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Heel Mary Full of Grace, My Shoes Are With Thee..

One of the great things about being back in the office groove is that I get to dress up again.  The President of the small company where I am now employed prefers a professional look—especially when bankers and other financiers drop by.

And, as I am the first person they will meet and be greeted by, it is important that I look my best–from the top of my well-coifed hair to the tip of my toe-cleavaged feet.  And that means only one thing.

My feet and my toes are so happy to be back in the pointy-toed shoe groove!

It’s time to revisit all those pointy-toed heels that have been sitting in my closet for almost two years!!!


Do we see a pattern here ladies?  Even though the time has come to dust these heels off, I do believe this (w)heel needs to be reinvented with a different kind of heel. Perhaps a clunkier one!

That’s right ladies.  The only encounters I’ve had with my stilettoed buddies have been greeting  them good morning while reaching for my casual Rondini sandals or my Bass Weejuns.  And I never forget to  bid them bonne nuit when I undress for my evening slumber.

My newest Rondini Sandals purchased earlier this summer. They will be in hibernation soon!

OK—so every now and then I’ll sneak into their little tiny home, otherwise known as the closet,  to show them the newest sky-high footwear that MarieClaire has sprawled throughout the pages.  (You know how I feel about fashion magazines due to their lack of older women as models—but MarieClaire has been known to showcase my Frenchman’s grandfather’s, Jacques Henri Lartigue, photos. This magazine gets a pass from me!)

..and speaking of sky-high footwear, these babies are almost five years old. I LOVE these shoes. They are still on trend with the chunkier platform, but the heels are thinner. Hold on to shoes they may be in style for a while!

My high heels have been neglected and will be socialized once again!

Hmmm. Somebody is eyeing these shoes and it isn’t with love.  Chippy is hungry for leather. Again!

And there are two things that I need to do.  I need to make sure that my feet are well-pedicured and I need to learn how to walk again.

My feet will thank me when they return to being pampered with a weekly pedicure!

Yeah.  You read it correctly. I need to learn how to walk again. In heels.

Although I’ve been blessed with naturally high arches, they still need to conform to the shape of the shoe’s incline.  My ankles have become weak from sitting in front of my computer whilst typing on the keyboard. They have also become quite weak from lazing around like the princess I am as I watch various episodes of the Housewives franchise and curse them out in envy for their shoes.

Yeah. Well, Bonaparte IS my better half–so that does make me an empress, which is royalty. I’ll bet Josephine didn’t have to learn to walk in sky-high shoes!

Anyway, I started to practice walking in heels again last night.  I also started my practice after two aperitifs. Bonaparte was nervous and started speaking in French. He thought I didn’t know what he was saying.  After living with a Frenchman for over ten years, I knew he was calling me a crazy nut who was going to break her neck.

I couldn’t help it though. My inspiration was a photo of a model (albeit young) walking down a runway in pointy-toed, over-the-knee boots. I could tell from her stance that these boots had a very high heel.

THIS is an inspiration to me. I need these boots. I WANT these boots. I COVET these boots!

High heels along with clunky shoes have been seen all along the runways  for this fall.  If runway models could walk up and down a shiny path of flooring in heels, then why couldn’t I walk gingerly over carpet and hardwood in heels that are, quite possibly, higher? It also dawned on me that I need to buy a pair of boots like that. The boot’s construction would support my ankles and would possibly help me to run a marathon in them!!

Wait!  Are the runways actually showing CLUNKY shoes like this?  Be still my heart and bring back memories of shoes we wore during the days of Disco! Remember this infamous album cover of the Trammps Disco Inferno? I want those shoes!

And for my inspiration, I can always go back to earlier this summer when I spotted the “Lady in Green” on the way to St. Tropez. Remember her?  She was the best-dressed older woman of all time. And she wore pointy-toed, high heels!

Best dressed woman in St. Tropez!  And look how well-heeled she is! I hope I see her next summer!

With fall and winter on the way, it’ll also be fun to bring new friends into my family of heels.  Perhaps a  suede, wine-colored pair of heels or rust?  Or perhaps even rust or wine-colored flats?   Who knows?  But I can tell you this much. My feet will thank me. And so will my pointy-toed heels!



Would you like a bit of wine with your toe clevage?  Or are you more rust worthy? I’m regretting not buying these little darlings during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. 

Tell me.  Are you still enjoying your stiletto heels?  Are you wearing those pointy, toe-cleavage bearing shoes?   Don’t you feel more ladylike and alluring when you are wearing them?  I need to know.

Are you diggin’ the heels?  Or are you going  the chunky, clunky, wedged , platform or flat route? 

I’m going back to revisit my heels now. I’m wearing that lovely floral pair pictured above to the grocery store.  Those slippery aisles will be my perfect training ground!! I’ll be praying a couple of “Heel Mary’s” that I don’t slip and fall! I also need some grace!

How could I possibly NOT give you the song that came from that platform shoe’d album cover. For old times sake–The Trammps. Disco Inferno!

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