Happy “Blogiversary” To Me!

It’s hard to believe that one year ago “Atypical60” was born!  So, is it really a Blogiversary?  Or is it more of a Blirthday?  You know what? It doesn’t matter.


I offer all readers a piece of this cake. I’m off carbs and sugar for now so I’ll selflessly not partake. I’m a giver!

All I know is this–my blog evolved.  At first, I was going to concentrate solely on a blog geared to women over 50. But I ended up having so much to complain and vent and rant and rage and advise and boast and reflect and –well just say about nothing, anything, and everything (as well as being unemployed) that this blog is now more of a mixed bag.

However, I still continue to write about ageism, and being an old lady and all that other stuff with a sense of humor.

For many years, I thought about blogging, but finally came to fruition with it when I lost my job and needed an outlet to keep me busy.

Over the last year, I’ve made an incredible amount of friends who read my blog. Hipchick, the first follower, is still following–and I’m so grateful and happy!  I’ve met fellow bloggers who share my same thoughts. I’ve met friends on other continents–and it gives me quite a thrill that this little blog has reached across oceans and seas to give others a laugh.

I try to keep the humor no matter what–because humor is what we all need.

My blog isn’t very deep. It really isn’t intellectual.  It is full of errors that I’m too lazy to correct–but that’s part of my personality.  My “fashion” photos basically suck because I take them myself of me and they are a bit fuzzy, but that’s the realness of it. I’m no “professional” fashion blogger.  My travels are written from the POV of a non-jetsetter.  I save and research before going away. (Ok. I lied. Bonaparte does the saving and research. I just research the sales- I know. I know. I am full of shit. Don’t judge!) I write about food-and my fails and successes.

I’m just a 60 year old lady trying to spread the joy and humor of my life with a Frenchman–kind of like a Franco-American version of  “I Love Lucy”–only it’s “I Love Bonaparte”!

Much to the embarrassment of my kids, I also like writing about them too!

us at whythe

Me with Oona, Jake and Roman. Taken at the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn. The weekend that started my blog!

Anyway, I just want to give a big “Thank You” to all my friends who read my blog–regularly and sometimey.  Thank you-you push me to continue….

..and for your entertainment, here’s the blog post that basically started it all. (It’s my second-ever post, the first post was just an introduction). OH..and some of the pictures are not showing up anymore because I mistakenly deleted the photos–hey, the blog was brand new. Ya live. Ya blog. Ya learn!

The Blog Post that Started It. My Weekend In Brooklyn!

What song could be more appropriate than Paul Tripp from “Birthday House” singing to me!

Paul Tripp’s Birthday House!





About Catherine

Far from perfect, but enjoying life as a non-perfect and flawed individual at 60 years young. I'm still wondering what I'll be when I grow up! The characters in my life's screenplay include my better half. He is a refined Frenchman who grew up in Paris and summered in St. Tropez. I grew up in Long Island and summered in Long Island. I am not refined. My three grown children are also a big part of my life. For their sake, they happily live where their careers have taken them! But I can still mother them from a distance! I write about the mundane. I write about deeply shallow issues. But whatever I write or muse about--it'll always be a bit on the humorous and positive side! It's all good!
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56 Responses to Happy “Blogiversary” To Me!

  1. BunKaryudo says:

    Happy Blogiversary! I first encountered your blog partway through your first year, Catherine. I enjoyed it straight away. I’m looking forward to being with it right from the start of your second. 🙂

  2. Karen Geherty says:

    Happy Blog Birthday. Enjoy reading! Keep it up!

  3. Tejaswi says:

    You and old?? Never. You shall forever be young. Your bullshit meter is just as sensitive as mine, but I daresay that I mean this not as a compliment but as the truth. Young of mind – and don’t you dare get maudlin and nostalgic and peaceful on me now. Rage, rage, against the “lying of the right/trite” 🙂
    Happy anniversary… and I have enjoyed reading it as much as you enjoyed writing it, I suppose. Cath, be good.. and what I really mean to say is, be BAD!!! hahaha…. 😀 Love ya and yore blog…

    • Catherine says:

      Thanks Tej! Oh, I’ll always be a bit on the naughty side–being naughty keeps me young and full of more bullshit! XOXOXO! So happy you like to read my exploits!!

      • Tejaswi says:

        😀 Nope, no bullshit at all. I meant it when I said that you don’t bullshit and that is what delights me most.
        Take care, Cath…

  4. Happy Blog anniversary!

  5. Happy Happy Gf!!! So happy we crossed paths!!! 😘

  6. gk says:

    Well done, keep up the good work, I love your blog, it’s like having a coffee with an old friend. 🙂

    • Catherine says:

      Thanks GK. I will try my best to keep the good works coming. Thank you for saying it’s like having coffee with an old friend–that’s a nice description! XOXOXO!

  7. Happy first year of bloggin ‘ hun !
    verry,berry typical ….route 66 ;);) Josephine . And I’m only 9 years old,sorry,young lady ;);)
    Keeping the good spirits up ,up- it’s a present !
    Have fun ,always !

  8. Haylee says:

    Happy bloggyversary to one very sassy lady, who I refer to as my ‘New York mum’ when talking about blogging friends! 😘 Always a pleasure to read 🙂


    (Hopefully this little graphic works and shows up in the comments but if not, you have a thoughtful collection of coded nonsense in the way of a link!)

    • Catherine says:

      Haylee, Thank you so much! I LOVE that little graphic–it’s so cute-just like you! I’m honored to be your New York Mum my second daughter! XOXOXO!!

