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I Did A Thing. I Rejoined Weight Watchers Last Night

Yes. I did.  The sad fact is that after being honest with myself, I admitted defeat. Defeat in the fact I cannot do it alone.  I’ve tried. God knows I’ve tried.

My battery ran out.  I’m defeated!  I’m out of energy! I need to plug myself in!

And the wake-up call was when I saw a side-view photo of me at Oona’s wedding.  I sunk into an all-time low.  I wanted so badly to lose a few pounds before her wedding but the stress kept calling my name.  As did the carbs.

Mmmmmm.  Mmmmm.  Carb heaven. Don’t forget the butter!

And the sweets.

Momofuku Milk Bar Birthday Cake in progress. And there’s no birthday to celebrate! It’s a Pity Party Cake!

And anything else I could stuff into my mouth to make me momentarily calmer.

Share Size my ass. This is just for me and only for me!

And in the long run, I didn’t lose weight but lost willpower.

Yeah. I’m emotionally lost. I need to find myself–I’ll start at the thighs!

Now, a few weeks back I was contacted by NOOM, a strategic weight-loss, healthy eating company.  I filled out the application the marketing people sent me and I was rejected!  REJECTED!  This. After they contacted me.

When I posted this news on Instagram, the marketing people got back to me to inform me an error may have been made and to reapply.

Sorry NOOM, you lost me.  Forever.

But I knew that something had to be done.  I wasn’t feeling right.  I was feeling sluggish and being at a desk job where “sitting is the new smoking” has me all freaked out that I’m going to get very sick because I sit all day.

WTF??? Sitting is the equivalent to THIS??? I shoulda been a Park Ranger.

My Lifetime Membership at Weight Watchers does come in handy.  If you aren’t aware, back when I was going through my divorce, my weight hit a high of 180.  I joined Weight Watchers lost over 40 pounds.  Slowly weight kept creeping up and I would lose it and two years ago I ended up at 162 only to bring it back down to 140-ish.

My weight AFTER Christmas of 2016.  And I was freaking out!  HA!

I stayed there for quite some time but over this year I figured I had gained around 15 to 20 pounds.  It’s in my thighs and gut and now my chin.

So, I figured I would go back to Weight Watchers.  My big dilemma was figuring out what day of the week to go.  Monday was out due to weekend bingeing.  Thursday would seem like a great day because it’s at the end of the week right before the weekend when I most like would weigh less than Monday.

They spelled my name wrong but I don’t care. Call me what you want but don’t call me late to dinner!

Instead, yesterday, I figured “screw it” and I drove back.  I was ready.   I was emotionally ready.

Hello old friend!  I’ll be marking you up all week with the old adage:  If you bite it, write it!

It was time to get on the scale and come to grips.  And what I found out was that it wasn’t all that bad.  My weight as of yesterday was 155 pounds.  Exactly 15 pounds as predicted.  But the good thing was that I was at my old goal.   My goal is to lose the 15 pounds gained but my newer goal is to lose 10 of those pounds before we return to Paris at the end of November.

Got my new Shopping guide that’s in my bag already…..

…like Double Mint gum, it’s two books in one–the Dining Out guide is on the flip side. 

I’m not going to beat myself up over it and I’m taking things sensibly.

The Mini Zero-Points food guide is also in my bag!

My clothing still fits, albeit very tightly.  It’s all good.

My outfit today.  The pants were purchased exactly a year ago.  They were loose. Now they are tight. They JUST fit. Thank God for stretch!  The oversized tee with the tuck hides the overlapping gut! It’s a great weight-loss ensemble!

What surprised me is that Weight Watchers has rebranded into WW.  Now, I’ve heard a couple of different stories.  One being the focus is on health and wellness and the other is that it is more politically correct to omit the word “Weight” due to insensitivity and shaming.

Note the change.  WW–no longer Weight Watchers but “Wellness that Works” 

I’m gonna go with the first story of wellness and health.  I have issues with the second story simply because there is nothing offensive about “Weight”.  I gained weight.  I wanna lose weight. That’s why I’m back.

Another great dress to wear during weight loss–a loose fitting shift by Lilly Pulitzer.  I forgot. This is a summer dress.  I remembered.  I’ll wear this in a snow storm to a meeting just to weigh lighter!

I am not a lean (I won’t use the word “skinny” so as not to offend those who are) woman by nature.  My bones are not slight.  They are not small.  My frame is large and therefore I can carry more weight.  But at the weight I am, it is not comfortable.  The thighs are starting to jiggle and my gut is overlapping like the way batter overlaps in a cake pan when filled too much.

My pre-meeting booty!  

Regardless, the meeting was great. And that’s my motivation. Going back to the meetings.

Tracking everything I eat is also helpful.

My dinner this evening was a two-egg omelet stuffed with tomato, chives, a bit of mozzerella chees and half an avacado on the side. I used 15 points today total.  Excuse the paper plate please. Our dishwasher died and Monday the new one will be delivered!

Knowing my free points is a tremendous asset as well.  Why?

From  Zero Points…..

To a two-point dinner (I am so making this on Friday).  I’m saving myself for our aperitifs!

Well, I feel like a lush but during the weekends, I want my aperitifs. And there’s 10 points in each drink when measured out properly.  That’s two each on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. A total of 60 points.  So, I gotta play a bit with Math.  28 extra points are allotted each week and I can carry over a total of 12 unused points from Monday through Thursday.  That’s 40 extra points.  So, I still have to figure out where those other 20 points are coming from!

Nope!  Not giving this up!  

But one thing that stuck out in my mind was this little Weekly card I received last night.  It’s about making room for happiness.  It was a great message because no matter how hard we can be on ourselves, if we feel defeated, if we feel not up to par, there’s always room for happy!

Sometimes the message hits you when you least expect it!  Right???

Wanna do this with me?  I’ve decided to make a weekly progress and it would be great if some of us could do this together!  Who’s in?

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