Autumnically Incorrect

For many, Autumn is the favorite time of year.  It’s that time when the sweaters and scarfs and boots and all the good articles of fashion and clothing come out of the closet. And drawers.


These are the many reasons that so many people love Autumn.

The cool weather kind of makes everyone feel a bit more alive. I’m not going to argue with that –I like a good hit of cool to cold air against my face when I leave the house for work in the morning.

But I’m one of those people who don’t find Autumn or Fall to be my favorite season nor do I find it to be my favorite time of year.   And just as I’m politically incorrect, I’m also Autumnally Incorrect.


And I CANNOT stand pumpkin spice!!  My mission is to wean all the young girls in my office from this horrid flavor into something more suitable–like Hazelnut coffee!

Autumn isn’t what it used to be. The weather has changed.  I know—we get the cool weather. But it doesn’t get really cool until late October into early November.

I can remember Autumn as a child when it was downright cold in the middle of October.

Autumn meant coming home from school, doing homework and afterwards going outside to meet friends for the short time before twilight beckoned.  And then being home and slipping into fuzzy slippers, pajamas and watching TV as a family before heading up to sleep in a bed covered with layers of blankets and comforters.

I can remember the distinct scent of leaves—whether piled up high in flame-colored mountains or in little hills lined like ramparts in front of the lawns.  After falling from the trees and being raked, that scent was like summertime decaying.  Jumping into a soft pile of leaves was one of the great feelings of Autumn.  Getting up and carefully removing the stray leaves that stuck to a sweater or your hair was oftentimes routine. Finding that perfect leaf of deep crimson or bright orange or golden yellow was like finding a treasure!


I wanna do what he’s doing!

Then there was the scent of burning leaves!  Quite honestly, that is one of my favorite scents of all time.  And I feel bad that my own children don’t share that Autumnal memory with me.  Burning leaves had been banned by the time I even had children.


And when I did become a parent, it was always a great seasonal pastime to get in the car and head out of Manhattan to North Jersey for pumpkins, cider and cider donuts!


Oona with my brother Pete at Tice’s farm in New Jersey. This was the greatest place to pick a couple of pumpkins, get some apple cider and great cider donuts!

When we moved to New Jersey, it was great to walk with the dogs to the nearby lake. It was more fun to spend weeks planning Halloween costumes as the kids changed their minds every day about what I would make for them to wear.


I was a visionary.  I made these “Titanic Drowning Victims” costumes a year before the movie came out!

There was a chill and a comfort at the same time.


Rosedale Park, in Pennington, NJ, was a great place for Dorothy and Ruby to hang.  Look at the love in their faces. Oh my God. I miss those girls so much. The two best dogs that ever lived. EVER!

Maybe it’s me—but this season is an extension of summer these days.  The humidity lingers on.  The trees in my area, the Philadelphia suburbs, are still ninety percent green.  The warming of our climate seems to have delayed Fall foliage. And by the time the leaves do turn color, one good rainstorm knocks them off the trees and we are faced with the monochromatic gray of the coming winter.


That’s it. Overnight the trees seem to become bare!

I’m tired of all the cutesy giphys that have been flooding my Facebook page.


This is NOT my idea of Autumn–this is a cartoon.

I’m so incredibly tired of Pumpkin Spice!  Give me a break already!  Whatever happened to hot cocoa?


Why does this not surprise me? My Basset Hound, Dorothy would have had a FIELD DAY with these–I will not elaborate. Use your imagination. She was a hound!

My home is not decorated for Autumn.  The Chateau is slowly preparing for my greatest time of year—Christmas!

Crooked Tree the never straightened out

Hopefully THIS year we will get a tree that will not be crooked! I can’t wait!

Well, maybe I’m getting a little of my Autumn on! I took the Jack-O-Lantern out of the garage this evening and checked to see if his light still worked. And—Chippy is still petrified of old Jack!


I don’t know why Chippy is so afraid of this friendly face!

I need to replace the Autumn flowers in the living room.  I think I’ll go for deep crimson roses instead.


I’m pretty sure these flowers are going on their third week. Sometimes I’m disgracefully lazy.  I’m just not crazy about the Autumn colored bouquets!

Luckily I can keep my rooster place mats on the dining room table.


But it saddens me when I look outside at the deck.  Bonaparte cleaned all the summer stuff off.  He cut the dead geraniums down. All that is left is the green leaves—the flowers could pop up one last time.  It all looks so barren.


This is so sad. Bonaparte cleaned up the deck and we won’t be sitting out here for a long time!


