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Leave Me Alone! I’m Tired of Adulting!

That’s right!  At the tender age of 62, I will now admit that today, I am tired of “Adulting”.That’s right.  I’m not being an adult today…

I want to do things like shoot hoops in my driveway–which is what I did when the kids were younger and we lived in New Jersey!

Memorial Day Weekend can be blamed.

We have no plans for the weekend.  I’m now convinced that the “Big Three”—Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Labor Day weekend, are reserved for children, the young, single adults, and families that have not reached the status of Empty Nest!

Yes it is–and I want that wig!!!!

When I woke up this morning, it hit me.  There will be no cookouts.

Bonaparte and I both fear the grill.

Yup!  Fear of the grill is one thing Bonaparte and I have in common. I would rather slave over a hot stove than grill!

There will be no parade action. 

From my years growing up on Long Island in Bay Shore to the years of living in Pennington, NJ,  there was a sense of township pride when it came to events like Memorial Day parades.   When you don’t “adult” you can enjoy these holidays more!

I have no idea what goes on in the town I live in.  I live in a beautiful townhouse community but everyone stays in their own space.   Between work, writing, cooking and all that other stuff, there is no time to discover the nearby downtown area of Phoenixville that I pretty much would like to discover!

Beautiful downtown Phoenixville. Home of “The Blob”! Phoenixville hosts a “Blob Festival” each year! Phoenixville is becoming more and more hip with every new building that is erected.

For now, I’ll rely on my memories of Memorial Day festivities past—especially while I still have my memories as well as my memory!

I may have been born in NYC, but when my parents moved to Long Island, they never realized that Memorial Day Weekend would be the opener for THIS. All. Summer. Long.  I want to go back to that time–luckily I have a ton of great memories!

Bonaparte’s dad is very ill.  He got the phone call a few days ago. Dany fell and broke his hip. At 97 years old, this is not a good thing.  My Frenchman has been on edge.  Selfishly, I hope Dany heals in time for our visit in three weeks.  He has stopped eating and that is what worries me.  What self-respecting Frenchman stops eating???   And Dany’s appetite is the eighth wonder of the world—I know this, I’ve dined with him!

Yeah. THIS guy!  HE’s the adult–not me and I want him to STAY the adult for a while! He can out eat anyone!

There is a backstory here that I’ll keep to myself for now. But in the four years that we’ve been visiting him in St. Tropez, there is never a dull moment.  I want those fun moments back.  Now!!  And yes, I am having a child-like and very immature tantrum about this!  Adulting sucks at times like these!

Is Bonaparte “adulting” with his father??  Truthfully, he was born an adult. I will take the backseat and be the non-adult thank you!

Please allow me to stay in touch with my inner child and go back to when I realized that red was my color!

Speaking of ill, I’m tired of worrying about my health.  The future does not look too good for people like me. I’m talking about those of us in our sixties and above and those on affordable health care which, most certainly, DOES work. I know this.  I pay into it and can get healthcare.

Speaking of NOT wanting to adult, this moron is the acme.  Well, now we won’t even HAVE healthcare –so the complication won’t even exist.  I need to stop now..

Oops!  I slipped into political darkness. Let me get out!

True dat!  I want to curl up with a good book!

Sometimes I just want to curl up in a corner with a delightful book and escape for hours on end with words and my imagination.  My mind’s movie theatre–where I can see words coming to life. Let the cooking and cleaning be the responsibility of someone else for a while. 

This is MY own little corner of the world. My space where I can let go of adulting momentarily.  And YES, I still read Madeline..”In an old house in Paris, that was covered with vines, lived twelve little girls, in two straight lines..”  I can quote the entire book

The ironing awaits me. And as much as I find ironing a very relaxing and Zen experience, while taking a break from adulting, I don’t wanna iron today!

I’ll awaken early tomorrow morning to tackle the pile of ironing.  Today, I just don’t wanna deal!

Yesterday I made a Crème Caramel.  It steamed in a Bain Marie so that Bonaparte could take his mind off of adulting and be brought back to times when he enjoyed his favorite childhood dessert!

Bonaparte’s favorite dessert.  I had none of this–it was made only for him and just for him and there is a sliver left over for this evening…

I burned myself taking the dessert out of the oven and had to take care of the injury myself. I didn’t want to adult that burn. I wanted my mommy! I kid you not!

Looking on the POSITIVE side, at least the blister wasn’t from sunburn!

Hey!  Mom!!  Can you come back to life and take care of me for a day or so????????

Ma!! Can you come back to life momentarily to take care of me for a day?  I’ll be good!

Even though it drove me crazy with the thickness and unruliness, I want my hair back.  Yeah. It’s my fault that it’s gone but I want that chance to stop the pulling and tugging and picking that left permanent damage.  Well—on second thought if I hadn’t pulled and tugged and picked my hair, I could have ended up doing something worse.  Besides. I get to wear cool wigs now!

Actually, the store-bought hair IS the hair I always wanted!  Who am I kidding??

There is a pile of stuff that is half-packed for our upcoming trip to France. More attention is needed on what will be placed in my luggage.  But for now, I just don’t feel like dealing with it!

This pile has doubled in a week!  I’m not dealing with it today!

The sun is shining and I really, really should get in the car and go to the nursery to buy geraniums for the deck—but I can’t be bothered.  Deciding on which pots of luscious, blooming flowers to get is too much adulting for me right now. I want to be indecisive today!

Truthfully,  I could make a simple task such as picking out Geraniums into the most complex, indecisive moment in history. I’ll pass on it until tomorrow.  

And as I sit here, with the contents of a bottle of hair dye plopped atop the locks that are thinning faster than one with an eating disorder, I am looking directly into our living room. And I love what I see.

I see a room in a house that is mine. After losing a home during my divorce, I thought I would never, ever own another home in my life.  And through arduous work, not spending money, and paying off debtors thanks to the stern assistance of one particular Frenchman, I am able to enjoy a structure that is ours!

OK. So the walls need to be painted but that is another ADULT decision that is needed to be made soon and I keep procrastinating!  But I love my chateau!

I also see a dog who is close by—he depends on me and he gives me unconditional love in exchange for food and a belly rub.

I like to think Chippy is looking at me with love for ME rather than what treats I will give him!

You know what?  Adulting really isn’t that bad after all!

In the long run, Adulting is kind of fun–especially when your kids are adulting along with you!

Let me get that ironing done!

Have a wonderful holiday. And remember—it’s ok to not want to adult every now and then!

Happy Memorial Day. Country Before Party!  I want my beautiful and welcoming America back!

Remember that song by Helen Reddy?  Leave Me Alone (Ruby Red Dress)?  Yeah. I was singing the chorus at the top of my lungs before I wrote the post!!


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