Week Election. I Mean Eleven. You Won’t Believe What I Stress Ate!!

Well, it’s been some helluva week.  I’m still sad. I’m not in shock—that’s worn off, but I’m saddened that my girl Hillary won the popular vote and Trump ended up President.  Let me not dwell!

But on another note, I envisioned the meeting of the Class Act Michelle Obama and the Crass Act Melania Trump.   The conversation may have gone something like this..


I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during THIS meeting!!

Michelle:  “Melania, would you like to see your closet?  It’s pretty well constructed and very roomy for all the clothing you will be wearing during your time as First Lady.”

Melania: “Mee-shell”. “Vat I need clah-sit for?” “You know who I am?” “I nekkid model” “I nekkid ack-tress in porn vid-eow!” “I veer no-sink—you silly girl you!”  “I veer za fish net outfit that Donalt like”  “But you nice—I need empty corner in clah-sit for box I came in ven Donalt mail-order me” ” I don’t need for clow-tink” ” I keep box in clah-sit if Donalt vant to sent me back to Slovenia where I vill be star!”

Michelle:  (Looking at Melania in wonder).  “I’ll take you downstairs to see where the good China is kept”  “You will need the various sets of China for the dinners you will be serving.”

Melania: (Looking at Michelle as though she’s crazy) “Oh Michelle—you silly girl” “Donalt say no such sink as good China” “He say China only good for cheep product and take out foot” “I no eat dough becaws Donalt don’t like me fat” “He vant me sexy to run in Vhite House nekkit”. “He say as First Led-ee dat I be 11-not 10!”

And that pretty much sums up how I think our First, Slut, Tramp, not much of a, Lady will be.  All those fundie men will be naming their hands after her—if you know what I mean!

I’m down another pound—but it’s a strange pound indeed. It fluctuates. Depending  on what I’m eating I could stay at 150 or go down as low as 148. The thing I have to focus on now is maintaining a steady weight while losing those last ten pounds!

One day a two ounce difference. The pic on the right was taken before I had a pedi!

I’m also getting to the point where I really don’t miss the desserts. I’m not baking and it’ll be a challenge as the holidays draw near.  But, I did manage to have dessert this weekend. The second dessert in 11 weeks.  I cut it in half so that I could enjoy one half on Saturday and another on Sunday.


Bonaparte’s dessert is the healthier one with the raspberries. I went for the chocolate but cut it in half to enjoy it twice!

And in keeping to a relatively healthy menu, I made a chicken tajine last Saturday night.  The Moroccan stew is so flavorful and aromatic and very comforting on these cooler nights.  My strategy—serving my food on a smaller dish.   The optical illusion makes me think I’m eating more!


All these great flavors and aromatics marinating made for a great meal!


And placing a serving on a smaller plate works wonders for the mind!

Saturday also brought a pleasant surprise of jeans in a smaller size.  THIS is inspiration for the loss!


My smaller sized jeans. I am loving these so much!!!

I’ll tell you, last night I was just so damned depressed, stressed and upset that I didn’t even want the beautiful salad Bonaparte prepared for me. And I felt awful about it too—but not awful enough that I told him all I wanted was pasta to make me feel better after the result of the election!  He “got” me!  I had the salad this evening and last night I stress ate on…

A Weight Watcher meal!!  Yeah. WW Pasta, Ricotta and Spinach. Worth every one of those 9 Points!  I am actually amazed that I went from shoving any sort of bread, pastry, and baked good into my mouth to calm the nerves to a Weight Watcher Meal. Hell has frozen over ladies!


I never thought THIS would take the place of chocolate syrup poured over ice cream and topped with chocolate chips and whipped cream–and salted walnuts!  But it did!!


I know. It looks AWFUL–but it tasted so divine!!

Ok.  Let’s get on to what I wore this week—and let me tell you, I’m starting to love dressing again.  Come with me to my clah-sit and vee pic out the clow-tink! Just like Melania vill do if she vear da clows!


This was last Friday’s jeans day outfit. Very comfy. The jeans are old 1969 ones fro GAP. If you notice, I still have wide hips and that’s fine. I don’t want to lose any more than ten more pounds!


Monday was nice and crisp and I wore my new SportKilt in a smaller size. This is a medium and fits beautifully. I paired the skirt with thigh-high boots, tights and a textured cotton turtleneck sweater from J. Crew that was purchased a couple of years ago!

This is my “Election Day” outfit. See those corduroy jeans?  I got ’em at Gap about four years ago for ten bucks and they never fit me–until now. I dug my way through the garage to get these out of a plastic bin. I love them. They have a hint of stretch and I wore them with a very ladylike shell and cardigan set–from J. Crew!  