My geraniums are all gone–but I do love the green foliage!

No more aperitifs on the deck until next May at least!

Summer and Winter. Those are my favorite seasons because I love the extremes.  Truthfully, I don’t mind the extreme heat—as long as the humidity is low.  And I don’t mind the extreme cold either—because I can always get bundled up when I go outside and when I’m inside, I can get cozy on the sofa under a nice warm blanket.

I like extremes.  I’m not an in-betweener. And that’s how I feel about Autumn—and Spring too. They are way to in-between. They are the indecisive seasons.  Seasons that can’t quite make up their minds.  Autumn has nature preparing for hibernation but not ready for it yet.  Spring is awaiting a rebirth of nature—and I equate it with being two weeks overdue during pregnancy—a very impatient time. You want the weather to get warmer—but it just falls short!


Thank you Christopher Stokes for making this ONE Autumnal Giphy that I actually love.  It because I love the feeling of solace looking at this!

But looking on the bright side, I get to watch my favorite Halloween movies!  HalloweenTown (don’t you DARE judge!), Beetlejuice, and Hocus Pocus!!!


Believe me, this Disney Chanel classic from 1998 has managed to keep me entertained for almost 20 years!  Debbie Reynolds should have won an Oscar!


I”ve seen Beetlejuice so many times, I have the script memorized. I dressed up as Lydia one Halloween! Since the movie premiered in 1988, I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve seen it because I can’t count that high!



And the most epic Halloween film of all time..”Hocus Pocus”!  Oh the costumes. Oh the Sanderson Sisters!  I love Sarah Jessica Parker’s look in this film.  If I were a fashion designer I would use her character as my muse!   THIS movie was and still is Oscar worthy!

So what’s your favorite season?  Are you Autumnically Incorrect as I am, or do you thrive in the warmer hued season? I need to know because I won’t sleep well if I am uninformed!


That’s right. I need a good night’s sleep. And I also need my glasses on so I can see what I’m dreaming about!

I listened to The Byrds on the way to work today and remembered just how great they were as a group!


So many memories listening to these guys!

Song Number 4: Pete Seeger wrote it in the late 1950’s, but The Byrds brought popularity to it. “Turn, Turn, Turn”..there is a time for every season–even Autumn!… XOXOXO!!


About Catherine

Far from perfect, but enjoying life as a non-perfect and flawed individual at 60 years young. I'm still wondering what I'll be when I grow up! The characters in my life's screenplay include my better half. He is a refined Frenchman who grew up in Paris and summered in St. Tropez. I grew up in Long Island and summered in Long Island. I am not refined. My three grown children are also a big part of my life. For their sake, they happily live where their careers have taken them! But I can still mother them from a distance! I write about the mundane. I write about deeply shallow issues. But whatever I write or muse about--it'll always be a bit on the humorous and positive side! It's all good!
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27 Responses to Autumnically Incorrect

  1. Bernadette says:

    Catherine, As Will S. would say, “My lady doth protest too much”. A careful read of your post reveals a hidden love of the season.🎃

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Bernadette! LOL! I love to complain–living with a Frenchman has perfected my ability to complain about all things at all time!! XOXOXOXO!!!

  2. Bridget says:

    The only season I do not like is summer – not a fan of heat, and humidity is one of my personal nemeses (?).

    I like pumpkin pie, and pumpkin bread. I see no reason for pumpkin SPICE. The other day I saw Pumpkin Spice Special K cereal, and read that McDonald’s in Japan is trying Pumpkin Spice fries with melted chocolate on them. I tell ya, it’s Armageddon.

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Bridget. Pumpkin pie. Yes. And every Thanksgiving I make a Pumpkin Roulade with Cream Cheese and Ginger Frosting. But the pumpkin spice craze has just gone crazy! I SAW that thing about Japan’s Mc Donald’s. I almost got sick!! EWWWWWWW!!! XOXOXO!!!

  3. hipchick66 says:

    Ahh, Autumn has always been my favorite season (although I strongly dislike pumpkin!). But you are right, the season isn’t what it used to be. The weather isn’t the same, neither are the trees, and where is all the plaid??? Lol. I had to listen to Hall & Oates Fall in Philadelphia after I read your post this morning 🙂

  4. Autumn has always been my favorite season probably since my birthday is November 7th. Where I live, near Houston, Texas, Autumn starts the end of October when the temps go into the 60’s.

