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Laura Geller. Are you”Effing” Kidding Me? You Made a Foundation That’s Amazing AF!!

So why aren’t  you marketing it to the older woman?

This is so passive-aggressive.  I love the product but I have issues with the brand…

Read on.

I know, I know.  It seems like lately, I’m on a foundation kick.  But when your skin has been on your body for over 60 years, you need to play around. You need to always be on the lookout for a foundation that’ll be kind in loving your wrinkly and lined face.

Am I right?

I’m gonna tell you what happened this week.  OK?  I got an email from Laura Geller Beauty.  No. It wasn’t for a sponsored post and the company wasn’t “reaching out” to me.  Simply stated—the brand wanted my money.

Anyway, I remembered way back—almost twenty years ago, I had some of Geller’s eyeshadow/liner duos.  One was a gorgeous plum with a black liner.  It was that baked stuff and it was fabulous.

The liner/shadow duo was very similar to this only the plum color was a bit on the cooler side of the spectrum and it was fabulous!  I LOVED it!

I also had a body bronzer from the Laura Geller brand.  This bronzer lasted forever!  And I remember that it was superb.

This is the body bronzer–Baked Body Frosting  and now that I’ve found it again, I’m going to order it.  I’m telling you–this on the legs and you don’t need fake tan. It’s a great winter product!

I also remember watching her on QVC.  I liked her manner because she seemed like a cool lady. She seemed real and down-to-earth.  But, you know, tastes change and somewhere along the line, I forgot about the brand.

Laura Geller. She looks like a really nice woman–the kind you want to dish the dirt with. Know what I mean?

So, when I saw the email my memory, along with my interest, was piqued.  I perused the website.  I saw two products that my attention was immediately drawn to.  Baked Balance-n-Brighten Foundation and Baked Bronze-n-Brighten. And then I had another flashback.  I distinctly remember having one of these products and it was horrific!  It was way too dark on my face and oxidized—turning me into a girly pumpkin.

Interest piqued, I just HAD to go back and revisit Laura Geller’s cosmetics!

Anyway, I decided to do a little detective work in the form of reading reviews.

Wait.  Wayne Goss loves the Balance-n-Brighten.  The Wayne Goss.  If Wayne approves, then this must be some good shit!  And I read more reviews and it seems that Balance-n-Brighten Foundation is a good buy. Did I use the wrong product?  Did Laura Geller change her formula?  Was it time to revisit a product that didn’t work for me?

And Wayne purchased with his OWN money. He wasn’t sponsored. And he recommends!  Need I say more?

I clicked.  I purchased. I waited.

Two days later, I received a small box with the Balance-n-Brighten products and a lip gloss in the color “Skinny Dip”.  The sale lippie brought me to the total of free shipping!

The Skinny Dip Lippie.  You’ll see how it rolled a bit later in the post!

Yes. I tried it at night when nobody could see me. And I was stunned. Wayne was right…Or was he??

Honestly, I didn’t have high hopes for this foundation.  I remember some years ago I tried my hand at bareMinerals powder foundation.  It was a virtual nightmare!  My face had morphed into a cross between the Grand Canyon on a dusty day and the Sahara Desert. It was awful.

I’ll admit.  I cannot live without bareMinerals “Well Rested” for my eyes. But their foundation is a complete miss for me. In every way!

My arid skin did not welcome any power foundation kindly.

So, with no high hopes, and the approval of The Wayne Goss, I tried the Balance-n-Brighten foundation.  It was after dinner and my face was cleansed of makeup but I couldn’t help it. I was impatient and had to try it.

W.T.F.???  I was sure I screwed up the application because my skin looked great.  Something was wrong. I was sure of it. I waited for the foundation to oxidize. It didn’t.

I waited for my skin to start cracking from dryness.   It didn’t.

My emotions were getting the best of me regarding the Balance-n-Brighten foundation!  What would I do?

But I wasn’t sold yet.  I would have to wait until the daytime hours to give it the true test.

Since I was running late to work yesterday, I didn’t have time for a full face so the Balance-n-Brighten remained unused.