And yes. I DID wear shoes to stand on the line to vote! But, I just can’t stand socks!

ootd-wednesday-somber-studyUh oh! This is what I wore for the day after. It was a sad day after the election for me so I went with a somber look.  Old black boots. And old pair of J. Crew Pixie Pants and a shirt that is at least 6 years old.   One of the few pics of me not smiling. I do not like that look. I much prefer to smile!

week-eleven-029Ok. Today I’m happier!  Why? Because the blue pants that I can’t even remember HOW many years ago I purchased can FINALLY be zipped all the way up. I had been wearing them with tunic tops to hide the two inches that couldn’t zip. I wore them as regular pants today!  It was also a happy day to wear a button down shirt under a sweater for the first time in a long time. The shirt is also an incredibly old one that I couldn’t button for a long time and now I can. My Little French Hen is very happy too!

As an aside, I ran out of the awful L’Oreal eyeliner I was using and rummaged through makeup I had but never used. Pays to be a hoarder sometimes. Anyway, I came across this Lights, Camera, Lashes eyeliner by Tarte. It’s GREAT!!  And the thinner pen makes a nice line as you can see on my crossed eye!  Thought I would give this liner a shout-out because a decent liner is difficult to find sometimes!

That’s about it for today! The weight is still coming off but at a slower pace. What motivates me is that clothing is fitting me again.  I’m also not looking to food for solace (the election being the exception)!!

All this weight talk for weeks has me thinking about one of my favorite songs by The Band. The Weight!!  Enjoy!! Robbie Robertson is total eye candy!

About Catherine

Far from perfect, but enjoying life as a non-perfect and flawed individual at 60 years young. I'm still wondering what I'll be when I grow up! The characters in my life's screenplay include my better half. He is a refined Frenchman who grew up in Paris and summered in St. Tropez. I grew up in Long Island and summered in Long Island. I am not refined. My three grown children are also a big part of my life. For their sake, they happily live where their careers have taken them! But I can still mother them from a distance! I write about the mundane. I write about deeply shallow issues. But whatever I write or muse about--it'll always be a bit on the humorous and positive side! It's all good!
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24 Responses to Week Election. I Mean Eleven. You Won’t Believe What I Stress Ate!!

  1. You look fabulous. Be very proud of yourself. Losing weight is HARD!

    • Catherine says:

      Thanks Nelson. It IS hard..but there comes a point when you just have to do it.And after a while it pays off when clothing starts to fit! Thank you so much!! XOXOXOXO!!!

  2. mareymercy says:

    Looking good mawma!

  3. Redabuk says:

    Love you Catherine. I look forward to your words and sense of humor everyday, and tell my friends about your wonderful blog. Thank you!

    • Catherine says:

      Thank you Red! Huge Thank you! I need your encouraging words right now because this election has gotten me so crazy that I’m now speaking in Melania’s accent to Bonaparte!!! I just may drive over to Amish country in Lancaster and get her some modest duds so she can be more relatable to the women who voted for her filthy husband!! XOXOXOXOXO!!!

  4. KB says:

    The Cheshire pound that keeps appearing and disappearing is probably water weight in response to the amount of carbs you ate. Eat carbs and your muscles hold onto the fluid, ditch them and your muscles ditch the water. So you could eat an equal number of calories but weigh more or less depending on how the carbs affected your insulin levels. ☺️

    • Catherine says:

      Hi KB. Thanks for that info. It never crossed my mind that carbs actually acted like a sponge to soak in the water. I am going to challenge myself this weekend by trying to steer clear of any carbs that pass my way!!! Thanks! XOXOXOXO!!!

  5. Ruth says:

    Many of us in England share your horror at the election result. But I feel a little uncomfortable with your mockery of Melania and her accent. So far she has not had the opportunity to show character – let’s be sisterly and give her a chance. Michelle is a hard act to follow.

    • Catherine says:

      HI Ruth. I welcome your thoughts on this. But, here in the States, we had the opportunity to see Melania literally plagerize a speech that Michelle Obama made a couple of years back–and no apology. We also got to see Mrs. Trump lie about her education and as women we saw and heard the worst–she dismissed her husband’s vile words against women and our body parts as “locker room talk”. She receives no mercy from me until she begins to develop a mind of her own.
      As far as the accent goes–I write in Bonaparte’s French accent all the time. I write in my New Yawk and Lon Guylind accent as well. If it were not so hard to write in “brogue” I would do the same when writing about my own relatives. It is all in fun. I try to keep the humor going. We need to laugh at ourselves from time to time. SNL’s Secily Strong does a great Melania accent–and I’m sure she will be continuing it. From my heart–it’s all good! XOXOXOXOXO!!!!

      • Ruth says:

        I guess you in the USA have had more opportunity to get to know her than we have in the UK. I wonder how much control she has over her public pronouncements, or whether she says and does what she is told? However, she has made that choice. I feel sorry for any woman shackled to a man like Trump. It would certainly be good to see her develop a mind of her own.
        I love your blog, and your forthright views, so please view my comments as dialogue, and in no way intended as criticism

      • Catherine says:

        Ruth! Oh..I would NEVER consider your comments as criticism! It’s pure opinion and dialogue. That’s what makes our group so great! We can say how we feel at all time!! But yeah. It was incredibly daunting to see this woman just dismissing his words and actions. It just made me realize that this woman wants fame and power just as much as he does. It’ pathetic! XOXOXOXO!!!

