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Don’t Call Me A Liberal. I’m a Humanist!!!!!!!!

Ever since I’ve been associated with my desire for either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders to be elected President of these already great United States of America, I’ve been labeled a Liberal.

I’ve also been called a “Snowflake”.  A term I actually had to research and found this description: An overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in “safe zones” on college campuses.

Apparently, “Snowflake” is used to describe the generation of spoiled, overly sensitive young people who were raised by overly sensitive, overly politically correct parents. I’m flattered that others would think of me as being so young and youthful!

I’m veering off topic here.

Because I did not vote for Trump seemingly makes me a liberal.

Let’s get this shit clear right now.

No. I am NOT a “Liberal” I am a Humanist.  I care deeply about people. I am self-centered–NOT self-righteous. And self-righteousness is a trait both Liberals AND Conservatives share too well!

I am not a liberal.  I do not believe in political correctness. I  do believe in being polite and gracious.   I do not get insulted if a man calls me “dear” or “honey” or tells me that I look nice or pretty. I’m mature enough to realize that it is a compliment. And those compliments come from men of a generation or two ahead of me. Generations past when little terms of endearment such as “dear” and “honey” were not harassment.

And I’m that girl who calls the mailman “sweetie” and he doesn’t get upset. And I call the lunch delivery guy “toots” and I haven’t been arrested for harassment!

You know what harassment is? Harassment is when a man debases women. Men such as the president-elect. He grabs women by the pussy. And he’s proud of it. He said those words in a video that the entire world saw. And yet, he was elected president. That is the sort of character people voted for. I’m still puzzled how any woman could vote for a man who speaks like that about women.

And because I mentioned that Trump is a debasing and filthy pig for speaking about women in that manner, I am labeled a “liberal”.   Um. I think not. I am merely a person who would never, ever speak about any of my female counterparts in that way.  I’m a Humanist.

And because I thought it vile and disgusting and inhumane that the man who is our president-elect spoke before a crowd and mocked the disabled, I am labeled a “Liberal”.

I guess I’m a real snowflake because I took the president-elect’s mocking of the disabled personally.  I had a sister who was physically and mentally disabled. She died.  In the world of our president-elect and his cronies—they love when disabled people die because they won’t need government “entitlements” as they get older.

Because I’m compassionate and feel for the disabled, I’m a liberal.  No. I am but a person who cares about those who are limited in their development both physically and mentally.

People I know who voted for the president elect also call me a “bleeding heart liberal” because I believe in medical insurance for all citizens of these United States.  Why is that such a liberal way of thinking?  Why shouldn’t all the people of our country have health insurance?  Why should superior health care only go to the wealthy?  The political mafia doesn’t sleep with the fishes—they sleep with the healthcare CEO’s and lobbyists.  The president-elect and his ilk are creaming in their polyester trousers over the dismantling of the affordable health care program, aka “Obamacare”.  While I realize Obamacare isn’t perfect, it does work and millions of people who could not afford healthcare now have it. I am one of those people. Obamacare could have been perfection had the Republicans and Conservatives in Congress embraced it and truly cared about We the People. Instead, these politicians were so full of hate for President Obama that they stymied every move he made.

They hated Obama because of his black blood.  Those pasty white crackers most likely hated Obama even more so because he is bi-racial. And in their fish-belly white world the thought of a white woman and a black man making a little café au lait baby who would grow up to be President was more than they could handle. Imagine. A man of “tainted” blood becoming President! I’m sure those conservative congressmen and women went to their houses of worship on Sunday and prayed for the KKK to really make that big house on Pennsylvania Avenue the Whiter house!

And because I wish the best of healthcare for all of the citizens who share my roots of being American, and because I love, admire, and support our wonderful President Obama, I am labeled a liberal.  In reality, I just want fairness for everyone.  And I think Obama had a rough time from the get-go. I am proud and happy that I voted for him twice.  And because I voted for Obama does not a liberal make me—it makes me a woman who does her civic duty and gets out there and votes! Voting is a privilege that I do not take lightly.

Yes. I can hold a grudge longer than Harry Houdini could hold his breath. And I’m snarky. And I complain. But you know what?  I truly, truly care about people. 

I do not like extremes. The extreme right sickens me because they hate and despise any one person or group who isn’t like them.  They hate gays. They hate Catholics (except for the extreme Catholics like the very dangerous vice-president-elect Pence) and Jews and Muslims and Atheists and Hindus and any person who isn’t “Christian”. They can go to church but they can’t pray that hate away!

The extreme right hates all the people in this beautiful America who receive “entitlements”.

The extreme right believes the all people who receive “entitlements” from the government are all either black, lazy, drug addicts, alcoholics, single mothers, and people who don’t want to work.

