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The Best Solution for Giving Back That Luster to Aging Hair!

It’s bad enough that we end up with turkey neck, wrinkles, and saggy bits as we age. I understand that. I don’t necessarily like it, but I can sort-of accept it.

But worse than turkey neck, in my most humble opinion is the fact that our hair ages and nothing is ever done by the beauty industry to address this.

Ohhhh. It gets me so angry that there is no known cure for aging hair–or is there?

Oh yes.  We color our hair in an attempt to make our tresses look the way they did when we were younger. And there are those women who are lucky enough to have hair that has aged gracefully.  The women who can go gray because their gray is lustrous and shiny and thick and dense.  Unlike my gray that doesn’t know which direction or hue to go into.

The majority of us do not have hair that has aged as gracefully or as beautifully as Emmy Lou Harris has! Now that I’m looking at that hair–maybe she’s wearing a wig–after all, it’s perfect!

If you are a regular reader of this blog then you know about my battle with thinning hair and loss.

The hair on my head has traveled to my chin and my toes. Yeah! My toes!!

How friggin’ depressing is it that I now have to shave my toes while the hair on my head keeps falling out!

And even though I still go to see Adam to have my hair trimmed on a regular basis, the days of a weekly blow out are over.  It just isn’t worth the $50 ($40 plus tip) anymore. I simply do not have enough hair. (Although I am getting a blow out next weekend because it is my birthday weekend!). He’ll just sprinkle Toppik on the bald spots and clip one of my toppers atop my head!

So, I started thinking.  And I realized something. The more my hair ages, the more wiry and porous it becomes. It is coarse. It has lost its luster. It has lost 75% of its density. Hell, I’ve lost 75% of my hair!!!


That’s me at a family wedding.  Circa 1994. That head of hair–it’s mine. I liked the auburn color too. That was my  reddish hair stage. I swear I could cry when I look at how thick my hair was!

There is only one solution for this aging hair!

Here’s my hair now.  Receding hairline…

My part is now wider than the Red Sea that Moses parted!

It isn’t big anymore. And I LOVE Bigly hair!!!

View from the back. I sprinkled Toppik a few days back so some of the baldness is covered. It’s disgusting!

Wear a wig!

Not all wigs are fake hair. You can get a human blend or human hair or synthetic. I’m a fan of Yaki texture. It resembles my natural hair!

Why not?  Women get fake titties.  Women get fillers in their faces and Botox the wrinkles away.  Men and women now have surgery to give them the appearance of a six-pack of abs.

This look isn’t me-I’m a bit fond of the paunchy belly I have. I’ve made a game of squeezing my belly fat into my jeans.  Having abs like the ones pictured would make dressing no fun. Where’s the fat gonna go?

So why not wear a head of fake hair?

Where’s the wig love?

Think about it.  For the cost of a professional dye job and cut and blow out, you can buy yourself a head of fake hair.

You don’t have to fuss with it.  Oh, initially, you may have to give the part a tweeze or run thinning shears through the hair if it is too thick for you, but other than that, you just plop it on your head and go!

I picked this beauty up at a local beauty supply shop in Norristown, PA for $19.99…

I spent HOURS blow drying my natural hair for years to get it this smooth..

Fake hair makes you look younger!

My $19.99 head of Yaki Hair. So Thick. So Dense. Windy. I love you!  

You can’t tell it’s a wig.  Although Bonaparte is now Monsieur Bonaparte, Hair Consultant.  He wants me to get a more wavy wig. He doesn’t like the straight hair.  We’re not even going there! Why do Frenchmen have to be so…so…so..FRENCH!

Fake hair gives you the hair you never, ever had.  You’ve never had silky hair?  Well, now you can!

Here’s another beauty I picked up. Her name is “Storm”. Why do wigs have hooker names?  Why aren’t they named Mary, or Margaret, or Margaret Mary?

Lived a life of frizzy hair in the humidity?  A lightweight wig will take care of that one!

I wore Storm today while out and about.  She’s a lace front wig with a more realistic hairline. I cut the lace and didn’t even need to tweeze the part at all. Storm looks different on the package then on me. But I’m liking Storm a lot.  I think I’ll change her name to Mary Catherine.

Going to an event and can’t get a hair appointment—run to your local beauty supply place and purchase an inexpensive wig or ponytail.

Quite honestly, I’ve given up on trying to find solutions for the hair that I don’t have any more and it’s gotten worse.

That’s right! I may be a wrinkled Sack o’ Sh…..But my hair is young, vibrant and youthful. That’s because somebody made this hair!

My hair has aged and I’m making it young again with wigs!

In fact, I’m awaiting three wigs from Divatress to be delivered to my door! I think they will enjoy being a part of me!!


Yessirree!  I want to feel like a Diva–even with names like Windy and Storm!


We are aging.  No shampoo is going to give us our youthful hair back. No conditioner is going to work enough magic to give us baby soft tresses. And no topical product will grow your hair back.

Buy a wig!  It’s fun!

Here’s Nina Simone singing about her true love’s hair.  This is a beautiful performance. She was an enormous talent with a very unique and rich voice..


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