!

The gorgeous Riviera Palette.  That bright pink did it to me!

Anyway, Tati did a look that really was beautiful. It would have taken me at least 12 hours to make it look somewhat like hers.  But here’s the thing.  Westbrook loved the palette but said that other palettes were similar or had similar shades but were less pricey.  I liked that she brought that to fruition.

Tati’s eye look was crazy-beautiful! Might I add, if you want great and honest reviews, check out her YouTube channel.  She’s one of my faves! NO BS either!

And yesterday, I was at TJ Maxx perusing through their beauty section.  I spotted a palette by Too Faced cosmetics.  It’s the Chocolate Bon Bon palette and came in at under $25.  I opened it and staring at my face were two gorgeous pink shadows—one being very bright.  I bought the palette!

And, thanks to a Jeffree Star review on the bareMinerals Serum foundation whereas he showed how to use the foundation the correct way, I purchased another in a shade closer to my skin!  It was worth the $7.99 because I gave it another chance and it works!  The mascara–$3.99 and it’s one that I love!

I also purchased brush cleaner for a total of $3.99.  And might I say, this was a great deal!  Let’s compare it to the $19.99 iT cosmetics brush cleaner.

$3.99 brush cleaner on the left, the $19.99 iT cosmetics brush cleaner on the right.

The $3.99 brush cleaner has a built-in pump–

The iT brush cleaner has a pump that broke the first time I used it.  I had to transfer most of the product into a smaller empty pump bottle!

No fuss–you simply place the brush, bristle-side down on the pump, push down, the cleaner pumps up and…

does a great job cleaning the brush.

Gross–I know, but the cheap-o brush cleaner did a stellar job, smelled great and left no residue–whereas, the iT cleanser smells like turpentine and leaves an oily residue!  I rest my case!

Today, being Saturday, there was no pressure to be out the door to get to the office.  And so, I took my time playing with this palette.  I definitely took a trip out of my comfort zone but was so happy with the way my eyes turned out.

I used this palette today and that bright pink–yeah. I used it!

I went out of my comfort zone and glad I did!

Not overdone but a step away from my usual neutrals.  This is a fun look for those days when I’m not rushed!

In fact, the eye shadows inspired me to go one step further.

I ran to my closet and took my raspberry pink bag from Nat et Nin out of hibernation.

I picked this up a few years back in Paris and don’t use it as much as I should!

Then I went into my scarf drawer and grabbed a Lilly Pulitzer Infinity Scarf that hasn’t been worn in years.

The eyeshadow palette inspired me today!

Isn’t it funny how you can become inspired by the smallest things—like a little eye shadow?

Today’s look–inspired by an eye shadow palette!

Or…. inspired by a bunch of friends who read your blog.  Yeah.  I’m inspired by my failure to be on the Sephora Squad.  I didn’t make the cut—but in the long run, it doesn’t matter.  I’m here and not going away.  That rejection was a wake-up call to me to get back on track with the blog.


Yeah Babe!  I’m back on track!

So, thanks guys—thanks for your constant support.  I feel rejuvenated!!!  Off to get the nails did now and do some food shopping.

Once again, Kim did a stellar job on the nails!

Thanks again and have a spectacular weekend!!!

You make me smile!  Thank you!

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