I’m labeled a snowflake because I believe in government assistance for those who need it.  I’ve been with the unemployed and I can vouch for every single one of them. They would rather work.  Sure, a small number of people take advantage of the programs. But the numbers are so small and so miniscule that it doesn’t even put a dent in the government spending. I don’t refer to government assistance as “entitlements”.

You wanna know who the truly entitled are? They are the angry people who can’t stand the fact that someone else is receiving any sort of aid.  They are the ones who “assume” everyone is cheating them.

No way can I understand that people think don’t think the wealthy aren’t entitled. I have a bridge to sell ya!

But these same people never question the entitled attitudes of the wealthy one percent.  The one percent who cheats the government of billions of tax dollars every year!  The wealthy who vote with their purse strings only.  The wealthy that own large companies and outsource cheap labor as their employees.  These are the truly entitled and our government has made entitlement programs for them so their taxes are cut and they can use cheap labor instead of hiring Americans.

And I’m the liberal because I can’t stand the thought of outsourcing?? Wow!!!

Oh the extreme left doesn’t get a pass from me either.

I’m sick and tired of their overtly “do-gooder” policing. Guess what?  It’s ok for someone to leave their dog in a car with the window cracked while running into the store for a container of milk.  That person’s dog won’t die in the middle of winter if its owner leaves the vehicle for a two-minute transaction.  And thanks to the extreme lefty politically correct, I now have to drive a half a mile in a parking lot to find a space because of the great number of “special” parking spaces.   I see people running out of cars with handicapped plates faster than superman outflying a speeding bullet.  And the parking spaces for “women with small children”?    No.  Get out of the car, take your child by the hand and teach them how to walk properly in a parking lot!! Telling a woman her dress is beautiful is not harassment.  A parent disciplining their child in public is not abusive.  A parent beating the living shit out of their child is abusive. Get your priorities in place!

Because I feel that the president-elect needs to stop his immature rants and babyish bullying on Twitter, I have been labeled quite the falling snowflake.   Not quite. I just believe that a man who is going to be sworn in as the leader of our already great country should be focusing more on what is important for our country. He better get those “pussy-grabbing” fingers off his phone and perhaps grab a pen instead and take notes on how to behave like a mature adult.

The extreme left and the extreme right are both very, very dangerous groups of people. We need to get back to being a moderate and bipartisan society.

Because I believe very strongly that religion has absolutely no place in politics, I’m labeled a dangerous and very bad liberal person.

Really?  Our Country was founded by men who couldn’t stand organized religion.  I’m still trying to figure out just how and when Jesus unwillingly got involved in all political goings on.

Our America is not a Christian country in exclusivity.  We are a melting pot of religions and religious ideologies and not all of them are Christian.  We are Atheists, Agnostics, Baha’i, Buddhist, Confucians, Hindus, Islams, Jains, Jews, Sikhs, Shinto, Taoists, Universalists, Scientologists, Rastafarians, Muslims, Pagans and Wiccans.  And I thank the good Sisters who taught me in Catholic School; they reminded us that not everyone shared our beliefs and that we should accept and respect all religions and all beliefs.

Because I’m respectful of the ideologies and beliefs of others I am labeled a liberal.  Not really, I’m just intelligent enough to realize that not everyone believes in the Jesus and God that I believe in.   I’m also intelligent enough to pray to St. Anthony every time I lose something. He helps me find things. Lots of things!  I’m a Humanist who loves me my Saints!

Thank you St. Anthony for finding my long lost lipgloss. Can you help me find my Alex and Ani bracelets tonight? Can you tell St. Jude I need him for a request…and St. Dympha…

I am a Humanist.  I believe in compassion and empathy. I believe in humility.  I believe in respect and kindness.  I believe in equality. I believe that no one person is better than the other.  I believe that people should be treated with dignity.

And today I am a Humanist who is so very afraid of what will happen to our great country and her people come the day that vile man is sworn into the Presidency.  His companionship with a Russian dictator will have an effect on our country. Good and decent people will suffer. And those who voted for this awful specimen of a human being will also suffer. He is not a Humanist, nor a liberal nor is he a moderate. He is a vicious, deceitful and dangerous man and he built an entire campaign around anger and hate.

I am a Humanist who is asking all my friends on Friday, January 20, 2017 to pray to their God; be it Ra, Yahweh, Mohammed, Bob Marley, Buddha, or Hipster Jesus.  Pray for America. Pray for our people. Most of all, pray for strength—because we are going to have to be strong during the darkest political days to come.

My beautiful country and Liberty Enlightening The World both weep because our great country is about to fall on dark days. What happened to the real America–the America who welcomed and loved and cared? She’s dying..

I Ask you to listen to this song by George Harrison.  The melody is haunting but the words are so incredibly true.  “Beware of Darkness”



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