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My Ass Got Fat. And That’s My Point(s)!

I’ll admit. I’ve been eating like a slovenly pig for the past few months.  The stress of working in retail hell had me doing the emotional eating thing. You know the kind of eating I’m talking about. You get all worked up emotionally and go to the fridge and grab anything that hits your eye. It is usually luncheon meat and cheese. A lot of cheese.

That’s right. Plastic ham and plastic processed cheese food. Sometimes I don’t even bother to unwrap that plastic!

Then you make your way over to the freezer and start rummaging through the bowels of the stacks of frozen food items and find that year-old, half-eaten carton of ice cream. It has gunk and freezer burn. And you don’t care.  Or perhaps it’s the bags of chocolate chips you purposely placed in the freezer so you wouldn’t eat them. But you eat them frozen anyway.

And if there is no year-old ice cream, pre-frozen dollops of whipped cream will always make your emotions feel so much better. Yes. I DO this. I pre-freeze dollops of whipped cream!

I’ll also (s)lovenly fill my already expanding belly on white AND chocolate chips from the freezer. They are quite tasty after sitting upon frozen meat!

With emotions still riding high, you make your way to the pantry and take out a box. YES. A BOX. Of macaroni and proceed to cook the entire box and slather it in butter and salt and pepper.

And when you are done eating, you don’t feel an emotional rescue has taken place. Instead you feel bloated and disgusting.

And then the pendulum swings.  When the kids were visiting over the weekend, it was a food fest.  I baked cookies. I baked a flourless chocolate cake to celebrate Oona and Roman’s birthdays. (As if the omission of flour was going to make this dense chocolate cake any healthier!)

Flourless chocolate cake. It IS gluten-free! And look at the pre-frozen dollops with raspberries! A healthy alternative. I don’t quite KNOW what that alternative is…

I made four pounds of chicken for this Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken. There was nothing left..

Lots of aperitifs. Lots of wine. Lots of fun.  It wreaked havoc on my body. It was a different kind of emotional eating. It was happy feasting!

Yeah. After a few aperitifs, I was a bit “fuzzy” and took out the “good” stuff in error.  Oh well. Fun times!

And another bottle of Margaux. Bonaparte opened it in Oona’s honor!

Ad it didn’t stop there. I took ’em out for some day drinking and brunch at Iron Hill Brewery.

Bad mom never fails. Some beer tasting  (of which I did not partake. I was driving.)…and


My very first fish taco. Where has this BEEN all my life???

…and the ever-favorite, fried calamari!

I’m serious here.  Two years ago my size 6 pants were becoming snug. Now my size 10 pants are a bit tight around the bum and thighs.  My ass got fat. I can tell when it widens because my bottom takes on a kind of squarish shape around the hips.  The roundness goes on a vacation somewhere under the fat.

I forgot to add, the three of us had lunch last Friday at Shake Shake.  I had a “Shroom Burger and it was divine!

I need to get my round back! And I seriously need to drop 25 pounds.

So I had to do something about it.  In the past I’ve written about my gluten-free diets, my 21-Day Fix Diet (that lasted for less than 24 hours), my green shakes and any other change to make my eating habits better.  Nothing worked.

These are the portion-controlled bins that your food goes into. You eat like this for 21 days. My 21-day fix lasted for 8 hours.

And as I write this, I want to tell you that two nights ago, I pulled the cyber trigger and joined Weight Watchers Online program.  It is near impossible to find a meeting in the area where I live. Either the meetings are during the day time or they are at some place that is just not feasible for me to drive to.  A few years ago Weight Watchers had a great location in King of Prussia, and I lost about 22 pounds. But I made sure that I attended meetings diligently.  I don’t know why Weight Watchers decided to close that location.

But anyway, I’m back on the program.  I wouldn’t have joined had I not received a really friendly email from Weight Watchers inviting me to come back. For a fee no less.  It was also the last evening of the “special” price on their online program so I rejoined.

Yes. I rejoined. I’m a lifetime member, but I’ll have to pay until I get to my lifetime goal. And only then will I be able to attend meetings for free.  I don’t think Lifetime warrants a freebie for online.

Luckily I found trackers in my vast “collection” of Weight Watchers stuff!

And the point system has changed.  I can eat more points per day, but I’m sticking to the old and lower points on this.

Ugh. I can look at this two ways. The first way is that I’ve been a complete failure in the past with this program because I lose then I gain. Then I lose. Then I gain. Then I lose. Then I gain.

Lifetime Membership Pocket Guide from way long ago…

But—I’m looking at it in a different light.  I’m a success. And I’m a success because I’ve make Lifetime membership three different times.  I just need to do it right this time.

Lifetime membership from 2012!

I’ll tell you.  Unless you’ve never struggled with eating for comfort, you just don’t know what it’s like. I admire those who just aren’t fazed by their emotions. And I’m especially admirable of those who don’t become hungry when their emotions take over.

Non-lifetime membership pocket guide. I have ’em all!!!

Hey. I’m actually ahead of the game a bit because my massive hair loss has to be at least a two-pound loss! And I have the support of Bonaparte too. I told him that I can only have ONE aperitif each weekend evening.  I’m using my extra points well!

I’ll be eating more sprouts of Brussels…

….and liver.  Hey. Don’t judge. I LOVE liver–and poached in a bit of chicken broth it is tender and tasty.

And the job—it’s working out quite well.  The days go by quickly because there is a ton of work to do.  The people are respectful and nice to work with.  It is a very healthy work environment.   (I’ll be covering more about that this weekend!  Stay tuned…)

And. Hopefully I will reach my goal by the end of November because……….

That’s right! We’ll be at this theatre. Funny but in all the years I’ve been in Paris, I’ve never noticed this theatre!

We are going back to Paris!  We will be attending an Avant-premiere at The Rex theatre the new film “Demain Tout Commence”, a film  written and directed by Bonaparte’s cousin, Hugo Gelin.

Bonaparte’s cousin, Hugo, with “Demain Tout Commence” stars Clemence Poesy (who was great in Gossip Girl) and Omar Sy! I’m so happy Hugo is wearing a NY Yankees cap!

I need to fit back into my small-assed pants and get my flaneur on!!

Do you ever look to food as an emotional rescue? I think Mick Jagger does!

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