Site icon Atypical 60

Good Morning! I’m a F&*()ing Mess!

Hi everyone!

Oh, dear God. The video saga is horrific.  As you know, I started a YouTube channel. The channel is named after the blog.  It’s always a good idea to expand the community—especially since I am trying to expand and monetize the blog. Income is needed and I am giving myself until March to try.

Yes!  Yesterday turned out not to be the day from Hello! It turned out to be the day from Hell!

Some people have that Midas touch.  I have the Merdest touch.

True dat!  I have the Merde touch!

So anyway, I was very confident after posting my first video.

I became even more confident and decided to post a video on how to bake bread.  My initial idea was to have a fun video of me going through the steps that I do when I make bread, but with a little fun and humor thrown in. Simple enough.  And I made six little video clips that could be merged together to make one video.

This is how I looked when I started my day.  Take a good look!!

YouTubers do it all the time.  I could do this!

Instead—I couldn’t.  You see, YouTube discontinued their application to merge videos together.

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?  It’s bad enough that my favorite beauty products always end up discontinued—and now freakin’ YouTube discontinues the only element that could have helped me to merge video clips?  And they discontinued it three weeks ago. Three weeks before I decided to make videos. Apparently, since Google purchased YouTube, it’s all about third-party and purchasing Chromebook now.  What a racket!

Now you know why everything I touch turns to merde!

I’m no technical person.  In fact, I’m technically-challenged.  And there are no programs out in cyberland for people who are as challenged as I am.  I researched high and low.  I downloaded one program that turned out to be so difficult that I ended up crying and wishing I had my happy pills back.

Whhhhaaaaaa!!! I’m a SIMPLE person. Therefore I need a SIMPLE program. Is that too much to ask for?

I uninstalled it.

Then I did more research and read about the program Filmora.  Rave reviews about the simplicity of this program made my happy temperature rising. I was pumped.  And so, I purchased the program and installed it.

And at one-o’-clock in the morning, I was sitting at this laptop, tears streaming down my face, sobbing and speaking in tongues because, as easy as the reviews said it was, I was still unable to carry out the simplest procedure of merging videos together. Bonaparte came downstairs, put his arms around me, and I broke down in his arms.  He gently shut my computer off and led me upstairs where I argued with him that I would never get to sleep because I was so wound up.  I fell asleep within five minutes.

Remember that photo of me at the top of the post?  The one where I looked confident and pretty?  Well, this was me at the end of the day!

Microsoft Word discontinued their video merging and I currently stand at a loss.  And the worst thing about it is that I’m so angry now that I can’t focus on anything else.  I need to take a bath. I need to brush my teeth. I need to put deodorant on because I stink to high heaven. If I go another day without shaving my legs, I’ll be able to braid the hair below my knees!  But I don’t care.  I don’t care because I am determined to figure this out if I have to go a week without sleep.

Add to the non-shaved legs, I need a pedicure and a fake tan. I am a hot mess!

And what disappoints me the most is that I wanted this project to be fun.  Filming this stuff is fun. I get a kick out of it.  It allows me to go a step further than just writing.  It brings a voice to my writing. It allows you to see how clumsy I truly am.  And I want you to see that.

So, I’m asking you for the gift of patience while I figure this $hit out. I’m angry with Word for discontinuing a simple procedure. I’m pissed off at YouTube for discontinuing a feature that would have been so easy and so advantageous to a beginner.  I’m upset at Filmora for not having the support that it should have.

Have you ever been determined to do something that it almost drives you crazy?  That’s how I feel right now.  I just cannot understand why something so simple as merging a few video clips together has to be so complicated?

Sometimes progress sucks.

Here’s the first of the videos that I’m trying to piece together. The rest get funnier and informative and Chippy makes an appearance!  So, while I’m trying to figure it out, take a look and enjoy! This is the first part of the YouTube videos I tried to merge.  The rest are in sequential order so you can go over to my youtube channel:  Atypical60

I was smart to pause the video and replay. I wasn’t so smart with the other installments but I’m working on it now. And will work on it until I get it right!

So I just want to thank you for your patience!

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