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A Victorious End to a Busy-as-Hell Week!

It’s been a busy week and I’m thrilled that the weekend has arrived!

I’m always thrilled when the weekend arrives, but this weekend I’m REALLY thrilled! My sons are visiting!

Cookies are baked, and I’ll be getting ready to greet my sons because they are coming to visit today.

What’s better than one Corn Cookie?  A pile of ’em and…

….Chocolate Chip cookies too!  The milk is in the fridge!

This weekend for the boys. Next weekend for Oona.  The reason for the visits?

My birthday is approaching.  62 in three weeks.  More on that to come…

Tonight, the boys are taking me out to dinner and next week Oona will be taking me out—naturally, Bonaparte will be joining us.

We’re going to La Maison in Ardmore tonight. I’ll be reviewing tomorrow. This photo from TripAdvisor is making me very excited!

Something happens when my grown children come to visit.  I get all excited because it gives me a chance to be “mommy” again.  In some ways, it is incredibly annoying to them because I’m like the “Sidler” from Seinfeld.  I won’t leave them alone and I get too close to their personal space!

Remember the “Sidler” episode? Where the guy just popped up thisclosetoeveryone? Yeah. That’s me with the kids! Ask Oona. She’ll tell you how she feels about that!

On the other hand, their visits allow me to go back in time and do things like bake cookies for them. And as much as they are now healthy eaters concerned with each morsel of food that enters their adult bodies, they too, revert to a time of enjoying mom’s home baked goods.

The bread is baking in the oven.  Home baked bread makes for a better sandwich!

Actually, the bread WAS baking in the oven. I just took it out…

Look at that heavenly glow. Give us this day, our daily bread!

And because I was swamped with a ton of work at the office and because I was preparing for the welcome home, I didn’t get to the Weight Watchers meeting on Thursday. Again.

It’s kind of ironic that instead of going to a Weight Watchers meeting, I prepared all this cookie dough instead.  Hey. It makes for easier baking when you prepare cookie dough ahead of time!

I did drop another half-pound, though, so I’m fine.

Last time my scale saw this number, I was losing pregnancy weight!

I’m hoping to get to a meeting next week.

In the meantime, I working on a post that I hope to have ready for next week.  Nancy, one of our Atypical 60 friends, suggested writing about where I shop.  The post is a work in progress.

But, I did manage to get a bit of shopping done at Target yesterday.

Target is a weird store for me.  Luck isn’t with me in their clothing departments.  I think the sting of the “Lilly For Target” sale of two years ago has traumatized me.  Do you remember the infamous Lilly Pulitzer/Target collaboration?  I wrote about it:  Lilly for Target!  It was crazy!

I’m not fond of their shoe department either. Nothing ever feels right.

But every now and then I’ll luck out with inexpensive costume jewelry and inexpensive cosmetics.

Here’s what I found.

50% off fake pearls. How could I resist?  The earrings are adorable!

I’ve never tried Essence mascara but there’s always a first time–and the price was right at $3.00.  The lip gloss, Essence’s “Big Night Out” is only of my favorite colors ever. It is very neutral and was $2.49. I have two backups!

Sadly, I thought this illuminating palette by e.l.f. was cream. It isn’t. It’s powder. All isn’t a failure though, because I’m repurposing this to use as eyeshadows. Can’t win ’em all! But you can try!

And here’s what I managed to wear this week.

Monday’s outfit was lazy dressing. I wore the same thing the day before–it was Sunday so nobody knew. Until now!  I love these pants and they’ve fit me literally through thicker and thinner. I need to have them tailored though!

Tuesday was plaid and denim.  I just didn’t feel like wearing a blazer and figured a denim jacket with be an edgy choice. I’m getting tired of winter clothing…

Wednesday was a kilt with a black turtleneck, black tights and black suede boots.  At the height of laziness, I paper clipped the waistline because it needs to be taken in. I love this kilt so much but it just got too big. I need to send it back to SportKilt for tailoring.

Thursday was navy and tan instead of black and tan.  I love this blazer because of the permanant popped collar. It offered support for that crisp white shirt! 

Jeans Friday had me supporting my favorite baseball team–The Red Sox (I know. I know. I’m a New Yorker. Being a Bosox fan breeds character. OK?) I love me a nice fitting t-shirt! 

The weather is still in winter mode.  It’s not bitter-cold though and I realized that during this entire winter season, the one coat that I wore more than any other item of outwear was my trench coat!  It was a perfect pairing over blazers and heavy sweaters.

I”m telling you, I wore this coat more this year than I ever did. And it’ll be worn the remainder of the spring too!  This was one of the greatest purchases from J. Crew Factory. I think it was from last year or the year before!

Yesterday, was the day that placed my faith back in humanity. The bill to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act, aka “Obamacare” died.

We found out about the good news at the office and we all did the happy dance!

This isn’t because of politicians. (Well, I will thank Al Franken and Bernie Sanders for their non-stop help!!)  It is because of all the noise citizens throughout our country made.  Our country WILL be great—and not because of politicians. It will be great because Americans are now waking up and are becoming vocal.

We the People, are on the way to making America stay great!!

I love that.

How could I not think of the great song by John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band. Power to the People! Right On!


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