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Anne! Sometimes it seems like the Philly suburbs are akin with Texas weather! I had the air conditioning on in my car today! It’s still hot. But I have to admit–not as hot as Texas. My son attended UT at Austin and the weather was hot for a long time!! XOXOXOXO!!

  5. I’ll admit I’m one of the crazy pumpkin folks!!!!! The Creamery just put out their homemade pumpkin ice cream with graham cracker pieces mixed in…I’m Sooooo There!!!! 😄🎃Pumpkin creamer for my coffee…pumpkin spice candles burning in my Scentsy burned…yep..I’m a pumpkin addict 😱🎃

    I love everything autumn…the colors, the smells, the crisp air….what I don’t like it is that it leads to winter…..Id gladly skip over the cold!!!!

    • Catherine says:

      Linda–I’m surprised that you love everything autumn–especially since you love the beach so much! But pumpkin Ice cream with graham crackers is not pumpkin spice! LOL!! You little pumpkin you! XOXOXOXO!!!

  6. doodletllc says:

    I read this post laughing out loud…HalloweenTown…I thought I was the only one to have seen it…and it’s your favorite(!)…my husband heard me laughing and we read your post together…laughing. He never heard of HalloweenTown..Ha! I laughed some more. That’s why women need to band together at every turn…we just get it…But I digress…Actually I love all the seasons…Fall included…gone are the 100 degree days (try some of those on for size..ghastly)…but I agree, Fall has changed…Summer has nudged it a bit…Fall is filled with fun outdoor events (Hello Balloon Fiesta) and nights are cozy inside. Forget the Seasons…it really is all about embracing Life with Gusto! Sending Love, Chile Ristras and Fall Leaves your way. 🙂

    • Catherine says:

      Jeanne! Halloweentown has been a favorite of mine since Oona was younger. There’s nothing like a non-scarey and fun Halloween movie!! I’m glad you got a laugh! XOXOXO!!!

  7. calensariel says:

    Ok, gotta part ways with you on this one. Autumn is MY favorite season for all the reasons you mentioned (except I’ve never really been into Halloween). But those smells and sounds! Oh my! But we can agree to disagree agreeably. 😀

  8. Haylee says:

    Haha, I remember you being disgruntled over your crooked Christmas tree last year!
    I’m afraid I’m an in-between lover. Autumn and Spring are my favourites. But although we have been very lucky here: golden mornings and crisp air. It’s been beautiful so far this year. And I do love my boots!!

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Haylee! So far we had one boot day! I’m getting ready to leave for work. Bare legged. No jacket. No coat. No blazer. The A/C will be on in the car. OMG. That crooked tree nearly ruined my Christmas last year!!! XOXOXOXO!!!

      • Haylee says:

        I have to be honest and admit I’ve gone back to shows today. But it’s hovering around 12-14 degrees at the mo so it won’t be long before they’re on my feet permanently!

  9. Yvonne says:

    Hi Catherine, I am going through my first Northern Hemisphere autumn (fall) and when they say summer finishes after Labour Day – it finishes. I have never experienced separate seasons and now look at my summer clothes and wonder what happened to those hot days only a few weeks away. Last Southern Hemisphere autumn (ie March – May this year) it was regularly 80-85 degrees every day in Sydney until I left for the US late May – yes a few days before Winter. (Though further south and in the “mountains” autumn is more distinct.) I bought a pot of flowers at Giant and it did not even register that they were autumnal until I saw your photo. I did notice all the pumpkin spice and actual pumpkins everywhere though missed the Tampax. Christmas is my favourite time of year too, and although we arrived here with really only personal items, I brought a few Christmas decorations with me. Your brother looks so much like your Dad and the Titanic costumes are great. Once again a perfect song from a fantastic band. Also I must look out on the telly for those Halloween movies.

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Yvonne. See, I still think the weather is still kind of hot for fall! I want really cool weather to arrive. LOL–my brother Pete is a dead ringer for my dad! And seriously–you HAVE to catch those Halloween movies!!! XOXOXOXO!!!

