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REAL Men Don’t Get Mad At God For Chrissakes!

I saw it.  I read about. And I’m still in shock over the subhuman known as Bill O’Reilly.  And no. I shan’t refer to him as a man because he is not a man. He is a filthy pig.

Yeah. He’s angry at God now. Wait till he’s ready to meet his maker.  Karma is a bitch O’Reilly and you’re gonna get it!

This transcends politics—what I’m going to write about.  It transcends politics because it seems that the  a number of the species not of the female persuasion, have lost their manhood.  Oh, hell yes.  They have.

Let’s hope!  O’Reilly, along with OTHER public male figures have made life Hell for women–we know where THEY can go!

We have a president of these United States who has debased women on too many occasions to count.  A pussy isn’t a cat to him.  OK?   A coward who dodged the draft—the draft for the Vietnam war. And then he gets all drama queen about sports figures kneeling during the National Anthem when he cowardly refused to defend our beautiful country, this is NOT a man! He is a cowardly bully.  And that unmanly behavior is supported by millions. And this is about his character–not his politics!

But back to O’Reilly.

Yeah, Bill!  You can go to F.U.!

This is a person with no respect, no regard and no love for any female, whether young girl, woman or transgendered woman.  This is a person who has continuously degraded women, treated them like dirt, threatened them and sexually harassed women.

And he is actually angry at God, our Almighty Father because God didn’t stop him.  What a f&))*ing tool.

Now, I’m Catholic.  And as a Catholic, I have certain beliefs.  These beliefs are mine—and I respect all forms of religious ideologies and non-religious ideologies.  But I don’t respect the “faux-Christian”, phonies who use God as their excuse to hate. Let me make that clear.

The last time I got this upset about this sort of vile and criminal behavior was over Josh Duggar, the fake Christian Fundamentalist and his sexual harassment of women. Remember that?

Remember when I interviewed Jesus over that one?  Let me refresh your memory on that post (click the link)—Me, Jesus, and Josh 

Well, it happened again.  I summoned up my buddy, Hipster Jesus, because I needed to find out how he felt about Bill O’Reilly blaming, God, the Father of Jesus for this bad behavior.

I’m lucky that my buddy, Hipster Jesus, was able to “break” dance away from his friends to see me!

And as soon as I got into my car earlier today to run errands, who do you think miraculously appeared in the passenger seat next to me.  I’ll tell you, after the initial scare, I felt very safe.

That’s right!  I was in the car and you-know-who showed up to talk with me about the scum known as Bill O’Reilly!

Here’s how the convo rolled:

ME:       “Jesus!!!!” “What  are you doin’ dude?”  “You scared the living hell outta me!”

JESUS: “I didn’t have time to send you a sign” “I was dancing with my street friends” “Besides, everyone’s going crazy up there trying to calm my dad down” “He’s the one who’s really angry after what O’Reilly said”

ME: “Yeah—can you believe that?” “Who fu……”

JESUS: (interrupting me) “Yo. Watch your mouth Cathe—my dad is NOT in a good mood because of O’Reilly and it could be a strike against you” 

ME:       “Sorry.”  “But seriously, who says that?????”

JESUS: “A weak person says that” “O’Reilly—he’s weak” “He isn’t a man”

ME:       “OMG!”  “Jesus!” “That’s what I’ve been saying” “He is soooo not a man!”

JESUS:  “A real man and a strong man of character doesn’t blame others for their actions” “A real man takes responsibility and owns up to what he’s done—especially when those actions are wrong and criminal” “He has no remorse.”

ME:       “You know, Jesus, I get really upset because it seems that the real man is a thing of the past”

JESUS: “Hey, look at your sons.” “I watch them all the time and they know how to treat women—and they know how to treat all people—you’ve done a great job” “And what about your husband?” “He treats you like a gem—and he doesn’t get very angry with you when those credit card bills come in—that’s a real man” “Cathe, there are still a few real men out there”

ME: “OK, ok”   “It’s true, I’m very lucky with the three men in my life” “But it just drives me crazy because we have a president who has debased and has carried on abusive behavior toward women” “We have a Republican Congress that wants to control a woman’s body” “And they get all “Christian” in placing religion upon their decisions—like birth control and abortion”

JESUS:  “I hear you on that” “And they do use me and my dad—and sometimes The Holy Spirit, as sorry excuses because they are afraid to come out and say that they want to stop funding because of their hatred for many of the women who need help”

ME: “Look, I know that abortion is a sin for Catholics—but not everyone in our beautiful America is a Catholic or Christian for that matter” “What about Muslims and Jews and Hindus and Atheists and Agnostics” “Don’t they matter?”  “What about America’s founding fathers coming here because they wanted freedom from religion?” 

JESUS:  “Hey” “I wish I could give you a good answer on that—and you’re right” “Their decision is really a crime against religious and non-religious freedom” “I hate to tell you this, but not one of those guys is a real man”

ME: “So what happens?” “We sit complacently while these weak links get away with putting the blame on you, use you as an excuse, and end up walking away without any remorse for their actions?”

JESUS:  “I can’t tell you what’s in store—I can only tell you that right now, hate and the weak have taken over” “There are real men out there—and if you look for the good right now, you will find it” “You’re getting yourself very worked up over a lesser person and it isn’t worth it” “Bill O’Reilly isn’t worth dog piss on a tree on right now—and yes, I said that”

ME:       “Thanks, Jesus” “Say hi to my parents from me wouldja?”

JESUS:  “I sure will” “And I want you and your blog friends to know something—my dad has plans for O’Reilly’s future” “Let’s just say Bill won’t be able to confront God or anyone else because St. Peter has strict instructions to kick O’Reilly’s ass down to Satan’s living room”

Homer Simpson may be happy to see St. Peter, but Bill O’Reilly sure won’t!

ME:       “Thank you, Jesus!!!!!”

JESUS:  “Take care” “I gotta go now—we’re having fish for dinner, and you know what that means!”

Jesus is right.  I need to stop festering on those humans who are not real men.  They are weak.  They are vile and they offer no good to society.  Instead, we need to honor the real men that we know.

You know, a real man treasures woman.  He adores and loves women and respects women.  A real man treats a woman as an equal and a real man is aware that we women are the stronger sex.

And so, today, I am honoring the real men in my life. I’m honoring Bonaparte for his constant support of me.  He came into my life when I was at my lowest point and had a ton of heavy baggage, yet he stuck with me and treats me wonderfully.

My husband!  The best real man I know!  Only a real man would pose for my instagram account to show off his J. Crew jeans!

I honor my sons.  They have always shown respect for women and have never mistreated any female throughout their lives—from childhood to adulthood.  I am truly blessed.

My boys!!   I honor them and I honor the way they treat their sister, Oona, like the princess she is!

And for all of my friends who read this blog—let’s honor the real men in your lives!!!  Give them a shout-out in the comments.

When a tool like O’Reilly opens his big mouth, we need to open our mouths bigger and recognize true men!

Yeah O’Reilly. Deal With It!  Deal With the sexual harassment you handed out and own it you pig!

A great song about Real Men and Joe Jackson’s best! Bill O’Reilly is NOT a real man!

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