Today I did. have the time and I did use the Balance-n-Brighten.

Can I tell you how effing great this foundation is?

Here’s the proof in pics.

The Balance-n-Brighten. It’s also made in Italy, which is a good thing!  It’s a great product!

OK Ladies. Take a good look. Before on the left. After on the right. No shit!  Same light. No filters. No fillers. Wrinkles are genuine. Lines are fine. I would not photoshop. Look at the difference in the color.  Evened out the skin tone. Covered flaws without losing the integrity of my skin’s age.

I used the golden “skinny dip” lippie UNDERNEATH my pink lip gloss.  It gave a nice addition and depth.

The finished face. On our way to Philly.  I took this selfie in natural light. OMG–this foundation is freakin’ incredible.

Wait. I also added the Balance-n-Brighten Baked Bronze–which gives a very light and natural glow.

This is better than my Guerlain Bronzer. Yes. It is. 

So now, with the good comes the not-so-good.

Laura Geller is no spring chicken. I’m not saying that in a bad way either. She has entered the “Older Woman” stratosphere. She is one of us.  She’s an Old Broad.  So then why does she only have photos of young women on her website?

This. On the 20th Anniversary blah blah. Were these women even in their mother’s womb twenty years ago? Where is your ORIGINAL fan base Laura?  Isn’t that more fitting of a 20-year anniversary?

That’s right. Girl. I am calling you out! Here’s a foundation that is “Old Lady”, “Mature Woman”, “Older Woman”, “Mature Skin”, “Old Broad”, friendly and you have women who probably haven’t even given birth yet on your website?

8 hours later and the foundation was still doing a remarkable job…

No cakey texture on this old broad’s face. Nothing digging into the lines. Come On Laura. Market to your target.  We have bucks to spend. Do not forget us!

Even worse is your freaking #beauty2share. ( Click on that link. You won’t believe it.  Not an older woman in sight. And the photoshopping is just so sad. Where are the natural beauties? Where are the OLDER beauties?)  Granted. The women who are sharing their beauty are beautiful. I don’t deny any woman of her beauty. However, how many of these women are using filters and/or have been pumped with plastic and fillers?  How many are photoshopped?

Show us real women!  Show us the older women!  I demand to see a lined face. You owe it to the women who are over 40. And 50. And 60.  Older women use your products too!

Come on Laura. I double-dog dare ya! You have the greatest “effing” (I promised Bonaparte I would curb my language) product that is ridiculously aging friendly and you are hiding it from us.  Girlfriend needs a new ad agency. One that recognizes the older woman!

Come on Laura. I want answers. I want to know why you have created an epic product and you aren’t focusing on the older woman. WTF??????

And that is why I’m on a rampage. Therefore, I’m not making anymore Urban Decay or Benefit cosmetic purchases. These companies are not older woman-friendly.  You all remember the patronizing letter I received from Urban Decay, don’t you?  Here it is in case you are not familiar: It’s a Crisis!

I have recently decided to drop e.l.f. cosmetics from my roster as well.   And since Estee Lauder decided to make younger-than-a-fetus Kendall Jenner their spokes baby, I will never again make a purchase from that brand. We older women need to be a militia in force and show these companies that we are visible and should be noticed!

Laura. You have time to redeem yourself and come out publicly on your website giving love to the older woman. I know you can do this.  You are one of us. Come out of the age closet and be proud!

You can do it Laura Geller.  Come out of the closet and out yourself as an older-woman-friendly brand! We will be loyal to you!

Because there’s a whole demographic group of women who would love you and your Balance-n-Brighten foundation.  It’s an incredible product and it works.

Can I get an Amen??

AMEN girlfriend.  AMEN. Let’s PRAISE the older woman!!

Maybe I can’t get an “amen” but Girl, you know it’s true when I tell you this is a great foundation.  I have Milli Vanilli to prove it too.

Girl, You Know It’s True! I can’t stop thinking about these two guys and the fact that if man buns were around in the 1980’s they would be rocking the look!


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