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To Start The Memorial Day Weekend…..I Bought a One-Piece Bathing Suit!

It was one of those good days today.  No traffic on the dreaded 422.  My workload was very smooth and not one fax came back with an error.  And the office closed at 2:30. It was just that kind of day where everything falls into place.

It’s that GOOD day! You can smell the grass as it grows.  The Geraniums are blooming. Work is good. No traffic.  These are those gifted days that are so glorious!

And I was thinking about bathing suits.

Now.  If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you are well-aware of my fondness for bikinis and two- piece bathing suits.  It doesn’t matter to me that I have a soft, cushiony, marshmallow-pillow of a gut.  It does not matter in the least that my thighs jiggle like Santa’s bowl full of jelly.  No. I’m past that self-conscience stage of life.

I’m no hard body.  And I’m comfortable in my own skin to wear a two piece.  And there’s a reason for this.

My adoration for two-pieces stems from the fact that I have a long torso and can never fine a one-piece that fits.  They ride up the entrance between the cheeks of my derriere.  A one piece gets all gnarled up in my origin of the world.  And the one-piece usually has a waist that starts way below mine and the top usually makes me look like a porn star because it falls lower than low.

Just another obvious reason I love a good two piece. I can frug!!!

And the last time I wore a one-piece was back in 1993.  Prior to the summer, I had a “thing” taken off my chest—it was the first of many “things” that would be taken off due to sun damage.  And that bathing suit was the most uncomfortable article of clothing I’ve ever worn.

1993. Long Beach, NY. My last one-piece and it was the most uncomfortable bathing suit ever!!!

But this year I am stuck in a conundrum.  I want to protect my skin as much as possible from the sun’s harmful rays.  Let’s face it, the only areas of my body that I want tanned are my arms, legs and face Why botha with the rest of me?

Things are serious when Jim Carey looks better in a one-piece than I do!!

And while I realize that I do fake tan for the most part, I want to get a little natural color after all.  My doctor said I could.

And because my work day went so “swimmingly”, after leaving the office, I decided to drive up the road to the local TJ Maxx.  Perhaps I would have some luck at a bargain price.

Let me tell you, the pickins’ were slim.  I’m always late to the party and headed over to the clearance area.  I did find a couple of two pieces but I wasn’t in the mood for those.  By now, I really had my mind set on a one-piece bathing suit.

I found a red one that I thought was very elegant. In the cart it went.  I found a red, white and blue printed one and thought that it would make appropriate Holiday weekend attire.

And then I saw a bit of bright neon pink sticking out from the bowels of the rack.  I hustled over and plucked her off the rack.  She was adorable!  Scalloped trim top and a bow! And then I saw the tag. Kate Spade.  I saw the price $40.  Now mind you, forty dollars is quite pricey for my swim attire. I don’t think I’ve ever paid that much money on a bathing suit.  Ever.  And when I remembered I had a Visa Gift Card for twenty-five dollars, the bathing suit looked even more adorable to me.

Off to the dressing room I ran.  And began to try on the swimwear.

Who cares if the bits are jiggly and flabby?  This is an adorable bathing suit!

Right off the bat I’ll tell you, there was no way I could get the other two bathing suits up past my waist. They were that short-waisted.  My hope was waning.

But as I stepped into the pink Kate Spade, I noticed that it felt very comfortable and not tight as I moved the stretchy fabric up past my thighs.  The suit didn’t stop at the waist. It actually fit!!!

This bow and neckline did it for me!

Kate Spade must be long-waisted because the fit of this is just perfect.  I checked to see what size it was and it’s a M.  Just a plain old Medium.

This was the deal of the day!  And it fits those of us who are long-waisted!!!

Look to the left. The suits that are hanging up.  They fit absolutely horribly.  I couldn’t even get them past my waist. Who are the swimsuit companies making these for anyway???

After using the gift card, I owed $17—two of which were taxed. I hadn’t realized thatPennsylvania places a tax on swim wear.  Overall, I got a deal!  My tummy, chest and back will be protected.\

Overall, I’m a happy camper–and I love the color!!!!

When I arrived home from work, something else was waiting for me.  I ordered a pair of reading glasses.  An Instagram Ad, stating that Oprah loves these frames, made be go for it.

*sigh* I wish I was as popular as Oprah.  But these Center Stage glasses are the Cathe’s Meow!!

Add to the fact that I really don’t want to go to the beach wearing my good eyeglasses.  I’m afraid that I will either ruin them in the sand or lose them when I fall into the ocean.

My eyesight is so awful and hasn’t improved with age.  To find the best magnifying lenses, I went to Walmart and tried their readers on.  I was a bit depressed to discover that the highest number, 300, worked for me.  May I just say that carrots do not improve your eyesight.

Anyway, I opened the box, saw a nice tweedy eyeglass case and was impressed right off the bat.  When I took the readers out, I was equally impressed.  They are of good quality and not cheaply manufactured.  The frames are huge; and I love that. They are fun.

Ever the sucker for packaging, I love this eyeglass case!  It is so tweedy!

The tortoise shell color gives a very expensive look and the fit is just fine.

Definitely impressed with these frames!!

 If you have an average to large head, these are a great choice.  If you have a very small head with small facial features, these may be a bit overpowering though.

Pardon my crossed-eyes but I’ve been in front of a computer all day!  I do dig these frames though!


These are greatness–and so much fun!

I’m channeling my inner Iris Apfel!

I highly recommend these!  Check out the website for Peepers

Whatever you do, whether it’s in a bathing suit or shorts or whatever—just have a great, great, Memorial Day Weekend!!


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