  6. Adryana says:

    The conversation between those two ladies was hilarious! 😂 Well done! 👌😎
    I love the yellow skirt! Few years ago I had just like that one but red. I wonder what did I do with it… It’s probably somewhere in the clow-set with ot-heer clov-thees lol
    Who am I kidding, I have probably kind of the same thick accent 😂😂😂

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Adryana. I’m very happy you found my conversation with good humor..it was intended that way. Oh..and speaking of accents, if you heard me “tawk”, you would have to “lissin” very “caa-fill-ee” because I speak New Yawk-eeze!! Glad you enjoyed!!! XOXOXOXO!!!

  7. Bridget says:

    OK your “conversation” made me laugh out loud, and I appreciate it very much! (One of the few things I’ve appreciated in a humorous way in the past few days.)

    Also – that pasta dish looks really yummy to me, and I wish I had some right now.

    Congrats on doing so well! I fear that this week will not have been a good one for my attempts, but nonetheless, I’m gonna keep going. 🙂

  8. Miss Bougie says:

    Very funny post, Catherine. Poor Melania, though. I don’t think she signed up for any of that when she got married. Her little boy seemed very uncomfortable, standing in the limelight next to his Dad.
    Mes condoléances for the election results. America and the rest of the world, will have to live with that for the next 4 years, so let’s hope for the best. Let’s hope his advisors will be more measured in speech and action.
    The world as we, the older generation, know it, is very likely coming to an end. Brexit, Trump and, maybe but hopefully not, Marine Le Pen in France. People are turning inward and shutting the other(s) out. Not a reassuring prospect.

    And congrats to your weight loss. Next week will be veggies and soup for me. I’ve put on weight with all that American food.

  9. vavashagwell says:

    i think you are adorable in your cute wardrobe. I’m past the shock and sorrow part of the grieving process and am in the anger part – and I’m coping with that by contacting my congressmen to begin pushing to eliminate the electoral college. Until this is done, we will continue to be vulnerable to having someone elected without the POPULAR VOTE.

  10. LA CONTESSA says:

    I have done a smaller version of YOUR POST on my BLOG……..THE VINTAGE CONTESSA.NET
    I have ended with YOUR POST on HEALING from the election.
    I had to RANT A BIT TOO……….NOW lets keep losing weight and buying MORE MAKE UP we NEVER USE!
    BONOPARTE is so GOOD to YOU!

  11. angelin2014 says:

    Congratulations! You have really been strong these past weeks, facing temptation bravely! Myself I will start AGAIN on Monday, hoping to be stronger this time and with a trip to Lisbon on the horizon (in Feb), maybe I´ll succeed. But if not, I can always wear floaty dresses and kaftans, hehe.
    When speaking of Mrs Trump I remember an interview our own Swedish glamour-model (why are they glamour models when they do nude and porn videos, whats glamourous about it?) Victoria Silvstedt on the telly maybe two years back. She told a story about how she shared a flat with M and was asked to go on a date with two American businessmen, and joked that she could have been mrs T if she hadn´t found him kind of disgusting (good for her). She also hinted that money was the reason for dating and even marrying a man like DT, which I would have a word for. But I AM a lady…

  12. No doubt Melania has her cross to bear. Let’s respect her as woman who has her own demons to grapple with. And you are right, Catherine – if you are up there with the “president” you have to be prepared to deal with some criticism and even derision, but don’t lets have these people drag us down to their level.

    • Catherine says:

      Hi Maddy. Eh. If Melania had respect for all the other women in this country or worldwide, she would have never lowered her husband’s vile words toward our body parts to that of “Locker room talk”. No. I do not respect a woman who’s claim to fame is soft porn or nude photos. And trust me–I’m no prude!! If she comes out as her own women and as a woman of substance, by all means, I can change my mind. But I don’t foresee that happening any time soon!! XOXOXOXOXOXO!!

  13. Yvonne says:

    Love The Band. Great play on words Catherine and still the wait goes on for a female President. Robbie Robertson is very cute and Coppola’s filming with multiple cameras unusual for 1978. Although I have never seen the movie my friend had the double album and I had the No Nukes double. In those days you had to wait for the Australian pressing of any album which took up to couple of months from release unless you bought from an import shop which was really expensive. Such wonderful memories. Thank you.

  14. Annmarie says:

    Catherine, as usual, I so enjoy the laughs and shared info from your blogging! I haven’t been able to catch up with your blogs, but, I usually make sure I read them as often as I can! Thanks for the inspiration of your weight loss journey – you finally got me Kickstarted too! I share in your grief over the election.. Not sure I will be recovering from this mourning until the 4 year sentence is up!

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