  10. Momcat says:

    OMG…Pumpkin Spice Tampax!! Show those to the youngin’s at the office and they will definitely swear off those disgusting PS lattes:)
    Here, north of the 49th (that would be Canada) we are preparing for the possible influx of our American cousins (depending on who takes the throne in your fair country in November) by entertaining Fall temps in the mid 80’s today. October 6…and we might get to wear our bikinis for Thanksgiving ’cause we do that this weekend! Isn’t that something to look forward to!
    Seriously, have to agree that as much as I find the trees very pretty it is also a reminder of the dark days ahead, I live in Ottawa the second coldest Capitol City in the World next to Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia although we get more snow:( With the weather change and all I just look at September and early October as an extension of summer. We were swimming at my friend’s Quebec lake cabin last Sept 29 and same for the year before.
    Fashion wise it sucks too. I have all these autumn suitable boots and sweaters which are too warm for the current weather and won’t work when the weather cools down because we seem to go from 80 to -0 overnight with 2 feet of snow! Last year for a truly bizarre switch we had alarmingly warm temps on Christmas Eve, I am talking shorts weather. Within 48 hours the temps had plummeted and we had a huge, traffic stopping, over your boot tops dump of snow!
    That’s why I wear a red parka..won’t take long to find the frozen body in the snow bank….

    • Catherine says:

      BWAAAAAAAHHH. MOMCAT! I have a red parka but it isn’t to find the frozen body! I am tempted to buy a box of those pumpkin spice tampons, cut the strings off, sprinkle them with brown sugar and watch to see if anyone eats them. I can be dastardly! Bonaparte loves Canada–especially Quebec and Montreal because he can speak French (even though it is a bit different from Canadian French) and people understand him. Not like here in the States–but he refuses to go to Canada during the frigid winter. My kids LOVE Canada. I am itching to get there. Especially if the loudmouth becomes POTUS. A month away and our fate will either be guaranteed fine or we will be ready to sing the “Volga Boat Song” as our national anthem. I need to stop! Today was the second day in a row that I drove to and from work with the A/C blasting!!! XOXOXOXO!!!

  11. Momcat says:

    forgot to mention Hocus Pocus is my all time fave Halloween movie! Those three sisters Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy are hilarious…remember the vacuum cleaner broom ride?

    • Catherine says:

      Oh. Momcat. I remember EVERYTHING about that. My daughter was young at the time and tried to ride MY vacuum cleaner! I still think SJP looked the best she’s ever looked in that movie. I want Hocus Pocus to do a Part II! XOXOXO!!!

  12. junedesilva says:

    Ah! The Byrds… Your post made me think of one of my favourite French poems: ‘Chanson d’automne’ by Verlaine. I had to study it but I’ve never forgotten it. Have you ever come across it? I can just imagine B reading it in a wonderful French voice!!!

  13. Momcat says:

    Since we are waxing lyrical about this time of year here is the original version of September Song
    In French. It was written by Gilbert Bécaud and famously resung (en anglais) as a romantic ballad by Neil Diamond. The original French version was not a romantic song but it was a homage to this time of year. It was a favourite song of a favourite person who’s favourite month was September. He grew up in Paris, this song reminded him of his childhood love of the seaside…my dear friend passed away last Christmas but he sent me the words of the song last Fall. This year I have played it often in his memory. Ok, ok I know it’s octobre all friggin’ ready😳
    C’est en septembre
    Les oliviers baissent les bras
    Les raisins rougissent du nez
    Et le sable est devenu froid
    Au blanc soleil
    Maitres baigneurs et saisonniers
    Retournent à leurs vrais métiers
    Et les santons seront sculptés
    Avant Noël

    C’est en septembre
    Quand les voiliers sont dévoilés
    Et que la plage tremble sous l’ombre
    D’un automne débronzé
    C’est en septembre
    Que l’on peut vivre pour de vrai

    En été mon pays à moi
    En été c’est n’importe quoi
    Les caravanes le camping-gaz
    Au grand soleil
    La grande foire aux illusions
    Les slips trop courts, les shorts trop longs
    Les hollandaises et leurs melons
    De Cavaillon

    Mais en septembre
    Quand l’été remet ses souliers
    Et que la plage est comme un ventre
    Que personne n’a touché
    C’est en septembre
    Que mon pays peut respirer

    Pays de mes jeunes années
    Là où mon père est enterré
    Mon école était chauffée
    Au grand soleil
    Au mois de mai, moi je m’en vais
    Et je te laisse aux étrangers
    Pour aller faire l’étranger moi-même
    Sous d’autres ciels

    Mais en septembre
    Quand je reviens où je suis né
    Et que ma plage me reconnaît
    Ouvre des bras de fiancée
    C’est en septembre
    Que je me fais la bonne année

    C’est en septembre
    Que je m’endors sous l’olivier
    I am sure you’ll understand but, just in case, a translation of the last part : “But in September, when I return to the place where I was born, and that the beach recognizes me and open its arms like if it was my fiancée, it’s in September that I celebrate the whole year. It’s in September that I fall asleep under the olive tree.”
    I guess it is a love song after all❤️

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