      • Haylee says:

        😀 As long as you realise it means you’ll have to make me dinner and sandwiches for lunch if I ever visit your neck of the woods! 😉

  9. spearfruit says:

    Happy blogiversary my dear! I feel very lucky to be one of your followers. You inspire me and make me laugh. XOXO

  10. Happy blogiversary to you and many more happy years ahead.

  11. hipchick66 says:

    I still enjoy every word. I laugh, I cry, I get angry with you! And I’ll be here until the end…but hope your blog and writing never ends 🙂

  12. Susan G says:

    Happy Blogiversary! Your blog is a joy to read. I think it would be a blast to meet you in person!

    • Catherine says:

      Thank you Susan! I’m glad that you are enjoying this little blog! Hopefully, someday we will get to meet and share a cup of cawfee or a nice cocktail! XOXOXO!!!

  13. sdendunnen says:

    Congraultations and a very Happy Blogiversary! I read about your blog on Makeupalley and wanted to check it out. The first post I read was your Kardashian Makeup look and I was hooked! I immediately had to go back and start from the beginning and read all your earlier posts. I’ve tried some of your recipes, beauty tips (who would have thought to use chapstick as a filler – but it works) and also fashion advice (I bought the Kut from the Kloth Jean Jacket) and laughed/cried through every post. Thank you for sharing your life with me! xoxoxo Suzanne

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Suzanne. Oh my god. I’m truly touched and doing the happy dance that you enjoy my little blog and pieces of my life! You made my day. Honestly. You did! How do you like the Kut from the Kloth jean jacket btw? Isn’t it great???? And the Chapstick also protects during the winter!!! I hope you continue to enjoy! Thank you so much! XOXOXO!

      • sdendunnen says:

        I love the jacket! As we are about the same size/shape I’ve been looking for more skirts that you have talked about/posted photos. We were on vacation during Christmas and visited my family in CT and I hit up the stores that you mention and picked up a few to add to my work “uniform” My husband is going through the same age discrimination as you are so I feel your pain! It’s horrible – in the Netherlands people are required to put their age on ther resume so he doesn’t even get a call back!

        I have also been trying to lose weight and started the Keto diet – I think it would be something you love – check out the website Ruled.me – I downloaded his 30 planned meal diet and it’s the easiest diet I’ve every been on – high fat, low carb and medium protein – I have not had a bad meal yet and in the first two weeks I lost 6 pounds! Now only about 20 more to go! good luck xoxox

      • Catherine says:

        I’m flattered and incredibly happy that you were able to pick up a few items for work on my recommendations! I feed for your husband. You know–Bonaparte was telling me the same thing. In France you not only have to add your AGE to a resume but your photograph as well. Can you believe that shit?????????????? It’s incredible. With all the “isms” going on and so many people feel they aren’t getting a fair break, they should know what it is like to be treated like dirt when you are older. And it kills me because the older people have paid taxes and done the right thing for years. ARRRRGGGGHHH!!! I’m gonna check out that Ruled.me website. I’ve been doing a high fat, low carb but I don’t feel I’ve lost weight–it would help if I got a scale! Thanks! XOXOXO!!!

  14. I don’t know what took so long for us to find each other but I sure am glad we did. I look forward to reading more and welcome to the Salon.. Love your sassy blog.

    • Catherine says:

      I know right?????? I happened to read Lynz’ blog and saw your little illustration of that sofa and you had me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad we met! Looking forward to lots of reading your blog! XOXOXO

  15. Little Voice says:

    happy blogversary…I’m so glad I found your blog and am able to share the various topics you explore and explode! Such fun.

  16. calensariel says:

    I SO, SO, SOOOOO disagree with you when you say your blog isn’t deep. There is a depth to what you write that is buffered by humor because sometimes it’s easier to cry than anything else. You totally underestimate yourself, girlfriend! {{{Catherine}}} And happy Blogiversary!!!

    • Catherine says:

      LOL. Thanks so much! Like I say, I’m deeply shallow. But–at times the deepness does travel to my heart and soulful!!! Thank you lovey! XOXOXOXO!!!

  17. Leslie Preston says:

    I feel like I have a new, good friend. So glad we met! Check out “I Breathe I’m Hungry” blog….it’s all low carb, and the gal is a riot.

  18. D. Parker says:

    Happy Blogiversary!!! Cheers and to many more years!!! 🙂

  19. Happy bloggyversary, Catherine!

  20. junedesilva says:

    Joyeux anniversaire!

  21. Arcane Owl says:

    Happy blogiversary!! And nice to meet you. Looking forward to reading your posts.

    Have a great day!
    Arcane owl

  22. Maureen Aupperlee says:

    What’s a morning without Cathy and Coffee! Love your blogs and memories of the Gorman’s Keep it going girl.

  23. Mary says:

    You bloggers are saving me a fortune in magazines, for which my OH is very grateful. I am loving reading what you get up to, particularly why you are I France. Thank you so much for your entertaining blogs. I am with your rants 100 percent. With grateful thanks from fish and chip land!

    • Catherine says:

      Mary! I thank you. And welcome to my world–we will be great friends!! XOXOXOXO!!!

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Mary!! Oh, I’m so happy that I’m saving you a fortune. I’ve all but stopped reading magazines because of their omission of women over 50. Screw that! And thank YOU for enjoying my rants. I could actually go for a bit of fish and chips right now–as long as I can pour malt vinegar all over!! XOXOXOXO!!!

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